

Dioscorus (also Dioscoros, Dioskoros, or Dioscurus) can refer to:

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  • Dioscorus — • Dioscorus. Antipope (d. 530) • Dioscorus. Fifth century Bishop of Alexandria Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dioscorus     Dioscorus …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • DIOSCORUS I — Patriâ Alexandrin. Eutychianos errores secutus. Ephesi synodo Lystrica dicta, A. C. 449. condemnavit Flavian. Ep. CP. ibi calcibus occisum: Alexandriam reversus, excommunicavit, Leonem Ep. Regium a Synodo Chalcedonensi 600. Episcoporum damnatus,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • DIOSCORUS II — cognom. Iunior, post Ioh. Machiotam, Patriâ Alexandrin. A. C. 517. haereticus haeretico successit. Excitatâ a populo seditione, in qua multi occisi, quod electio non esset pro more, ab Episcopis Clero et Populo peracta, nihilominus sedem tenuit,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Dioscorus — ▪ patriarch of Alexandria born , Alexandria [Egypt] died Sept. 4, 454, Gangra, Galatia [now Cankiri, Tur.]       patriarch of Alexandria and Eastern prelate who was deposed and excommunicated by the Council of Chalcedon (Chalcedon, Council of) in …   Universalium

  • Dioscorus —    1. (d. 454 or 458 AD)    Patriarch of Alexandria. He was possibly born in Alexandria and became archdeacon to the patriarch Cyril, with whom he attended the council of Ephesus in 431 and whom he succeeded in 444. Dioscorus soon came into… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Dioscorus — (d. 454)    Patriarch.    Dioscorus was the successor of Cyril of Alexandria to the Patriarchate of Alexandria. He presided over the Council of Ephesus which declared the teachings of eutyches, the Monophysite opponent of Nestorianism, to be… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • DIOSCORUS — I. DIOSCORUS Antipapa, Bonifacio II. oppositus, A. C. 530. Athenaricum defensorem habuit, sed paulo post mortuus, a Bonifacio excommunicatus, ob Simoniam, huius vero successore Agapeto, absolutus est. Eum ab Hormisda P. ad Iustinian. missum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Dioscorus, S. (1) — 1S. Dioscorus, (18. Jan.), ein Martyrer in Aegypten. – Dieser Name stammt vom Griechischen Διόςκορος oder Διόςκουρος und bedeutet »Sohn des Zeus«. Vorzugsweise wurden Kastor und Pollux Διόςκοροι genannt, und man nennt sie auch im Deutschen die… …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Dioscorus, S. (10) — 10S. Dioscorus, (28. Juni), ein Martyrer zu Alexandria in Aegypten. S. S. Serenus …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Dioscorus, S. (11) — 11S. Dioscorus, (20. Aug.), ein Martyrer zu Alexandria, der in mehreren Martyrologien vorkommt …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

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