Powers and abilities of Godzilla

Powers and abilities of Godzilla

Over the years Godzilla has possessed many powers and abilities to use against his foes. Godzilla is generally considered to be the most powerful kaiju.

Atomic Breath/Ray

Godzilla's signature weapon is his distinctive Atomic Breath. Godzilla's dorsal plates glow ominously, and then he lets loose with a concentrated blast of radiation from his mouth. This power is commonly mistaken for breathing fire. Godzilla has been shown apparently being able to adjust the intensity of his breath, varying from a blast of superheated vapor (such as in the 1950s and 1960s), to a beam with explosive and concussive properties, (in the 1970s and onward.) In most of the films, the Atomic Breath is neon-blue, although in some films, like Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla vs Megaguirus, it was reddish-orange.

In "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus", Godzilla's atomic breath was shown as having incendiary properties and was strong enough to prematurely detonate a miniature black hole, while in "", it possessed incredible range, amazing power, and pin-point accuracy, able to hit a target in outer space and kill most kaiju with a single shot. In a memorable (and somewhat infamous) scene in "Godzilla vs. Hedorah, a.k.a. Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster, " Godzilla even used his atomic breath to "fly" by aiming it at the ground and lifting off like a rocket. The breath can also power electrodes (Godzailla vs Hedorah), melt steel and rock, and evaporate water instantly.

Another variation of the standard blue atomic breath in the Heisei series was the Red Spiral Atomic Breath which he acquired as a result of absorbing Rodan's life energy and only used under dire situations (as Burning Godzilla the Red Spiral Inferno Atomic Breath completely replaced the Neon-Blue Atomic Breath, due to the incredible amounts of power his nuclear heart was giving off). This breath's appearance is that of an Orange/Gold beam with a thick Red outline and faint red beams spiralling the beam. As Burning Godzilla the breath becomes the Red Spiral Inferno Atomic Breath (as this, the spirals are Pale Gold and far more prominent). It is so powerful that only one blast of it were sufficient to completely destroy Mechagodzilla and SpaceGodzilla, though Destoroyah was barely able to withstand several hits. When Burning Godzilla's meltdown starts, his Red Spiral Inferno increases in power and becomes the Red Hyper Spiral Inferno Destruction Of Death Atomic Breath, though the actual appearance differs very little apart from the fact that the breath expands as it travels and that it causes several fiery explosions on impact. It is said to be the ultimate ranged attack. This version was used on Destroyah and delivered damage that Destroyah would have died from in one shot. The Red Spiral Atomic Breath would often be first used to blast the area surrounding his opponent. It is only after he's blocked off any escape routes that he attacks. The Hensei Godzilla's atomic breath is the most accurate, as well as the most powerful. It was used in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, Godzilla vs. Destoroyah and .

In Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla vs Megaguirus, Godzilla had a reddish/orange atomic breath that seemed to be more powerful than the normal version and was more like a fire blast than an atomic breath. This is not considered to be a variation of the normal atomic breath, but instead a more powerful version of the blue atomic breath. There is also the posibility that it might be a midpoint between a normal blue atomic breath and the red spiral atomic breath, but that is unlikely as the Godzilla in the Heisei continuity and the Godzillas in the Millennium films exist in different contexts.

Nuclear pulse, Magnetic Aura and other powers

In addition to his deadly atomic breath, Godzilla can also emit atomic energy in all directions from every inch of his body in a short-range pulse. Godzilla utilises this "Nuclear Pulse" by swallowing his breath [ [http://www.gvsdestoroyah.dulcemichaelanya.com/AboutG.htm About Godzilla ] ] , and can be used to shove opponents in close combat, (such as in "Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah".) The pulse was first seen in his fight against Biollante. Godzilla used the nuclear pulse in the Heisei series, but in Godzilla 2000, it is said that the attack used to kill Orga was a Nuclear Pulse.

In the 1974 movie, "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla", Godzilla found a way to generate powerful magnetic fields from his body after being struck several times by lightning, which proved devastating against his metallic foe. This is the only time Godzilla ever used this power.

In "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II", Godzilla demonstrated another ability that is referred to as the "nuclear reverse". After being struck with Mechagodzilla's Shock Anchor harpoons, Godzilla discharged a form of energy up the cables, severely damaging the robot's internal mechanisms. It caused MechaGodzilla to shut off. Godzilla used this power again in Final Wars, when Keizer Ghidorah was draining him, sending damaging energy that made Keizer Ghidorah drop him quickly.

Injury resistance and Healing Factor

Godzilla has as well displayed an uncanny ability to resist injury. Starting in the first Godzilla film, Godzilla displayed an immunity to conventional weaponry, virtually impervious to the JSDF's attacks and he is even shown to be resistant to technology from the future. He has demonstrated the ability to survive complete submersion in magma for an extended period of time. He has even survived being in ground zero of asteroid impacts and being buried under tons of ice for years at a time, seemingly cut off from any oxygen source. His hide has been breached only occasionally (and then only by other kaiju like Gigan, Biollante, King Ghidorah, Destoroyah and MechaGodzilla), and in the manga adaptation of "The Return of Godzilla" it is said that his scales are tougher than diamonds.

In addition, Godzilla possesses an extremely advanced and highly efficient regenerative ability. This power was a crucial plot point of "Godzilla vs Biollante" and "." In "Godzilla 2000", it is explained that Godzilla's regenerative abilities may have something to do with his radioactive properties, and Organiser G1 ("Regenerator G1" in the English version) is the name given to a substance in his cells that is responsible for Godzilla's swift healing. Even neural tissue can be rebuilt by Godzilla's regeneration; a remarkabililty since neural tissue does not heal in naturally occurring organisms. In "Godzilla vs Biollante", Japanese scientists use samples of the Godzilla cells (called G-cells throughout the Heisei series of Godzilla films) to help create the ANEB. This healing factor would be inherited by all creatures spawned from Godzillas DNA, those being Biollante, SpaceGodzilla and Orga. At the very end of , after Godzilla has been completely obliterated, or so they all thought, his heart is seen beating on the ocean floor, suggesting Godzilla's Organiser G-1 would allow him to completely regenerate himself from just a heart and even a single cell; perhaps explaining how he survived the Oxygen Destroyer in 1954. His healing abilities have not been entirely consistent through the series however as in "" he was still recovering from injuries received in the previous film.

Physical Abilities and Attributes

Godzilla has displayed varied levels of physical strength. He has been depicted lifting and throwing monsters in excess of his own weight (such as King Ghidorah, Hedorah, Mechagodzilla and others), and in "" was able to throw Kumonga clear over the horizon. He is shown using various martial arts techniques in a comical fashion during the Shōwa Series, and sprinting with astonishing velocity belying his size, such as in "Zone Fighter". In the Millennium series, he has been able to leap high into the air. However, many of the films show Godzilla preferring to battle his opponents from a distance, particularly in the Heisei series. However the Heisei Godzilla is as good in close combat as long distance attack, showing that he is comfortable with either ranged attacks or close combat.

Godzilla's long tail is also a formidable weapon. It has been shown to be flexible and powerful, able to lash out quickly and topple over buildings and enemy monsters. He is able to swing it both horizontally and vertically; an ability that "normal" reptiles do not possess. In "Godzilla vs. Megalon", he was able to slide on his tail to deliver a kick, as well as kick himself up with his tail temporarily to kick down King Kong, which was seen in "King Kong vs. Godzilla". It has also been used as a distraction in "" for his Neon-Blue Atomic Breath. In "Godzilla vs. Biollante" Godzilla further damaged the "Super X-2" with a quick tail swipe after crippling it with his atomic breath. In "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II" the damage of one tail hit delivered was estimated by the damage level meter on MechaGodzilla; the damage was at level 8 making it the most powerful and only recorded tail damage measure. In all his incarnations he has been shown to have powerful jaws and sharp teeth and claws, although these are more prominent in the Heisei which has three rows of teeth and later incarnations than in others. The Hensei Godzilla's triple rows of teeth make fearsome weapons able to easily bite through Battra's armor hide. Rarely, Godzilla also has used his dorsal plates as a weapon, such as in "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus", when he uses their jagged tips to slice off Megaguirus' claw, and in "Godzilla vs. Hedorah", where he used them to cut into Hedorah in mid-flight.


Godzilla's body constantly emits its own radiation, similar to that of nuclear fission. The exact nature of this radiation is unclear. It has been shown to contaminate water sources, raise ocean temperatures of a limited area and even create mutations, i.e. the giant sea louse in "The Return of Godzilla". His footprints, objects and people he has had close contact with hold traces that register on a geiger counter, while Godzilla himself will register at a distance of several hundred feet. His radiation however doesn't appear to be profusely destructive. In "Godzilla" and underwater scene showed Godzilla with several fish swimming in his close proximity and they were not visibly affected. Also, wilderness areas where Godzilla has appeared suffer no visible signs of fallout from his presence and cities he attacks are never abandoned permanently. In Marc Cerasini's series of Godzilla novels, it is stated that Godzilla can in fact internally regulate his level of radiation.

In the Heisei series it is first insinuated that Godzilla feeds on radiation and the more he absorbs, the larger and more powerful he gets. To this effect, he is seen attacking nuclear powered submarines, reactor plants and was once revived by a radioactive storm. It has been speculated that his heart is the theoretical equivalent of a power reactor. This canon was somewhat carried over to the Millennium series though it was not again pursued as a significant plot point.


Godzilla is described in the original film by Doctor Yamane as a transitional form between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates. He spends most of his life at sea, coming ashore to wreak havoc and/or save the day. Capable of marching on the sea floor or swimming by undulating his tail like a crocodile, sometimes with his dorsal fins breaking the surface, Godzilla is almost certainly able to somehow extract oxygen from water (occasionally remaining in the ocean depths for periods of months or years) though there has been no official explanation or reference to this ability. Godzilla also seems to be able to control his own buoyancy, often staying on the surface of open water in an upright position and maintaining it under extreme duress, or sinking to the bottom without visible effort. Like his ability to "breathe" under water this has never been explained. He can also withstand the pressure of extreme depths without difficulty. Being submerged apparently does not impede his atomic breath. He is as excellent a fighter underwater as he is on land and engages opponents in the sea on multiple occasions, fighting King Kong, King Ghidorah, Ebirah, Battra, Biollante and Mothra either beneath or on the surface of the waves.


The extent of Godzilla's intelligence varies throughout the character's history, but Godzilla is generally depicted as an intelligent creature. The Showa incarnation in particular is depicted as being as intelligent as a human, capable of abstract thought, relating cause and effect, [ Godzilla was shown to be able to figure out that his atomic breath could be used to power the electrodes needed to dry out Hedorah, in Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster.] and able to communicate with other monsters [Godzilla was able to communicate with Mothra and Rodan in Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster.] . He can even be heard 'talking' to Anguirus in "Godzilla vs. Gigan", (the Japanese version showed the monsters communticating via words balloons but in the American version they spoke in distorted English). Godzilla has even been depicted as having a sense of humor, as shown when the creature laughs at Rodan (and apparently using rude language) during "Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster". Other versions of Godzilla, like the one seen in "Godzilla", display a simple animal cunning. In the American release of "King Kong vs. Godzilla", one characters dialogue implied Godzilla's intelligence was feeble at best, but this scene was added by Universal, the U.S. distributor of the film and is probably not canonical.

The Heisei series Godzilla reacts on animal cunning and instinct more than his Showa counterpart, as demonstrated his "conditioned response" in "The Return of Godzilla", though he was still capable of independent thought and according to Miki Saegusa of human-like sentiments as well. This was corroborated by his mourning the death of Godzilla Junior in "Godzilla vs. Destoroyah". It was insinuated in "Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah" that he also remembers the distant past. The Heisei Godzilla is a psychic on some level, possibly the most powerful ever. His evasion of the JSDF in "Godzilla vs. Biollante" seemed to carry implications of precognition, he had some sort of psychic link with Godzilla Junior and he several times demonstrated the ability to locate potential opponents from great distances (an ability demonstrated in the Showa and Millennium series' as well).

In the Millennium series, Godzilla's behavior was limited to a simplistic animal cunning. He was shown to be capable of abstract, even strategical thinking but displayed little to no anthropomorphism.


Despite his incredible power, Godzilla has displayed a few weaknesses over the years. In "King Kong vs. Godzilla" and "Mothra vs. Godzilla", he is shown to be vulnerable to electricity, shying away from even the smallest source; though the electrical barrier in the original "Godzilla" didn't appear to cause him any great difficulty. Additionally lightning (e.g., electricity found in nature) has been shown to have the opposite effect, at times serving to revitalize him. In "The Return of Godzilla", Godzilla was shown to be vulnerable to cadmium, though Godzilla's immune system was able to overcome it. Later on, Godzilla is revealed to have a second brain in his spine, and Mechagodzilla was able to kill him by destroying it; however, he was revived by Fire Rodan and further films seem to ignore this Achilles heel. It was also suggested in "Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla" that Godzilla has a soft spot under each armpit. However, the validity of this claim was highly dubious and this alleged weak point was never successfully exploited. Godzilla's sheer bulk has also been depicted as a disadvantage, making it difficult for him to keep up with the more agile Megaguirus, who was able to outmaneuver him as well as forcing Godzilla to have to rely heavily on his endurance. Also, while he has an endurance level beyond measure, his enemies usually counter by trying to crush and batter him.

To date, the only weapons ever shown to be close to effective against Godzilla were Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer and Dr. Shiragami's ANEB (Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria). The Oxygen Destroyer was a weapon of pure destruction. Many believe that the Oxygen Destroyer didn't kill Godzilla because his advanced healing was probably far beyond the power of the Oxygen Destroyer; (though it was "suggested" in "Godzilla Raids Again" that the Godzilla seen in the remainder of the Showa series was a different creature entirely.) In "Godzilla vs. Destoroyah", the Oxygen Destroyer was thought to be brought back and this material created Destroyah. Furthermore, in the Millenium series, the skeleton of the original Godzilla is retrieved to build Kiryu, (even though Godzilla was completely disintegrated in the original film).

The anti-nuclear energy bacteria was a chemical compound developed from Godzilla's cells and designed to consume radioactivity. The bacteria managed to lower the radioactivity within Godzilla's body to the point of causing him to hibernate in the sea for three years. Godzilla would be resurrected however in "Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah" when travelers from the future tampered with the timeline, creating a larger, more powerful Godzilla. There were apparently no further attempts to use the ANEB against Godzilla.


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