

j:"For the Portuguese music theorist, please see Vicente Lusitano."

Infobox Horse
name= Lusitano

image_caption=A Lusitano horse
features = Convex profile, powerful neck and hindquarters, high-stepping gait
note= |

The Lusitano is an ancient Portuguese horse breed, that until the 1960s shared its registration with the Spanish Andalusian horse. Both are sometimes called Iberian horses, as they originated from the Iberian peninsula. They were developed for military purposes, and later used for dressage and bull fighting. In America, Lusitanos and Andalusians are registered together under the International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association (IALHA.)


The Lusitano derives its name from "lusitania", the name which the ancient Romans gave to the part of the Iberian peninsula that corresponds roughly to modern Portugal and much of modern Spain. Lusitanos and Andalusians originally were registered together under the Spanish Stud Book, but the breeds separated in 1960. At that time Portguese breeders sought to strengthen the breed and re-emphasize the distinct qualities of the Lusitano. Famous Portuguese breeders named several notable lines, including the Andrade and Veiga.

In the 17th century the Spanish ceased fighting bulls from horseback. At that time they began to selectively breed horses for riding and for parade, with a flashy gait, strong bones and a powerful presence. The Portuguese continue to fight bulls from horseback and thus kept these distinct historic characteristics in the modern Lusitano.


Temperamentally, the Lusitano has a reputation for courage, with a tendency to move forward toward that which threatens, combining calmness with great fire while under saddle. Lusitanos are reputed to be intelligent, to possess a sensible, levelheaded temperament and tendency to bond strongly with humans. They have great balance, and are said to have very comfortable gaits.

The Lusitano often has a convex profile, (Roman nose,) a trait that has been found to be tied genetically with an aptitude for "La Gineta," the ancient equestrian art defined by the necessities of mounted single combat or its contemporary replacements: bull fighting, dressage, jumping. They are compact, with powerful hindquarters, some with high-stepping action, and a thick mane and tail. They also have a sloping croup and low-set tail, as well as short backs. They have a low set cresty neck, a broad chest, well-sprung ribs. They are extremely powerful and strong, due to their muscular hindquarters and strong, long legs.

Many Lusitanos turn gray with age. They come in a variety of solid colors and usually stand 15 to 16 hands. Palomino, buckskin, and cremello are the rarest hair coat colors, and most sought after.


Lusitano are proficient at the high levels of dressage, including the high-school movements of piaffe, passage, pirouettes, flying lead changes and half pass. They also compete in show jumping.

See also

*Iberian horse
*Baroque horse
*Classical dressage
*Cream gene

External links

* [ International Andalusian Lusitano Horse Association]

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