- White House travel office controversy
Investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department, the White House itself, the
General Accounting Office , the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and the WhitewaterIndependent Counsel all took place over the subsequent years. Travel Office Director Billy Dale was charged withembezzlement but found not guilty at trial in 1995. First LadyHillary Rodham Clinton gradually came under scrutiny for allegedly having played a central role in the firings and making false statements about her role in it.In 1998 Independent Counsel
Kenneth Starr exonerated PresidentBill Clinton of any involvement in the matter. In 2000 Independent Counsel Robert Ray issued his final report on Travelgate, stating that Hillary Clinton had made factually false statements but saying there was insufficient evidence to prosecute her.Initial White House actions
right|thumb|upright|The_White_House_Travel_Office_was_responsible_for_getting_the_White House press corps into place, including landing beforeAir Force One in order to getphoto opportunities such as this one.] The White House Travel Office dates back to theAndrew Jackson administration and serves to handle travel arrangements for theWhite House press corps , with costs billed to the participating news organizations.Toni Locy, [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr950227.htm "For White House Travel Office, a Two-Year Trip of Trouble"] , "The Washington Post ",February 27 ,1995 . RetrievedJune 17 ,2007 .] By the time of the start of the Clinton administration, it was quartered in theOld Executive Office Building , and had seven employees with a yearly budget of $7 million. Staffers serve at the pleasure of the president; [http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/news/9609/18/travelgate/index.shtml "Amid Partisan Sniping, Committee OK's Travelgate Report"] ,CNN.com ,September 18 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] Online News Hour, [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/travel_office/travel_office_6-6.html "FBI FILES"] ,PBS ,June 6 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] however, in practice, the staffers were career employees who in some cases had worked in the Travel Office since the 1960s and 1970s, through both Democratic and Republican administrations.Robert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/2-6.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel ... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – Introduction] ,United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 .] Travel Office Director Billy Ray Dale had held that position since 1982, serving through most of the Reagan andGeorge H. W. Bush administration s, and had started in the Travel Office in 1961. To handle the frequent last-minute arrangements of presidential travel and the specialized requirements of the press, Dale did not conductcompetitive bidding for travel services, but relied upon a charter company called Airline of the Americas.According to the White House, in early 1993 the incoming Clinton administration looked at an audit by
KPMG Peat Marwick which discovered that Dale kept an off-book ledger, had $18,000 of unaccounted-for checks, and kept chaotic office records.Hillary Rodham Clinton , "Living History ",Simon & Schuster , 2003, ISBN 0-7432-2224-5, p. 172.]White House Chief of Staff Mack McLarty and theWhite House counsel s thus decided to fire the Travel Office staff and reorganize it. The actual terminations were done onMay 19 ,1993 by White House director of administration David Watkins. There was also a feeling among the White House and its supporters that the Travel Office had never been investigated by the media due to its close relationship with press corps membersGerald S. Greenberg, "Historical Encyclopedia of U.S. Independent Counsel Investigations", Greenwood Press, 2000. ISBN 0313307350. pp. 342–344.]Joe Conason , [http://backissues.cjrarchives.org/year/96/2/travelgate.asp "Travelgate: The Untold Story"] , "Columbia Journalism Review ", March/April 1996. RetrievedJune 17 ,2007 .] and the plush accommodations it afforded them.Margaret Carlson , [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,978614-2,00.html "Shear Dismay"] , "Time",May 31 ,1993 . RetrievedJune 28 ,2007 .] (Congress would later discover that in October 1988, awhistleblower within the Travel Office had alleged financial improprieties; the Reagan White House counsel looked into the claim but took no action. [http://backissues.cjrarchives.org/year/96/3/letters.asp Letters – Travel Office Travails] , "Columbia Journalism Review ", May/June 1996. RetrievedJuly 1 ,2007 .] )[
Clinton administration , with First LadyHillary Rodham Clinton 's actions coming under increasing scrutiny.] Republicans and other critics saw the events differently. They alleged that friends of PresidentBill Clinton , including histhird cousin Catherine Cornelius, had sought the firings in order to get the business for themselves. Dale and his staff had been replaced withLittle Rock, Arkansas -based World Wide Travel, a company with a substantial reputation in the industry but with several ties to the Clintons. In addition,Hollywood producer and Inauguration chairmanHarry Thomason , a friend of both Clintons, and his business partner, Darnell Martens, were looking to get their air charter company, TRM, the White House business in place of Airline of the Americas. The Clinton campaign had been TRM's sole client during 1992, collecting commissions from booking charter flights for the campaign.Robert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/44-65.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel ... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – Business Entities and Campaign Staff that Provided Travel Services to the Clinton-Gore Campaign and the Press Covering the Campaign Wanted to Provide Travel Services to the Clinton Administration] ,United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 . pp. 44–48, 61–65.] Martens wanted the White House to award TRM a $500,000 contract for an aircraft audit, while also seeking Travel Office charter business as an intermediary which did not own any planes.Robert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/66-86.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel ... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – Martens Complained to Thomason About His Rejection by the Travel Office, Which Ultimately Was Communicated to the President, First Lady, and Other Senior White House Staff] ,United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 . pp. 66–69.]Attention initially focused on the role of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), since onMay 12 ,1993 , a week before the firings, associate White House counsel William Kennedy had requested that the FBI look into possible improprieties in the Travel Office operation.George J. Church, [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,978644-1,00.html "Flying Blind"] , "Time",June 7 ,1993 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] FBI agents went there and, although initially reluctant, authorized a preliminary investigation. Deputy White House CounselVince Foster became worried about the firings about to take place and ordered the KPMG Peat Marwick review. When that came back with its reports of irregularities, Watkins went ahead with the terminations onMay 19 .Investigations
The travel office affair quickly became the first major ethics controversy of the Clinton administration. [http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/impeachments/clinton.htm "Bill Clinton"] ,
The History Place . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] Criticism from political opponents and especially the news media became intense; the White House was later described as having been "paralyzed for a week".Stephen Labaton, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E05E7D91030F930A35756C0A962958260 "First Lady Urged Dismissals At Travel Office, Study Says"] , "The New York Times ",May 3 ,1994 . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] Within three days of the firings, World Wide Travel voluntarily withdrew from the White House travel operation and were replaced on a temporary basis byAmerican Express Travel Services.Richard L. Berke, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CEFDD1E3DF931A15756C0A965958260 "Travel Outfit Tied to Clinton Halts Work for White House"] , "The New York Times ",May 22 ,1993 . RetrievedMarch 23 ,2008 .] (Later, after a competitive bid, American Express received the permanent role to book press charters.)Various investigations took place. The role of the White House staff in pressuring the FBI to launch an investigation had been heavily criticized; on
May 28 ,1993 the FBI issued a report saying it had done nothing wrong in its contacts with the White House. (This conclusion was reiterated by a March 1994 report by the Justice Department'sOffice of Professional Responsibility .)On
July 3 ,1993 , the White House issued its own "strikingly self-critical" 80-page report on the firings.Thomas Friedman , [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CE7DE1E30F930A35754C0A965958260 "White House Rebukes 4 In Travel Office Shake-Up"] , "The New York Times ",July 3 ,1993 . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] Co-written by Chief of Staff McLarty, it criticized five White House officials, included McLarty himself, Watkins, Kennedy, Cornelius, and another, for dismissing the Travel Office members improperly, for appearing to pressure the FBI into its involvement, and for allowing friends of the Clintons to become involved in a matter they had a business stake in. However, the White House said no illegal actions had occurred, and no officials would be terminated; this did not satisfy Senate Minority LeaderBob Dole , who called for an independent investigation. As Chief of Staff McLarty personally apologized to the fired Travel Office employees — some of whom had all their personal documents and travel photographs related to years of service thrown out during the firing process — and said they would be given other jobs (which five of them were;Online News Hour, [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/whitewater/whitewater_1-10a.html "Close Scrutiny"] ,PBS ,January 10 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 19 ,2007 .] Dale and his assistant director retired.) The White House report also contained the initial indications of First LadyHillary Rodham Clinton 's involvement in the firings, saying that she had taken an interest in Travel Office mismanagement and had been informed two days in advance that the firings would take place. There was no indication of involvement from President Clinton himself, although he had earlier taken broad public responsibility for what had happened.The travel office controversy was later judged to have been a factor in Vince Foster's depression and
July 20 ,1993 suicide ; in his torn-up resignation note from a few days before, he wrote "No one in The White House, to my knowledge, violated any law or standard of conduct, including any action in the travel office. There was no intent to benefit any individual or specific group. [...] The press is covering up the illegal benefits they received from the travel staff". Special prosecutorRobert B. Fiske tangentially investigated travel office events during the first half of 1994, as part of investigating the circumstances surrounding Foster's death.In July 1993, Congress had requested the non-partisan
General Accounting Office investigate the firings; onMay 2 ,1994 the GAO concluded that the White House did have legal authority to terminate the Travel Office employees without cause, because they served at the pleasure of the president. However, it concluded that Cornelius, Thomason, and Martens, who all had potential business interests involved, had possibly influenced the decision. Moreover, the GAO report indicated that First Lady Hillary Clinton played a larger role than previously thought before the firings, with Watkins saying she had urged "that action be taken to get 'our people' into the travel office." The First Lady, who had given a written statement to the inquiry, said she did "not recall this conversation with the same level of detail as Mr. Watkins."In August 1994,
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr took over from Fiske in investigating Whitewater, Foster, and indirectly the travel office matter. OnJuly 22 ,1995 , Hillary Clinton gave a deposition under oath to the Independent Counsel that touched on travel office questions;Robert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/27-34.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel ... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – Mrs. Clinton's Statements Regarding Her Involvement in the Travel Office Firings] ,United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 .] she denied having had a role in the firings, but was unable to recall many specifics of conversations with Foster and Watkins.In late 1994, following the 1994 Congressional elections which switched Congress from Democratic to Republican control, the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, chaired by
Pennsylvania Republican William Clinger, launched an investigation into the White House Travel Office firings. In October 1995, the committee began hearings on the matter; Clinger soon accused the White House of withholding pertinent documents [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=990CE2D81430F936A15753C1A963958260 "Clinton and Hollywood Producer Met on Contract, a Memo Shows"] ,Associated Press ,October 25 ,1995 . RetrievedMarch 28 ,2008 .] and sought subpoenas to compel witnesses to appear. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05EFDC1E39F937A35751C1A963958260 "Clintons' Friend Threatened With Subpoena in Travel Case"] ,Associated Press ,December 4 ,1995 . RetrievedMarch 28 ,2008 .]Not all investigations were by governmental bodies. Anti-Clinton magazine [Karen Rothmyer, [http://www.salon.com/news/1998/04/07news.html "The man behind the mask"] , "Salon",
April 7 ,1998 . RetrievedFebruary 1 ,2008 .] Alicia C. Shepard , [http://www.ajr.org/Article.asp?id=1608 "Spectator's Sport"] , "American Journalism Review ", May 1995. RetrievedFebruary 15 ,2008 .] [Erik Eckholm, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A00EEDE163CF935A15755C0A962958260 " From Right, a Rain of Anti-Clinton Salvos"] , "The New York Times ",June 26 ,1994 . RetrievedFebruary 15 ,2008 .] "The American Spectator " latched onto Travelgate, as it would other Clinton scandals real and imagined, [David Brock , "Confessions of a Right-Wing Hit Man", "Esquire", July 1997.] describing it as "a story about influence-peddling and sleazy deal-making... in the Clinton White House";Carl Lestinsky, [http://www.iusb.edu/~journal/2002/lestinsky/lestinsky.html "Why We Couldn't Get Enough: Clinton's Legacy of Entertainment"] , "Undergraduate Research Journal", Volume 5, 2002,Indiana University South Bend .] publisherR. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. would claim that the magazine's early Travelgate stories provided useful material to the congressional investigations.R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. , "The Clinton Crack-Up: The Boy President's Life After the White House", 2007.] In general, Clinton administration controversies such as Travelgate allowed opinion magazines and political debate television shows to attract subscribers and viewers.Prosecution and acquittal of Billy Dale
Meanwhile, former Travel Office Director Billy Dale was indicted by a federal
grand jury onDecember 7 ,1994 , on two counts ofembezzlement andcriminal conversion , charged with wrongfully depositing into his own bank account $68,000 in checks from media organizations traveling with the president [http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-10-26-white-house_x.htm "A history of indictments involving White House staff"] ,Associated Press ,November 26 ,2005 . RetrievedJune 19 ,2007 .] during the period between 1988 and 1991. He faced up to 20 years in prison if convicted. [http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/Pre_96/December94/685.txt.html "FORMER DIRECTOR OF WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL OFFICE INDICTED"] ,U.S. Department of Justice press release,December 7 ,1994 .] Dale's attorneys conceded that funds had been co-mingled, but stated that Dale had not stolen anything but rather used the monies for the substantial tips and off-the-book payments that the job required, especially in foreign countries, and that anything left over was used as a discount against future trips.At the 13-day trial in October and November 1995, [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/T?&report=hr484&dbname=104& "104-484 REIMBURSEMENT OF FORMER WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL OFFICE EMPLOYEES"] ,
United States House of Representatives ,March 18 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 19 ,2007 .] prominent journalists such asABC News 'Sam Donaldson and "The Los Angeles Times "' Jack Nelson testified as character witnesses on Dale's behalf. The jury deliberated less than two hours before acquitting him of both charges onNovember 16 ,1995 .New charges regarding Hillary Clinton
January 5 ,1996 , a new development thrust the Travel Office matter again to the forefront. A two year-old memo from White House director of administration David Watkins surfaced that identified First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as the motivating force behind the firings, with the additional involvement of Vince Foster and Harry Thomason.David Johnston, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE2DA1239F936A35752C0A960958260 "Memo Places Hillary Clinton At Core of Travel Office Case"] , "The New York Times ",January 5 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] "Foster regularly informed me that the First Lady was concerned and desired action. The action desired was the firing of the Travel Office staff."Online News Hour, [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/white_house/travel_office_probe_1-5.html "Travel Probe"] ,PBS ,January 5 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 19 ,2007 .] Written in fall 1993, apparently intended for McLarty, the Watkins memo also said "we both know that there would be hell to pay" if "we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes." This memo contradicted the First Lady's previous statements in the GAO investigation, that she had played no role in the firings and had not consulted with Thomason beforehand; the White House also found it difficult to explain why the memo was so late in surfacing when all the previous investigations had requested all relevant materials. House committee chair Clinger charged acover-up was taking place and vowed to pursue new material.These developments, following Hillary Clinton's prior disputed statements about her cattle futures dealings and Whitewater, led to a famous exchange in which high-profile "
New York Times " columnistWilliam Safire , who had endorsed Bill Clinton in the previous election, wrote that many Americans were coming to the "sad realization that our First Lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation—is a congenital liar," [William Safire, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9905EFDC1339F93BA35752C0A960958260 "Blizzard of Lies"] , "The New York Times ",January 8 ,1996 . RetrievedAugust 20 ,2008 .] followed by White House Press SecretaryMike McCurry saying that "the President, if he were not the President, would have delivered a more forceful response to that—on the bridge of Mr. Safire's nose." [http://www-cgi.cnn.com/US/9601/first_lady/ "Criticism continues against Hillary Clinton"] ,CNN ,January 14 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 19 ,2007 .] Neil A. Lewis, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CEFD71339F933A25752C0A960958260 "White House Says President Would Like to Punch Safire"] , "The New York Times ",January 11 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 19 ,2007 .]As a result of the discovery of the Watkins memo, and based upon a suggestion from the Office of Independent Counsel, on
March 20 ,1996 Attorney GeneralJanet Reno requested that WhitewaterIndependent Counsel Kenneth Starr expand his inquiry to specifically include the Travel Office affair, in particular allegations that White House employees had lied about Hillary Clinton's role in the firings, and that David Watkins or Hillary Clinton had made false statements in previous testimony to the GAO, Congress, or the Independent Counsel.Robert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/6-11.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – The Jurisdictional Grant to the Independent Counsel] ,United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 .]The Congressional investigation continued; on
March 21 ,1996 , Hillary Clinton submitted a deposition under oath to the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, again acknowledging concern about irregularities in the travel office but denying a direct role in the firings and expressing a lack of recollection to a number of questions. A battle of wills took place between the legislative and executive branches. OnMay 9 ,1996 , President Clinton refused to turn over additional documents related to the matter, claimingexecutive privilege . [http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/news/9605/09/travel.flap/index.shtml "Clinton Invokes Executive Privilege In Travel Office Probe"] ,CNN.com ,May 9 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 17 ,2007 .] House committee chair Clinger threatened acontempt of Congress resolution against the president, and the White House partially backed down onMay 30 , surrendering 1,000 of the 3,000 documents the committee asked for. [http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/news/9605/30/travel.docs/index.shtml "White House Surrenders Documents, Avoids Contempt"] ,CNN.com ,May 30 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 17 ,2007 .]Meanwhile, the seven dismissed employees were back in the picture. In March 1996 the House voted 350–43 to reimburse them for all of their legal expenses; [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B04E0DA1739F933A15750C0A960958260 " House Votes To Repay 7 Workers"] ,
Associated Press ,March 20 ,1996 . RetrievedMarch 28 ,2008 .] in September 1996, Democratic SenatorHarry Reid led an unsuccessful attempt to block this measure. [http://www.libertylinks.com/harried/pages/reidleak.htm "Reid Leaks Documents, Slams Travelgate Figure"] , "Electric Nevada ",September 22 ,1996 . RetrievedJuly 1 ,2007 .] In May 1996, the seven filed a $35 million lawsuit against Harry Thomason and Darnell Martens, alleging unlawful interference with their employment and emotional distress. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C02E3DB1339F93BA25756C0A960958260 " Ex-Staff of White House Travel Office Sues"] ,Associated Press ,May 18 ,1996 . RetrievedJuly 1 ,2007 .]On
June 5 ,1996 , Clinger announced that the committee's investigations had discovered that the White House had requested access to Billy Dale's FBI background check report seven months after the terminations, in what Clinger said was an improper effort to justify the firings.Susan Schmidt, Ann Devroy, [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr960606.htm "White House Obtained FBI Data on Fired Travel Chief"] , "The Washington Post ",June 6 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] It was rapidly discovered that the White House had additionally gotten improper access to hundreds of other FBI background reports, many on former White House employees in Republican administrations; thus was born theFilegate controversy.The Senator
Al D'Amato -chairedSenate Special Whitewater Committee , which had begun the previous year, issued its findings in a majority report onJune 18 ,1996 ;Brian Knowlton, [http://www.iht.com/articles/1996/06/19/white.t_2.php "Republican Report Stokes the Partisan Fires : Whitewater Unchained"] , "International Herald-Tribune ",June 19 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] it did not investigate Travelgate directly, but did say that " [Hillary] Clinton, upon learning of [Vince] Foster's death, at least realized its connection to [the] Travelgate scandal, and perhaps to the Whitewater matter, and dispatched her trusted lieutenants to contain any potential embarrassment or political damage." [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C04E5DB1439F935A25755C0A960958260 " Excerpts From Majority Report on Whitewater"] , "The New York Times ",June 16 ,1996 . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] Minority Democratic members of the Committee derided these findings as "a legislative travesty," "a witch hunt," and "a political game."The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee issued its majority report on
September 18 ,1996 , in which it accused the Clinton administration of having obstructed the committee's efforts to investigate the Travelgate scandal. It portrayed Bill Clinton as being heavily involved in the Travel Office affair, more than any other investigation. The report's chapter titles were lurid: "The White House Stonewalled All Investigations into the White House Travel Office Firings and Related Matters", "The White House Initiated a Full-Scale Campaign of Misinformation in the Aftermath of the Travel Office Firings and President Clinton Led the Misinformation Campaign from the First Days of the Travelgate Debacle", "Foster's Death Shattered a White House Just Recovering from an Abysmal First 6 Months of Administration", and so forth. [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/2?cp104:./temp/~TSOPXwfbI&sid=TSOPXwfbI&item=2&sel=TOCLIST&hd_count=342&xform_type=1&r_n=hr849.104&dbname=cp104 House Report 104-849 – INVESTIGATION OF THE WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL OFFICE FIRINGS AND RELATED MATTERS] ,United States House of Representatives ,September 26 ,1996 .] Democratic members of the Committee walked out in protest over the report, with ranking memberHenry Waxman calling it "an embarrassment to you [Chairman Clinger] , this committee and this Congress" and "a crassly partisan smear campaign against President Clinton, Mrs. Clinton and this administration." The following month Clinger forwarded the report, along with one on Filegate, to the Independent Counsel, suggesting that the testimony of several witnesses be looked at for possibleperjury orobstruction of justice . Democrats said this was politically motivated in an attempt to influence the 1996 presidential election (in which Clinton was re-elected by a solid margin).Independent Counsel findings
Almost two years passed. Independent Counsel Starr continued his investigation. Starr wanted access to notes that Vince Foster's attorney took in a conversation with Foster about the Travel Office affair shortly before Foster's suicide, but on
June 25 ,1998 , theU.S. Supreme Court ruled 6–3 against Starr in "Swidler & Berlin v. United States ", stating thatattorney-client privilege extends beyond the grave. [http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/06/25/scotus.foster/ "High Court Upholds Attorney-Client Privilege After Death"] ,CNN.com ,June 25 ,1998 . RetrievedJuly 2 ,2007 .] In September 1998 Independent Counsel Starr released the famousStarr Report , concerning offenses that may have been committed by President Clinton as part of theLewinsky scandal . It did not mention the Travel Office matter.On
November 19 ,1998 , Starr testified before theHouse Judiciary Committee in connection with theimpeachment of Bill Clinton over charges related to the Lewinsky scandal. Here, for the first time, Starr exonerated President Clinton of complicity in the Travel Office affair, saying that while investigations were not complete, "the president was not involved in our... investigation."Ruth Marcus, Peter Baker, [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/impeach111998.htm "Clinton 'Thwarted' Probe, Starr to Say"] , "The Washington Post ",November 19 ,1998 . RetrievedJune 12 ,2007 .] (Starr also chose this occasion to clear President Clinton in the Filegate matter, and to say he had not committed impeachable wrongdoing in the Whitewater matter; Democrats on the committee immediately criticized Starr for withholding all these findings until after the 1998 Congressional elections.Don Van Natta, Jr. , [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=980DE7DB1230F933A15752C1A96E958260 "Democrats Challenge Starr on Delayed Exoneration"] , "The New York Times ",November 20 ,1998 . RetrievedJune 12 ,2007 .] )Starr explicitly did not exonerate Hillary Clinton, however; her case remained unsettled. More time passed. By 2000, she was a candidate for United States Senator from New York, and Starr had been replaced as Independent Counsel by prosecutor Robert Ray, who once worked for
Rudy Giuliani , Clinton's then-opponent in the Senate race. [http://www.princeton.edu/~paw/archive_old/PAW99-00/11-0308/0308cns.html "Robert Ray '82 picks up where Ken Starr left off"] ,Princeton University class notes,March 8 ,2000 . RetrievedJuly 1 ,2007 .] Regardless, Ray vowed his investigation would have "no untoward effect on the political process."On
June 23 ,2000 , the suspense ended, when Ray submitted the final Independent Counsel report on the Travel Office affair under seal to the judicial panel in charge of the investigation, and publicly announced that he would seek no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.Neil A. Lewis, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F03E2DE1630F930A15755C0A9669C8B63 "The First Lady Is Chided, but Not Charged"] , "The New York Times ",June 23 ,2000 . RetrievedJuly 1 ,2007 .] However, Ray said that she had, contrary to her statements, "ultimately influenced" the decision to fire the employees. However, "the evidence was insufficient to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that any of Mrs. Clinton's statements and testimony regarding her involvement in the travel office firings were knowingly false," and thus prosecution was declined. White House press secretaryJoe Lockhart was critical of Ray's statement: "By inappropriately characterizing the results of a legally sealed report through innuendo, the Office of Independent Counsel has further politicized an investigation that has dragged on far too long."Ray's full 243-page reportRobert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/13-17.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – Findings] ,
United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 .] was unsealed and made public onOctober 18 ,2000 , three weeks before the Senatorial election. It confirmed that neither Hillary Clinton nor David Watkins would be indicted. It included some new detail, including a somewhat unsubstantiated claim from a friend of Watkins saying that the First Lady had told Watkins to "fire the sons of bitches."Robert Ray, [http://a255.g.akamaitech.net/7/255/2422/13may20041504/icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins/86-185.pdf "Final Report of the Independent Counsel... of Matters Related to the White House Travel office" – The Events of April — May 1993.] ,United States Government Printing Office ,October 18 ,2000 . pp. 70–73.] Ray cited eight separate conversations between the First Lady and senior staff and concluded: "Mrs. Clinton’s input into the process was significant, if not the significant factor influencing the pace of events in the Travel Office firings and the ultimate decision to fire the employees." Moreover, Ray determined Hillary Clinton had given "factually false" testimony [http://archives.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/10/18/travel.office "Ray: First lady's answers false in travel office probe, but no prosecution"] ,CNN.com ,October 18 ,2000 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] when questioned by the GAO, the Independent Counsel, and Congress about the travel office firings, but reiterated that "the evidence was insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt" that she knew her statements were false or understood that they may have prompted the firings.Immediate reactions to the report differed.
David Kendall , Hillary Clinton's lawyer, said that Ray's words were "highly unfair and misleading" and that Ray's conclusions were inconsistent, that evidence regarding her innocence had been buried in the document, and that the report confirmed that her fears about financial improprieties in the Travel Office were warranted.Neil A. Lewis, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9401E4DC123EF93AA25753C1A9669C8B63& " New Criticism of First Lady In Final Travel Office Report"] , "The New York Times ",October 18 ,2000 . RetrievedJune 30 ,2007 .] On the other hand, in aFoxNews broadcast,George Washington University professor of lawJonathan Turley said, “It essentially says that she satisfies all of the components of an indictment and is ultimately safe from trial simply by the discretion of the prosecutor. That’s pretty damning.”CyberAlert , [http://www.mediaresearch.org/cyberalerts/2000/cyb20001019.asp "... 'Factually Inaccurate' Hillary Skipped ..."] ,Media Research Center ,October 19 ,2000 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] "New York Times" columnist Safire updated his description of Hillary Clinton to "habitual prevaricator", saying "the evidence that she has been lying all along is damning" and comparing her dark side to that ofRichard Nixon , in whose White House he had once worked.William Safire , [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B03E3DA1631F930A15753C1A9669C8B63 "Habitual Prevaricator"] , "The New York Times " op-ed page,October 23 ,2000 . RetrievedMarch 23 ,2008 .]Regardless, after 7½ years, Travelgate was finally over.
Opinions would differ over the legacy of the affair. Some agreed with Safire, who had said that Hillary Clinton was "a vindictive power player who used the FBI to ruin the lives of people standing in the way of juicy patronage." Commentator
Barbara Olson would entitle her highly unflattering 1999 book "Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton", in reference to Clinton's Travelgate phrase. However, the various investigations and conclusions had little effect on Hillary Clinton's career, as she won the 2000 election to the Senate, won re-election in 2006, and became a presidential candidate for 2008.Bill Clinton later described the allegations and investigation as "a fraud", [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1972216 "Clinton 'Proud' of Impeachment Fight"] ,
NPR ,June 24 ,2004 . RetrievedJune 16 ,2007 .] while in her 2003 autobiography Hillary Clinton gave short shrift to the matter, never mentioning Billy Dale by name and saying that "'Travelgate'... was perhaps worthy of a two- or three-week life span; instead, in a partisan political climate, it became the first manifestation of an obsession for investigation that persisted into the next millennium."References
External links
* [http://archive.gao.gov/t2pbat3/151494.pdf White House – Travel Office Operations] – GAO Report GAO/GGD-94-132.
May 2 ,1994 .
* [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/2?cp104:./temp/~TSOPXwfbI&sid=TSOPXwfbI&item=2&sel=TOCLIST&hd_count=342&xform_type=1&r_n=hr849.104&dbname=cp104 House Report 104-849 – INVESTIGATION OF THE WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL OFFICE FIRINGS AND RELATED MATTERS] FiledSeptember 26 ,1996 .
*cite web |url=http://icreport.access.gpo.gov/watkins.html |title=Final Report of the Independent Counsel of Matters Related to the White House Travel office |accessdate=2007-03-28 |last=Ray |first=Robert |authorlink=Robert Ray (prosecutor) |date=2000-06-22 |publisher=Department of Justice, Independent Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.