- Education in Tokyo
Various schools and universities serve
Tokyo ,Japan .Primary and secondary schools
Publicly run kindergartens,
elementary school s (years 1 through 6), andjunior high school s (7 through 9) are operated by local wards or municipal offices. Publichigh school s in Tokyo are run by theTokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education and are called "Metropolitan High Schools". Tokyo also has many private schools from kindergarten through high school. [cite web |url=http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/東京都高等学校一覧 |title=東京都高等学校一覧 |work=Japanese Wikipedia |language=Japanese |accessdate=2007-10-19]Colleges and universities
The capital of
Japan ,Tokyo is home to many public and private universities.Ranking
:"See also
List of universities in Tokyo ."Various groups rank colleges and universities worldwide. See
College and university rankings .In 2007
The Times Higher Education Supplement ranked theUniversity of Tokyo at 17th worldwide, the highest among universities in Japan. Tokyo Institute of Technology is at 90th place, Keio is at 161st and Waseda at 180th. Showa (318),Tokyo Metropolitan University (335) andTokyo University of Science (364) follow. [" [http://www.topuniversities.com/worlduniversityrankings/results/2007/overall_rankings/top_400_universities/ Top 400 universities in the THES - QS World University Rankings 2007] ."]According to [http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/rank/2007/ARWU2007_TopAsia.htm Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong] , the top-ranked private universities in Tokyo are Keio (ranked in the 25–42 group), Waseda (ranked in the 43–64 group), Juntendo (in the 65–100 group), and Nihon (also ranked in the 65–100 group).
École des Mines de Paris Professional Ranking of World Universities is based on "the number of alumni holding a Chief Executive Officer position (CEO) in one of the 500 leading worldwide companies as of the date of the Shanghai ranking 2006," and lists theUniversity of Tokyo second, Keio 11th, Waseda 15th, Chuo 18th, andTokyo Institute of Technology 35th [" [http://www.ensmp.fr/Actualites/PR/EMP-ranking.html#chapter5 Professional ranking of world universities] ", École des Mines de Paris, September 2007.]Webometrics ranks
University of Tokyo as first in Asia for quantity and quality of web publication, and Keio seventh. [ [http://www.webometrics.info/top100_continent.asp?cont=asia Asia ranking] for January 2008. The criteria are explained [http://www.webometrics.info/about_rank.html here] .]The
Wuhan University rankings place Keio at 254th worldwide. Ranked 415th, Waseda is next, and Nihon came in at 448.Fact|date=July 2008Within Tokyo, the relative degree of difficulty of entrance to particular "Faculties" ("gakubu", also called "Schools") or even their component Departments is of some interest.
Yoyogi Seminar , a large cram school company, publishes lists of gakubu arranged by difficulty. For faculties of law, economics, business and commerce of public universities, the most demanding wasHitotsubashi University 's faculty of law, followed by faculties of the University of Tokyo; [ [http://www.yozemi.ac.jp/rank/gakubu/kokkoritsu/ho1.html 国公立大学入試難易ランキング表 《法・経済・経営・商系] ] for these subjects at private universities, four faculties of Keio and two of Waseda outclassed their closest rivals (at Sophia and Chuo); [ [http://www.yozemi.ac.jp/rank/gakubu/shiritsu/ho1.html 私立大学入試難易ランキング表 《法・経済・経営・商系》] ] for faculties of humanities, education, languages and social studies of public universities, Tokyo, theTokyo University of Foreign Studies and Hitotsubashi were particularly demanding; [ [http://www.yozemi.ac.jp/rank/gakubu/kokkoritsu/bun1.html 国公立大学入試難易ランキング表 《文・教育・外国語・生活科学系》] ] for the same at private universities, two faculties of Keio, four of Waseda, one of Sophia and one of Hosei occupied the top two ranks; [ [http://www.yozemi.ac.jp/rank/gakubu/shiritsu/bun1.html 私立大学入試難易ランキング表 《文・教育・外国語・生活科学系》] .]See also
Education in Japan References
* [http://www.ensmp.fr/Actualites/PR/EMP-ranking.html#chapter5 The EMP Professional Ranking of World Universities] (retrieved
December 16 ,2007 )
* [http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/rank/2007/ARWU2007_TopAsia.htm Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong] (retrievedDecember 16 ,2007 )
* [http://www.webometrics.info/top100_continent.asp?cont=asia Webometrics] (retrievedDecember 16 ,2007 )
* [http://www.topuniversities.com/worlduniversityrankings/results/2007/overall_rankings/top_400_universities/ QS Top Universities: Top 400 universities in the THES - QS World University Rankings 2007] (retrievedDecember 16 ,2007 )Further reading
*College Quality and Earnings in the Japanese Labor Market. Hiroshi Ono. SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No 395 (Revised March 11, 2003).
*Educational Credentials and Promotion Chances in Japanese and American Organizations. Hiroshi Ishida, Seymour Spilerman & Kuo-Hsien Su. American Sociological Review, Vol 62, No 6 (Dec., 1997), pp. 866-882.
*"Gakureki shakai kasetsu no kento" (Examining the educational credentialism hypothesis). Bunshiro Ando. In Kenichi Tominaga, ed., Nihon no Kaiso Kozo (1994) University of Tokyo Press, pp. 275-292.
*A Review of Higher Education Reform in Modern Japan. Paul Doyon. "Higher Education," Vol. 41, No. 4 (Jun., 2001), pp. 443-470.
*Japan's Top 30 Universities. William Currie. International Higher Education, Winter 2002 [http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/News26/text014.htm]
*Engineering Tasks for the New Century: Japanese and U.S. Perspectives (1999) Office of International Affairs [http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=9624&page=24/]
* [http://www.yozemi.ac.jp/rank/gakubu/ www.yozemi.ac.jp/rank/gakubu/]
* [http://www.toshin.com/daigakuranking/ www.toshin.com/daigakuranking/]
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