- Armenians of Romania
Armenians have been present in what is nowRomania and Moldova for over a millennium, and have been an important presence as traders since the 14th century. Numbering only in the thousands in modern times, they were culturally suppressed in the Communist era, but have undergone a cultural revival since theRomanian Revolution of 1989 .History
Danubian Principalities
The earliest traces of Armenians in what was later
Moldavia are dated by 967 (recorded presence inCetatea Albă ). EarlyArmenian Diaspora s stemmed in the fall of theBagratuni rule and other disasters, including the Mongol invasion. In 1572-1574,Ioan Vodă cel Cumplit wasHospodar (Prince) of Moldavia, grandson of Stephen the Great, son of Bogdan III and his Armenianconcubine Serpega.Armenian expatriates were awarded
tax exemption s at different times in theDanubian Principalities ' history. Encouraged to settle as early as the 14th century, they became a familiar presence in towns, usually as the main entrepreneurs of the community - for this, in early modernBotoşani and several other places, Armenians as aguild were awarded political representation and degrees of self rule. A considerable number of noble families in the Principalities were of Armeniandescent .In
Bucharest , an Armenian presence was first recorded in the second half of the 14th century - most likely, immigrants from the Ottoman-ruledBalkans , as well as from the area aroundKamianets-Podilskyi and towns in Moldavia; throughout the 19th century, a large part of Armenian Bucharesters had arrived fromRousse , in present-dayBulgaria . The Gregorian Armenians were given the right to build a church around 1638 - it was rebuilt and expanded in 1685, but was damaged by the Russian attack during the 1768-1774 War with the Ottomans.Citizenship was bestowed on the community only with the decision taken by the international protectorate over the two countries (instituted after the
Crimean War and the ensuing Treaty of Paris) to extendcivil rights to all religious minorities.Transylvania
Armenians were present from early on in
Transylvania , clearly attested in a document issued by Hungarian King Ladislaus IV the Cuman (late 13th century). Here, they were even allowed to found their own trading towns, the most notable one beingGherla , called "Armenopolis"/"Armenierstadt" or "Hayakaghak" (Հայաքաղաք).Despite their increasing autonomy, the townspeople's adherence to the
Roman Catholic Church was nonetheless demanded (a conversion begun through the efforts of aBotoşani -born prelate,Oxendius Vărzărescu ), and further submitted to forced integration by theHabsburg monarchy since the 18th century. TheArmenian-Catholic Vicariate Gherla , anApostolic vicariate of theArmenian Rite , is nowadays centered on Gherla, and is placed under the jurisdiction of theRomanian Roman-Catholic Church archbishops ofAlba Iulia .Romania
After the
Armenian genocide of 1915, Romania was the first state to officially providepolitical asylum torefugee s from the area.In 1940 about 40,000 Armenians lived in Romania. Under communist rule, Armenians started to leave the country, and
Nicolae Ceauşescu 's regime eventually closed all Armenian schools.Religion
The Armenian Apostolic (Orthodox) community has a number of churches and a monastery in Romania. The church is under the jurisdiction of the See of Holy
Echmiadzin of theArmenian Apostolic Church . The churches include:
*Episcopia Armeana Hreshdagabedats Mayr Yegeghetsi (Apostolic) (Bucharest)
*Holy Cross (Hagigadar) Armenian Apostolic Monastery of the Wishes (Manastirea Dorintelor, Suceava)
*Armenian Apostolic Church of Iasi (Biserca Armeana Sf. Maria, Iasi)
*Armenian Apostolic Church of Constanta (Biserca Armeana Sf. Maria, Constanta)
*St. Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Botosani (Biserca Sf. Treime, Botosani)
*Adormition of Holy Mother Armenian Apostolic Church of Botosani (Biserca Adormirea Maicii domnului, Botosani)There is also the Zamca Armenian Apostolic Monastery in Mânăstirea Zamca, Suceava.
Armenian Catholic churches and Parishes belonging to the
Armenian Catholic Church include:
*Parohia Armeano Catolica (Gherla, Szamosujvar)
*Parohia Armeano Catolica (Dumbraveni, Erzsebetvaros)
*Parohia Armeano Catolica (Gheorgheni, Gyergyoszentmiklos)
*Parohia Armeano Catolica (Frumoasa, Csikszepviz)Present situation
Since 1989, there has been an Armenian cultural and political revival in Romania. As of 2002, there were 1,780 Armenians, many of them from mixed families, and the number of native speakers of the
Armenian language is 721. There is one Armenian church in Bucharest on what is called "Strada Armenească" ("Armenian Street").The community presently publishes the periodicals "Nor Ghiank" (in Armenian), "Ararat", and the state-sponsored "Lăcaşuri de cult".
Notable Romanians of Armenian descent
Romanians of Armenian descent have been very active in Romanian political, cultural, academic and social life. Most worthy of mention would be for example His Holiness
Vazgen I ,Catholicos of Armenia . Another would beIacob Zadig was a general in theRomanian Army duringWorld War I Gallery
See also
Armenian diaspora in Europe References
* [http://www.personal.ceu.hu/students/02/Leon_Stacescu/rh.htm "Armenians in Romania" at the Central European University site] (retrieved on 28 November 2005)
*ro icon [http://www.divers.ro/files/armenii.html Armenii] ("The Armenians"), on "Divers" online bulletin of ethnic minorities in Romania (retrieved on 28 November 2005)
*Neagu Djuvara , "Între Orient şi Occident. Ţările române la începutul epocii moderne" ("Between Orient and Occident. The Romanian lands from at the beginning of the modern era"), Humanitas, Bucharest, 1995, p.178
*Constantin C. Giurescu , "Istoria Bucureştilor. Din cele mai vechi timpuri pînă în zilele noastre" ("History of Bucharest. From the earliest times to our day"), Ed. Pentru Literatură, Bucharest, 1966, p.98, 270-271
*Nicolae Iorga , "Choses d’art arméniennes en Roumanie" ("Artworks of Armenians in Romania"), 1935External links
*ro icon [http://www.araratonline.com/313Actualitatearticol08.html "Ararat" online]
* [http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Armenian_Churches_in_Europe#Romania List of Armenian Churches in Romania]
*ro icon [http://www.adevarulonline.ro/dosar/180547_16_1.html Marius Vasileanu, "Biserica Armeană" ("The Armenian Church")] , in "Adevărul "
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.