Piece in F for Keyboard K.33b (Mozart)

Piece in F for Keyboard K.33b (Mozart)

The Klavierstück in F (Piece in F for Keyboard), K. 33b, is a keyboard work written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; its tempo marking is Allegro. It is 26 bars long, divided into two sections of 12 and 14 bars, each repeated.

Although the composition is not dated, time and place become clear from the manuscript itself. Mozart wrote it with a pencil on the back of a circular by the Zürcher Musikkollegium (Zurich Music College) dated September 30, 1766. The circular invited sponsors, music lovers and other people who might be interested to concerts by "the young (9 years old) Master Mozart as well as his maiden sister" (Maria Anna - Nannerl) on October 7 and 9. It can be assumed that Mozart played or improvised this lively piece in one of those concerts, the programs to which are lost. Mozart wrote it on the back of the circular probably as a souvenir for the College's board; otherwise he would have used his sister's notebook or his third book of sketches ("Skizzenbuch"), which is also lost. The autograph became known very late (in 1942), and so is missing from Alfred Einstein's 3rd edition of the "Köchel Verzeichnis". [http://dme.mozarteum.at/DME/objs/ed/ucb20_202_-32.jpgNMA IX/27/2, p.XI] and [http://dme.mozarteum.at/DME/objs/ed/ucb20_202_-31.jpgibd. p.XII]

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*Score: [http://dme.mozarteum.at/DME/objs/ed/ucb20_202_3.jpg]

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