Tewa language

Tewa language

Tewa is a Kiowa-Tanoan language spoken by Pueblo people, mostly in the Rio Grande valley in New Mexico north of Santa Fe. The 1980 census counted 1,298 speakers, almost all of whom are bilingual in English. Each pueblo or reservation where it is spoken has a dialect:

* Nambe Pueblo: 50 speakers
* Pojoaque Pueblo: 25 speakers
* San Ildefonso Pueblo: 349 speakers
* San Juan Pueblo: 495 speakers
* Santa Clara Pueblo: 207 speakers
* Tesuque Pueblo: 172 speakers

Tewa is also spoken by the Arizona Tewa (Hopi-Tewa, Tano) who live at Hano on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona.

In the names "Pojoaque" and "Tesuque", the element spelled "que" (pronounced something like /ge/ in Tewa, or /ki/ in English) is Tewa for "place".

A system for writing Tewa with the Latin alphabet has been devised. It is occasionally used for such purposes as signs ("Be-pu-wa-ve", "Welcome"). Otherwise, unlike such languages as Navajo and Cherokee, Tewa is not normally written by its speakersFact|date=March 2007.

ee also

* Tewa
* Arizona Tewa
* Kiowa-Tanoan languages


* Harrington, John P. (1910). A brief description of the Tewa language. "American Anthropologist", "12", 497-504.
* Speirs, Randall. (1966). "Some aspects of the structure of Rio Grande Tewa". (Doctoral dissertation, SUNY Buffalo).

External links

* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=tew Ethnologue page on Tewa]

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  • tewa — ˈtāwə, ˈtēwə noun (plural tewa or tewas) Usage: usually capitalized 1. a. : any of several Tanoan peoples of New Mexico and northeastern Arizona b. : a member of any of such peoples 2 …   Useful english dictionary

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