Common Marmoset

Common Marmoset

name = Common Marmoset
status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1

image_width = 200px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Primates
subordo = Haplorrhini
familia = Cebidae
genus = "Callithrix"
subgenus = "Callithrix"
species = "C. jacchus"
binomial = "Callithrix (Callithrix) jacchus"
binomial_authority = (Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Marmoset ("Callithrix (Callithrix) jacchus") is a New World monkey. It originally seemed to only live on the northeast coast of Brazil. It was recently found also in southeast Brazil.


The fur of the Common Marmoset is grey. The most distinguishing characteristic is the white tufts of hair which surround the ears, which lend it another common name, the Cotton Eared Marmoset. A white mark is on the forehead and the face is hairless. The long tail is grey-white. Common Marmoset adult size ranges from 14 to 18 cm and they weigh approximately 400 g or 14ounces


Like all callitrichines, Common Marmosets are diurnal. Their habitat ranges from the edge of forests into the deep forests, but they also appear in fields. They can run swiftly along the branches of trees and are also excellent jumpers.


The diet of the Common Marmoset consists of insects, spiders, small vertebrates, bird eggs and tree sap. They spend 25-30% of their time budget searching for food.

Behavior and reproduction

Common Marmosets live together in family groups of four to 15 animals, usually mated adults and their offspring. These groups inhabit territories of 300,000 square metres. The groups have a strict ranking, ordered by the dominance and aggressive behavior of the group leader.

Common Marmosets have variable mating systems: monogamous, polygynous and polyandrous. All adults and subadults share in the care of the young. After an approximately 150-day gestation, the female typically gives birth to twins, though up to four offspring have been observed in captive settings (larger litters suffer higher mortality rates). Compared to adults, the young animals are very large. Newborn twins together are 20 percent to 27 percent of the body weight of the mother, and it is assumed that the cooperative care of young helps counter some of the high costs of raising twin offspring. Males can mate after about one year, while females aren't fully mature until about 20 to 24 months.


The life expectancy of the Common Marmosets in the wild is about 10 years, although some living in captivity have lived to 16 years.


* Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern
*MSW3 Groves|pages=131

External links

* [ Primate Info Net "Callithrix jacchus" Factsheet]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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