M-87 Orkan

M-87 Orkan

Infobox Weapon
name=M87 LRSV

caption=The generic SVLR M-87 Orkan
type=Self-propelled multiple rocket launcher
primary_armament= 262 mm x 12,Orkan ll x 4
speed=80 km/h

The M-87 Orkan MLRS is a Yugoslavian military vehicle. The generic M-87 project was configured with 12 launch tubes mounted on FAP 2832 truck. It has a range of about 50km, able to deliver war heads, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Very few of these were ever built, The Orkan project was canceled and scrapped in the early 90's.

The Serbian Army redeveloped the Orkan II modification. The simplest solution was to integrate 262 mm launch tubes on a 9P113M2 launcher as it required minimum investment. The basic purpose of these modified launchers can be restored.


*SRB - 4 (Fitted 4 262mm launch tubes on a Zil truck). "OrkanII" [http://www.vojska.mod.gov.yu/eng/naoruzanje/kov/artiljerija/Samohodni_visecevni_lanser_M87_Orkan.html Orkan II]
*BIH - 1
*CRO - 4
*GEO - 4

Former operators

*YUG- est. 6 prototypes



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