- Singularity function
Singularity functions or singularity brackets are a notation used to describe discontinuous functions.
langle x-a angle^n = egin{cases}delta'(x-a) : & n=-2\delta(x-a) : & n=-1\0 : & nge0, x
δ'(x) is the first derivative of δ(x), also called the unit doublet.
δ(x) is theDirac delta function , also called the unit impulse.Integration
Integrating n can be done in a convenient way in which the constant of integration is automatically included so the result will be 0 at x=a.
^n dx = egin{cases} ^{n+1}, & n<0 \ frac{ ^{n+1{n+1}, & n ge 0 end{cases} Example beam calculation
The deflection of a simply supported beam as shown in the diagram, with constant cross-section and elastic modulus, can be found using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Here we are using the sign convention of downwards forces and sagging bending moments being positive.
Load distribution::w=-3N
^{-1} + 6Nm^{-1} Shear force::S=int w dx:S=-3N^0 - 9N ^{-1}, ^0 + 6Nm^{-1} Bending moment::M = -int S dx:M=3N^1 - 9N ^0, ^1 - 3Nm^{-1} Slope::u'=frac{1}{EI}int M dx:Because the slope is not zero at x=0, a constant of integration, c, is added:u'=frac{1}{EI}(frac{3}{2}N^2 + 9N ^1, ^2 - 1Nm^{-1} Deflection::u=int u' dx:u=frac{1}{EI}(frac{1}{2}N^3 + frac{9}{2}N ^2 + c), ^3 - frac{1}{4}Nm^{-1} The boundary condition u=0 at x=4m allows us to solve for c=-7Nm2^4 + frac{3}{2}N ^3 + cx), ee also
Macaulay brackets
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