- Theodore Olson
Infobox US Cabinet official
name=Theodore Bevry Olson
title=United States Solicitor General
term_start=June 11 ,2001
term_end=July 10 ,2004
president=George W. Bush
predecessor=Seth P. Waxman
successor=Paul D. Clement
birth_date=birth date and age|1940|09|11
birth_place=Chicago, Illinois
party=RepublicanTheodore Bevry Olson (born
September 11 ,1940 ) was the 42ndUnited States Solicitor General , serving fromJune 2001 toJuly 2004 .Biography
Although he was born in
Chicago , Theodore Olson considersMountain View, California to be his hometown. [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9807E2DC1430F936A25751C0A9679C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all Theordore Olson, NY Times] ] He graduated from Los Altos High in1958 , [ [https://latc.com/2000/12/13/news/news8.html Los Altos Town Crier, Olson] ] and completed his undergraduate degree at the University of the Pacific. After earning his law degree fromBoalt Hall at theUniversity of California, Berkeley , he worked as an associate and a partner in theLos Angeles, California office of the law firmGibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP . He then served as an Assistant Attorney General (Office of Legal Counsel) in the Reagan administration before returning to private practice as a partner in theWashington, D.C. office of his former law firm. While serving in the Reagan administration, Olson defended President Reagan during theIran-Contra affair.Olson had also gained notability by acting as attorney for convicted Israeli spy
Jonathan Pollard while he was in private practice. Olson had appealed toUnited States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit claiming that during Pollard's trial, the life sentence he received was in violation of theplea bargain agreement, which had specifically taken life off the table. Olson also argued that the violation of said plea bargain was grounds for amistrial . The Court of Appeals, in a panel of three judges, voted 2-1 that no grounds existed for a mistrial. Future Supreme Court JusticeRuth Bader Ginsburg cast one of the two votes against Pollard's motion.Olson successfully represented presidential candidate
George W. Bush in the Supreme Court case "Bush v. Gore ", which effectively determined the final result of the contested 2000 Presidential election.He was nominated to the Office of Solicitor General by President Bush on
February 14 ,2001 , was confirmed by theUnited States Senate onMay 24 ,2001 , and took office onJune 11 ,2001 .Olson's third wife,
Barbara K. Olson , was a passenger on the hijackedAmerican Airlines Flight 77 that was crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 (his 61st birthday). The following year Olson met Lady Booth, a tax attorney and native of Kentucky, and the two were married on October 21, 2006 inNapa County, California . [cite web |title=Napa Nuptials for Olson and His Lady |url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/22/AR2006102200052.html?nav=rss_opinion/columns |date=2006-10-22 |accessdate=2007-09-17] Lady Booth has described herself as a registered Democrat, but considers herself an American, first, and a voting independent. She has contributed to the campaigns of Barack Obama and Rudy Giuliani.Prior to President Bush's nomination of D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge
John Roberts , Olson was considered a potential nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States to fillSandra Day O'Connor 's post. Following the withdrawal ofHarriet Miers ' nomination for that post, and prior to the nomination of Third Circuit Court of Appeals JudgeSamuel Alito , Olson's name was again mentioned as a possible nominee.In July 2004, Olson retired as Solicitor General and returned to private practice at the Washington office of Gibson Dunn. President Bush nominated
Paul Clement to be Olson's successor, and he was confirmed to the position by theUnited States Senate .In September 2007, Olson was considered by the Bush administration for the post of Attorney General to succeed Alberto Gonzales. However, the Democratic response was so strongly negative that Bush chose to nominate
Michael Mukasey instead. [cite web |title=Behind the slander |url=http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/op-ed/editorial2/20070918-9999-lz1ed18bottom.html |date= 2007-09-18 |accessdate= 2007-09-18 ]ee also
George W. Bush Supreme Court candidates References
* http://judiciary.senate.gov/oldsite/pjl051701eolson.htm
External links
* [http://www.usdoj.gov/osg/aboutosg/t_olson_bio.htm Dept. of Justice biography]
* [http://www.newsmeat.com/washington_political_donations/Ted_Olson.php Campaign contributions made by Theodore Olson]
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