Andrea Sachs

Andrea Sachs

Infobox character
colour = #DEDEE2
name = Andrea Sachs

caption = Anne Hathaway as Andrea Sachs
first = "The Devil Wears Prada"
last = "The Devil Wears Prada 2"
cause =
nickname = Andy
alias = Andy, Emily (addressed by Miranda)
species =
gender = Female
age = 23
born = July 16, 1980
death =
occupation = Miranda's assistant, later article contributor for "Seventeen"
title = Junior assistant for Miranda
family = Father, mother, sister (Jill), brother-in-law (Kyle), nephew (Isaac)
spouse = Alex Fineman
children = None
relatives =
episode =
portrayer = Anne Hathaway
creator = Lauren Weisberger

Andrea 'Andy' Sachs is a fictional character and main protagonist of the novel "The Devil Wears Prada" and the movie of the same name. She was portrayed by Anne Hathaway in the movie.


Andrea Sachs is a college graduate from Avon, Connecticut majoring in journalism. Her family consists of her father, mother, sister (Jill), brother-in-law (Kyle),and nephew baby Isaac (Jill and Kyle's baby, who appeared later in the book). She has a boyfriend named Alex Fineman and her best friend is Lily Goodwin. Her family is mentioned to be Jewish.

Life in "Runway" and Elias-Clark

Andrea went straight for an interview at the Elias-Clark building just after she graduates from college. When she set foot in the prestigious magazine publishing building, she knew nothing about magazine publication, fashion or even the woman who would later become her boss, Miranda Priestly. All she ever heard from people around her was 'this was a job a million girls would die for!'. Somehow, she got through the interview and wounded up working as Miranda's junior assistant. Her colleague is Emily, who got promoted to the status of senior assistant recently after the other assistant, Allison, got promoted to the beauty department of "Runway".

During her days in "Runway" magazine, Andrea found it hard to cope with her boss's demands. She would ask Andrea to do ridiculous things like finding her specialty items in Miami when she knew that her assistants were in New York. She would insist that Andrea buy the first copy of Harry Potter for her twins, Caroline and Cassidy. In addition, Andrea's job in "Runway" made it hard for her to stay in touch with her boyfriend, Alex and their relationship began to dwindle. The same goes to Lily and her family. She had turned down virtually every invitations from her friends to go for a drink or to hang out, giving the reason she can't leave her boss unattended. But on the bright side, her job often gives her the chance to grab Versace, Jimmy Choo, Marc Jacobs, and Prada labeled clothes, shoes and bags just to name a few, via the Closet, a special department in "Runway" that provides the staffs and models everything they need to impress Miranda.

Somewhere in the middle of the book, Andrea met Christian Collinsworth, the son of a wealthy couple and a playboy. She fell in love with him, feeling guilty at the same time for Alex.Christian always seems to be captivated by her, always kissing her when he saw her. There was even a time when he kissed her on the neck. She, however did not express any feelings for him though she secretly loves him.

One day, Emily was down with mononucleosis and she phoned Andrea to inform her that she is very sick and can't go to Paris with Miranda. Instead, Miranda wants Andrea to be in Paris. Andrea had a dilemma here as she cannot decide for herself whether she should go to Paris or just stay in New York. Finally, she went with Miranda to Paris. During one occasion, Miranda was informed that she will be receiving an award on behalf of "Runway America". Miranda ordered Andrea to type out an entire speech in 30 minutes or so. Andrea did as she told, but her effort was in vain as Miranda turned to leave the award ceremony because she was impatient. Andrea went up stage on behalf of her and received the award for her, where everyone in the hall looked puzzled.

Back in the car after the ceremony, Miranda asked Andrea some personal questions, which Andrea answered quite smoothly. Miranda said that her future in magazine would be bright. After a while, Miranda gave Andrea one of her frantic phone calls, and commanded Andrea to renew her twins' passports in three hours. Andrea then realizes that her family and friends are more important and she is fast becoming Miranda Priestly No. 2. She told Miranda off by telling her to go fuck herself. Andrea, of course was fired on the spot but she didn't really care. She packed her luggage and head back to America. She was glad that she was back home and she is still Andrea Sachs.

Later in the novel, we see Andrea writing short fiction and sent them to magazines all over New York. Her article about a girl named 'Jennifer' (which it turned out to be Andrea), was accepted by "Seventeen" magazine. We also find out that the editor, Loretta, once worked for Miranda and agrees with Andrea that she is a boss from hell. In the last chapter of the novel, Andrea returned to Elias-Clark and saw a young girl balancing a tray of Starbucks coffee while receiving a phone call from Miranda. The girl reminds Andrea that she was once in that position. In the end, the guard let a smiling Andrea pass through the huge door.

Differences From The Movie

In The Devil Wears Prada, Andrea Sachs lives with her boyfriend, Nate, who works as a cook. In the novel, Andrea's boyfriend is named Alex, he works as a public school teacher, and they do not live together. Andrea shares an apartment with two Indian girls, Shanti and Kendra, and later moves into an apartment with her friend Lily. At the end of the book, Lily and Andrea wind up staying with Andrea's family.

In the novel Andrea has blond hair, but in the movie she appears as brunette.

In the novel Andrea is a Jewish woman from Connecticut who recently graduated from Brown University. In the movie, however, she is arguably gentile, her family is from Ohio, and she graduated from Northwestern University.

The 'Christian' she meets in the movie is Christian "Thompson" and not Christian "Collinsworth". He is still a writer. In the novel, Andrea does not sleep with him but in the movie they have a one night stand.

In the novel, her colleague, Emily is nicer and shows more sympathy to Andrea than she does in the film, where she treats Andrea badly and resents her for being chosen to accompany Miranda to Paris. However, the novel states that Emily comes down with mononucleosis and asks Andrea to accompany Miranda to Paris.

In the movie, Andrea ends her career as Miranda's assistant by walking away and throwing her cell phone into a fountain when Miranda calls her. In the novel, Andrea tells Miranda off publicly and is fired immediately.

Andrea meets Miranda one last time in the movie when she sees Miranda in her chauffered car. She smiles at her, but Miranda rolls up her window and gives a small smile in the car where Andrea cannot see it. In the novel, Andrea does not meet Miranda again but sees her new assistant doing the things she used to do when she was Miranda's assistant.

Andrea is considerably more hard-edged in the book. She is frequently angry and impatient, is a heavy smoker and uses profane language regularly. In the film she rarely uses bad language but instead employs euphemisms such as "shoot". In the novel she is also prone to bouts of extreme road rage. One of the things that was criticized about the book was Andrea's snobbery and her bad temper. In the film she is much more even tempered and is usually polite to everyone. She rarely, if ever, swears and does not smoke. She usually maintains her temper under the most drastic of situations although she is prone to panic attacks. The only display of aggression she exhibits during the film is angrily flinging the tray with Miranda's lunch on it (which she didn't want) into a sink.

In the book version, Andy is asked to procur the published, but not released Harry Potter book for Miranda's twins, but in the film version she is asked to acquire the unpublished manuscript (which she delivers thanks to Christian Thompson).

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