

name = "Aguarunichthys"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Siluriformes
familia = Pimelodidae
genus = "Aguarunichthys"
genus_authority = Stewart, 1986
binomial = "Aguarunichthys inpai"
binomial_authority = Zuanon, Rapp Py-Daniel & Jégu, 1993
binomial2 = "Aguarunichthys tocantinsensis"
binomial2_authority = Zuanon, Rapp Py-Daniel & Jégu, 1993
binomial3 = "Aguarunichthys torosus"
binomial3_authority = Stewart, 1986

"Aguarunichthys" is a genus of catfishes (order Siluriformes) of the family Pimelodidae. It includes species, "A. inpai", "A. tocantinsensis", and "A. torosus".cite journal|url=|title=Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types|first=Carl J., Jr.|last=Ferraris|journal=Zootaxa|volume=1418|pages=1–628|year=2007|format=PDF]


"Aguarunichthys" is derived from "Aguaruna", the name of a society of people from where "A. torosus" was collected, as well as "ichthys", meaning "fish". The species name of "A. torosus" is derived from the Latin "brawny" or "muscular" for its body form. "A. tocantinsensis" is named for the Tocantins River from which it was first collected. "A. inpai" is a latinization of the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA).

Distribution and habitat

"A. inpai" inhabits the middle Amazon River basin in Brazil, "A. tocantinsensis" originates from the Tocantins River basin in Brazil, and "A. torosus" is known from the Cenepa River basin of the Amazon River drainage in Peru.

"A. tocantinsensis" has been found in areas with strong currents and rocky bottom. On the other hand, "A. inpai" inhabits areas where the riverbed consists of sediments. These fish species are rarely captured and are unknown to the local fishermen; this may be due to their deep-bottom dwelling habits.


"Aguarunichthys" was originally described due to the distinctive finger-like projections of the gas bladder.cite journal|title=Revision of "Pimelodina" and Description of a New Genus and Species from the Peruvian Amazon (Pisces: Pimelodidae)|first=Donald J.|last=Stewart|journal=Copeia|year=1986|pages=653–672|issue=3|doi=10.2307/1444947|volume=1986] There are three pairs of barbels, one pair of long maxillary barbels and two pairs of shorter chin barbels.

"A. inpai" has small spots on a cream-coloured body, while the other two species have large darker spots on an olive-brown body. "A. torosus" appears more elongate (it has a longer distance between its dorsal fin and adipose fin) and has a smaller eye than "A. tocantinsensis".cite journal|url=|title=Two new species of "Aguarunichthys" from the Amazon basin (Siluroidei: Pimelodidae)|first=Jansen A. S.|last=Zuanon|coauthors=Rapp Py-Daniel, Lúcia H.; Jégu, Michel|journal=Ichthyol. Explor. Frcshwatcrs|volume=4|issue=3|pages=251–260|date=November 1993|format=PDF] These species reach about 30–40 centimetres (12–16 in) SL.


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