MAD Magazine (British Reprint Edition) 1959-1994
Sources:25 Years of MAD Magazine (Suron International Publications, 1984): author David Robinson, British MAD contributor (1978-1994), who wrote all of the following notes.
30 Years of MAD Magazine (Suron International Publications, 1989) and face-to-face contact with its compiler/publisher Ron Letchford (dec. 1984) qv.
E-mail contact with Dez Skinn, British MAD's third editor, qv.
History of British MAD
Mad UK, also known as
British MAD [Magazine] , also known as MAD British Reprint Edition (BRE) was a British version of the American humour Magazine begun in autumn 1959.British MAD later slotted into the satire niche of 1960s Britain, better epitomised by the
Beyond the Fringe stage review, TV shows likeThat Was the Week That Was andNot Only But Also andPrivate Eye magazine; MAD, though, was more closely akin to lampoon and parody of the American lifestyle and culture known to its US protagonists: publisherWilliam M. Gaines , initial editor and creative forceHarvey Kurtzman and his successorAl Feldstein , who made the parent magazine more commercial.The so-name British Reprint Edition (BRE) of the successful American parent publication, MAD Magazine, began in Autumn 1959, published sporadically (ostensibly bi-monthly at first) and priced at 1s/6d (or 18 old pence, now 7.5 new pence). Fan literature records that a UK version was started because US MAD Publisher
William M. Gaines was not allowed to export material to the UK. Nonetheless, imported US copies were finding their way into Britain, including as ballast in cargo boats crossing the Atlantic.MAD Editors
MAD in Britain has had at least three editors.
The 1984 work, 25 Years of British MAD, records David Climie as first UK MAD Editor. Climie wrote TV sit-coms, including a World War II sit-com called Backs to the Land, Girls and another for Irish male vocal group
The Bachelors ; however, Climie's more recent claim to fame lies with his offspring, one half of 1980s British music duoClimie Fisher .) After MAD, Climie attempted a British issue ofCracked , the traditional rival to MAD, but this folded after a few issues.However, Climie is not listed in the earliest issues; and
Mick Anglo , an editor and artist in UK comics which were often American-influenced, had more than a hand in those first British issues. Late writer and comics buffDenis Gifford also had artwork in the very early UK MAD issues, but his style was noticeably different from the usual MAD, particularly when slotted alongside the work ofMort Drucker as part of the same article. Gifford admits to having been heavily influenced by Emmwood, a cartoonist in British newspapers, when drawing caricatures for MAD [source: face-to-face conversation with Denis Gifford, dec. 2000); and some of the Gifford work had been deliberately influenced byHarvey Kurtzman 's ‘Hey, Look!’ (inTimely Comics , which becameMarvel Comics .(source: Association of Comics Enthusiasts newsletter, 1978-1982)).Climie's editorial successor Derek (Dez) Skinn’s circle of artists and writers included Clive Collins, brother of pop/rock singer
Phil Collins , whom he used to good effect.Beginnings
The front cover of British MAD no. 1 was adapted from US MAD #30 (December 1956), comprising the standard MAD Border and Logo by
Harvey Kurtzman andNorman Mingo ’s prototype colour head-and-shoulders version of mascotAlfred E. Neuman on a yellow ground.The cover bore the Tepee logo (TP) of its first UK distributor, Thorpe & Porter Ltd of Oadby,
Leicestershire , while the inside front cover (which also doubled as the Contents page to conserve on interior page space) identified the British publisher as London’s Strato Publications (with the permission of E.C. [sic] Publications Inc. N.Y.) On the first page proper,Harvey Kurtzman ’s “extremely important message from the editors” (reprinted from US MAD’s first “slick” issue, #24), implored that readers should “Please buy this magazine!”For many years, British issues needed to satisfy a reduced page count in the British edition – 33, as opposed to 48 in the USA). There was a strong
Jack Davis look in UK MAD no.1 (Elvis Pelvis,Gunsmoke d, MAD Builds a More CivilisedMouse Trap , et al) plus shades of Kurtzman, although 1959 was well into theAl Feldstein era as US Editor. (Kurtzman and Davis had both departed forHugh Hefner 's 'Trump ' and subsequent projects, Davis only temporarily; neither had anything in US MAD during 1959.)The largest British contribution was a one-page “LETTERS DEPARTMENT” bearing quasi-Good-Will Messages, largely spoofs congratulating (or otherwise) the editors on the launch of
British MAD . While the introductory text states that “only the first two [from radio comicDick Bentley andPeter Sellers ] can be guaranteed to be genuine”, it is not clear whether or not even these are original -- or written without support from, or “ghosting” by, the magazine. In particular, Sellers was on a roll in 1959, not only with the release of key films but also continuing to pull huge BBC radio audiences inThe Goons ; however, early MAD UK editorial staffMick Anglo andDenis Gifford (both via former colleagueBob Monkhouse ) may have had access to celebrities of this type.)Apart from these, among classic inclusions were
Alfred E. Neuman 'sFamily Tree (from MAD #45: ArtWallace Wood , WriterTom Koch , uncredited); The MADPrimer (from MAD #41, September 1958: ArtJoe Orlando , WriterTom Koch (uncredited);Don Martin ’s On the Pier (from US MAD #41, Sept 1958); the back-cover Reader's Disgust (Reader's Digest spoof magazine) from MAD #33 Jun 1957) with art byJoe Orlando ); and the popularShakespeare Translated: The Balcony Scene fromRomeo and Juliet (from MAD #39, May 1958, Writer Paul Laikin, uncredited).(to be updated very shortly: July 2007)
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