- Boston University School of Law notable alumni
A list of
Boston University School of Law notable alumni follows below in alphabetical order.Notable alumni
* Nathan Abbott, LLB 1881, founding Dean of
Stanford Law School
*Lincoln C. Almond , 1961,Governor of Rhode Island
* Ruby Andrew, JD 1992, Director ofUSAID Indonesia legislative education project
* Armand Arabian, JD 1961, Associate Justice of theCalifornia Supreme Court
* Carolyn Arch, LLB 1963, first African-American women appointed Assistant U.S. Attorney in the State of New Jersey
*Consuelo Northrup Bailey , LLB 1925, first woman elected aslieutenant governor in the United States
*F. Lee Bailey , LLB 1960, 1966, disbarred criminal defense lawyer; representedO.J. Simpson , among others
* Jennie Loitman Barron, LLB 1913, LLM 1914, first woman appointedassociate justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court
* Robert T. Belton, JD 1965, Professor of Law,Vanderbilt University . Nationally prominent civil rights attorney, Assistant Counsel with theNAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund , partner in one of the first racially integrated law firms in the South
* Carolyn Berger, JD 1976, first woman Justice of theDelaware Supreme Court
*Albert Brown , JD,Governor of New Hampshire
*Fred Brown , JD,Governor of New Hampshire ,U.S. Congressman
*Edward W. Brooke , LLB 1948, LLM 1949,Attorney General of Massachusetts ; first African American elected to the Senate by popular vote; one of only five African Americans to serve in theUS Senate ; awarded thePresidential Medal of Freedom .
* Thomas E. Burke, LLB 1896, Olympic gold medalist in the 100- and 400-meter running events.
*William M. Butler , 1884,U.S. Senator (MA)
* Clara Burrill Bruce, LLB 1926, first African American woman to join alaw review ; the first African American Woman to be elected editor-in-chief of alaw review
* Norman S. Case, LLB 1912,Governor of Rhode Island and theProvidence Plantations
*Martha M. Coakley , JD 1979, Massachusetts Attorney General (2007-Present), District Attorney forMiddlesex County, Massachusetts
*William S. Cohen , LLB 1965,U.S. Secretary of Defense andUS Senator fromMaine
*Warren A. Cole - founder ofLambda Chi Alpha , one of the largest social fraternities in the United States
*Paul A. Dever , JD,Governor of Massachusetts
* Judith Nelson Dilday, JD 1974, first African American to serve as acircuit judge on the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court
*Samuel Felker , JD,Governor of New Hampshire
*Ivan Fisher , LLB , A prominent Manhattan lawyer
*Michael F. Flaherty , JD 1994, President of theBoston City Council
* Austin Barclay Fletcher, LLB 1879; 1880 Prominent New York lawyer and Boston University Trustee. Namesake ofThe Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy atTufts University .
*James C. Foster JD 1976, is the chairman and chief executive officer ofCharles River Laboratories, Inc.
* Frank H. Freedman, LLB 1949, LLM 1950, Senior Judge of theU.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts
*Richard W. Graber , JD 1981, the United States Ambassador to theCzech Republic .
*Judd A. Gregg , JD 1972, LLM 1975, U.S. Senator,Governor of New Hampshire
* Jane Wallis Gumble, JD 1981, director of the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
* Emanuel Hewlett, LLB 1877, first African-American graduate of BU Law, argued the "Shipp" case, the first and only criminal trial at theU.S. Supreme Court (1906)
*Jeff Jacoby , JD 1983, "Boston Globe " opinion/editorial columnist
* Byron B. Johnson, LLB 1873, first mayor ofWaltham, Massachusetts
* Dr. Barbara C. Jordan, LL.B. 1959, first African-American woman elected to theU.S. Congress from a southern state, awarded thePresidential Medal of Freedom in 1994, first woman to deliver akeynote address at theDemocratic National Convention in 1976
* Edwin B. Jourdain, LLB 1888, helped found theNiagara Movement , which led to the creation of theNAACP
*David E. Kelley , JD 1983, Emmy winning television producer
* Takeo Kikuchi, LLB 1877, founder and first president of Tokyo’sChuo University
*Gary F. Locke , JD 1975,Governor of Washington , and the first Asian-American governor in the mainland U.S.
*Maria Lopez , first Hispanic appointed a judge in the Massachusetts, current television jurist on the U.S. syndicated television show Judge Maria Lopez.
* J. Gray Lucas, LLB 1883, Assistant U.S. Attorney of Cook County (Illinois), the first African-American to serve as assistant corporation counsel of the City of Chicago and assistant recorder of deeds in Cook County
*Sandra L. Lynch , JD 1971, first woman judge appointed to theU.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
*Elizabeth (Sadie) Holloway Marston , LLB 1918 - co-creator of the comic book character, "Wonder Woman "
* William C. Matthews, LLB 1907, played football andbaseball forHarvard University ; seen by many as theJackie Robinson of his day
*J. Howard McGrath , LLB 1929, SixtiethAttorney General , 1949-52U.S. Senator , 1940-45Governor of Rhode Island .
*Thomas McIntyre , JD,U.S. Senator (NH)
*Jordan Mintz , JD, Enron Whistleblower
* Howard J. Moore, JD 1960, Civil Rights Attorney, representedJulian Bond andMuhammad Ali , attorney forAngela Davis during the Free Angela campaign of the early 1970s
*F. Bradford Morse , LLB 1949, director of theUnited Nations Development Program
*Shannon O'Brien , JD 1985, first woman to hold the office oftreasurer and receiver general of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
* Bettina B. Plevan, JD 1970, president of theAssociation of the Bar of the City of New York
* Leila Josephine Robinson, LLB 1881, first female law school graduate in Massachusetts and first woman admitted toMassachusetts bar
* Arthur Prentice Rugg, LLB 1886,chief justice of theMassachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
* William Russell, JD,Governor of Massachusetts
* Emma Fall Schofield, LLB 1908, first female assistant attorney general in theCommonwealth of Massachusetts
*Sabita Singh , JD 1990, first judge of south Indian descent in theCommonwealth of Massachusetts .
*Robert T. Stafford , LLB 1938; HON 1959, U.S. Senator, father or theRobert T. Stafford Student Loan (Stafford Loan) program, theRobert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) and co-sponsored theWilderness Protection Act
*Juan R. Torruella , JD 1957, first Hispanic to serve on theUnited States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
*Robert Upton , JD,U.S. Senator (NH)
*David I. Walsh , JD,U.S. Senator ,Governor of Massachusetts
* Clifton R. Wharton, LLB 1920, first African-AmericanForeign Service Officer in theU.S. Department of State ; the first black diplomat to become ambassador by rising through the ranks of the Foreign Service rather than by political appointment; and the first black diplomat to lead a U.S. delegation to a European country.
*Avon Williams , LLB 1947; LLM 1948, prominent civil rights attorney and Tennessee state senator
* Butler Roland Wilson, LLB 1883, co-founder of the Boston branch of theNAACP ; branch president from 1926 to 1936; national board of directors in the 1920s.
*Myrth York , JD 1972,Rhode Island State Senator , first female chair of the Senate Health, Education and Welfare Committee (RI)
*Owen D. Young , LLB 1896, founder ofRCA , 1929Time Magazine 's Man of the Year Chairman andCEO ofGeneral Electric
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