

:"This article is about the mineral, for the religious sect see Adamites."

Infobox mineral
name = Adamite
boxwidth =
boxbgcolor =

caption = Yellow-green adamite in limonite
formula = Zn2AsO4OH
molweight =
color = Yellow, green, rarely white, and occasionally purple
habit = Wedge-like prisms typically in druses and radiating clusters - also smooth botryoidal masses.
system = Orthorhombic; 2/m 2/m 2/m
twinning =
cleavage = perfect in two directions
fracture = conchoidal
mohs = 3.5
luster = adamantine
refractive = nα=1.708 - 1.722, nβ=1.742 - 1.744, nγ=1.763 - 1.773
opticalprop =
birefringence =
pleochroism =
streak = white to pale green
gravity = 4.4
melt =
fusibility =
diagnostic =
solubility =
diaphaneity =
other = Strongly fluoresces green in short and long UV light.

Adamite is a zinc arsenate hydroxide mineral, Zn2AsO4OH. It is a mineral that typically occurs in the oxidized or weathered zone above zinc ore occurrences. Adamite is usually yellow in color, but tints of green occur due to inclusion of copper substitutions in the mineral structure. Olivenite is a copper arsenate that is isostructural with adamite and there is considerable substitution between zinc and copper resulting in an intermediate called "cuproadamite". Manganese, cobalt, and nickel also substitute in the structure. An analogous zinc phosphate, "tarbuttite", is known.

The yellow to bright lime-green colored crystals and druze along with its distinctive fluorescence make adamite a favorite among mineral collectors. Found in Mapimi, Mexico; Greece; and California and Utah in the United States.

Adamite was named after the French mineralogist Gilbert Joseph Adam (1795-1881). The type locality is in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

ee also

* A list of minerals with associated Wikipedia articles
* A comprehensive list of minerals
* List of minerals named after people


* []
* []
* [ Mineral galleries]

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