- Jacques Bongars
Jacques Bongars (
1554 -29 July 1612 ), Frenchscholar anddiplomat ist, was born atOrleans , and was brought up in the reformed faith. He obtained his early education atMarburg andJena , and returning to France continued his studies at Orleans andBourges . After spending some time inRome he visited eastern Europe, and subsequently made the acquaintance of SgurPardaillan , a representative of Henry, king of Navarre, afterwardsHenry IV of France . He entered the service of Pardaillan, and in 1587 was sent on a mission to many of the princes of northern Europe, after which he visitedEngland to obtain help from Queen Elizabeth for Henry of Navarre. He continued to serve Henry as a diplomatist, and in 1593 became the representative of the French king at the courts of the imperial princes. Vigorously seconding the efforts of Henry to curtail the power of the house ofHabsburg , he spent health and money ungrudgingly in this service, and continued his labors until the kings murder in 1610. He then returned to France, and died atParis .Bongars wrote an abridgment of
Justin 's abridgment of the history ofTrogus Pompeius under the title "Justinus, Trogi Pompeii Historiarum Philippicarum epitoma de manuscriptis codicibus emendatior et prologis auctior" (Paris, 1581). He collected the works of several French writers who as contemporaries described the crusades, and published them under the title "Gesta Dei per Francos" (Hanover, 1611). Another collection made by Bongars is the "Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores varii" (Frankfort, 1600). his "Epistolae" were published at Leiden lfl 1647, and a French translation at Paris in 1668-1670. Many of his papers are preserved in the library atBern , to which they were presented in 1632, and a list of them was made in 1634. Other papers and copies of instructions are now in several libraries in Paris; and copies of other instructions are in theBritish Museum .References
Hermann Hagen , " _de. Jacobus Bongarsius; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der gelehrten Studien des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts" (Berne, 1874)
*Leonce Anquez , " _fr. Henry IV et l'Allemagne d'apres les memoires et la correspondance de Jacques Bongars" (Paris, 1887)
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