HD 59686

HD 59686

Starbox begin
name = HD 59686
Starbox observe
epoch = J2000.0
constell = Gemini
ra = RA|7|31|48.3969
dec = DEC|+17|05|09.765
appmag_v = +5.45
Starbox character
class = K2III
b-v = 1.135
variable = “none”
Starbox astrometry
radial_v = –40.2
prop_mo_ra = 42.65
prop_mo_dec = –75.39
parallax = 10.81
p_error = 0.75
dist_ly = 301.84
dist_pc = 92.55
absmag_v = 0.62
Starbox detail
radius = 11.62 ± 0.34
Starbox catalog
names = BD+17º1596, GC 10073, GSC 01364-01582, HIP 36616, HR 2877, SAO 96985.
Starbox reference
Simbad = HD+59686

HD 59686 is a 5th magnitude star approximately 300 light years away in the constellation Gemini.


It is an orange giant meaning it has ceased fusing hydrogen in its core and on its way to becoming a red giant. The stellar radius is very large (11.6 times that of our Sun).

Planetary system

In November 2003, the planet was announced orbiting the giant star by Mitchell which he used Doppler spectrometer to look for effects on the star caused by the gravitational tug of the orbiting planet. Using the amplitude from the radial velocity method, he calculated the planetary mass as 5.25 Jupiter masses and with period 303 days. However the mass is only minimum because the inclination of the orbit is not known. Using the stellar mass and period, he calculated semimajor axis as 0.911 astronomical units. He found that the shape of the stellar wobble is circular, implying that the planet has zero eccentricity.

exoplanet = b
mass = >5.25
period = 303
semimajor = 0.911
eccentricity = 0

See also

* List of stars with confirmed extrasolar planets



External links


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