Squeeze play — may refer to:In sports and games: * Squeeze play (baseball), a sacrifice bunt with a runner on third and fewer than two outs * Squeeze play (bridge), a play that forces an opponent to discard a vital card * Squeeze Play (pricing game), on the U.S … Wikipedia
squeeze play — squeeze ,play noun count 1. ) in baseball, an action in which the BATTER hits the ball so that it only goes a short distance in order to make it easier for a player at third BASE to score 2. ) a situation in which someone puts pressure on someone … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
squeeze play — ☆ squeeze play n. 1. Baseball a play in which the batter bunts in an effort to allow a runner on third base to score 2. Bridge any play that forces an opponent to discard a potentially winning card 3. pressure or coercion exerted to achieve some… … English World dictionary
squeeze play — squeeze′ play n. 1) spo a baseball play in which the batter bunts in an attempt to score a runner from third base, with the runner starting for home as the ball is pitched 2) the application of pressure in order to force compliance or gain an… … From formal English to slang
squeeze play — noun 1. an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away • Syn: ↑power play, ↑squeeze • Derivationally related forms: ↑squeeze (for: ↑squeeze … Useful english dictionary
squeeze play — 1. Baseball. a. Also called suicide squeeze, suicide squeeze play. a play executed when there is a runner on third base and usually not more than one out, in which the runner starts for home as soon as the pitcher makes a motion to pitch, and the … Universalium
squeeze play — n. a special play in baseball where there is a runner on third base and the batter bunts. (With an early start the runner may reach home plate.) □ They pulled off that squeeze play like the professionals they are. □ The crowd roared as the… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
squeeze play — noun Date: 1905 1. a baseball play in which a runner on third base starts for home plate as the ball is being pitched and the batter attempts to bunt to give the runner a chance to score 2. the exertion of pressure in order to extort a concession … New Collegiate Dictionary
squeeze — verb 1》 firmly press from opposite or all sides, typically with the fingers. ↘extract (liquid or a soft substance) from something by squeezing. 2》 (squeeze in/into/through) manage to get into or through (a restricted space). ↘(squeeze… … English new terms dictionary
squeeze — [skwēz] vt. squeezed, squeezing [intens. of ME queisen < OE cwysan, to squeeze, dash against, bruise, akin to Goth quistjan, to destroy < IE base * gweye , to overpower > Sans jināti, (he) conquers] 1. to press hard or closely; exert… … English World dictionary