

Schiavone is an Italian nickname or surname, meaning "Slav", originally indicating origins in parts of Croatia - Dalmatia or Istria under the rule of Venice Republic. How important role Schiavone's in Republic of Venice had is best shown by the name of one of the main street's in Venice - Riva degli Schiavoni, just in front of the Doge Palace and San Marco Square. A number of croatian artists who worked in Italy were nicknamed Schiavone by their origin. Most famous among them are Julije Klović, Andrija Medulić and brothers Franjo and Lucijan Vranjanin.

In Italy, it occurs mostly in the southern parts of the mainland, namely Campania and Puglia, but is also common in Rome, Turin, Milan, and Syracuse. [ [ Cognomi.] "GENS". Accessed November 15, 2006.] [ [ Schiavone] . "Origine dei cognomi". Accessed November 27, 2006.] Branches of the Schiavone family can also be found in Argentina, Uruguay, the Philippines and the United States.


* Andrija Medulić, Andrea, lo Schiavone, or Andrea Schiavone as the Venetian artist Andrea Meldolla is usually known in English
*Assunta De Rossi (born 1983), Philippine actress, real name "Assunta Schiavone"
*Alessandra De Rossi (born 1984), Philippine actress, real name "Alessandra Schiavone", younger sister of Assunta de Rossi
*Aldo Schiavone, Italian law scholar
*Dave Schiavone, American jazz saxophonist
*Francesca Schiavone (born 1980), Italian tennis player
*Francesco Schiavone, prominent Camorristi and head of the Casalesi clan from Casal di Principe in the province of Caserta between Naples and Salerno.
*Luigi Schiavone, Italian guitarist
*Patricio Schiavone (born 1985), Argentine actor
*Patrick Schiavone, American Ford F-150 designer
*Tony Schiavone (born 1964), American professional wrestling announcer


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