Squat (exercise)

Squat (exercise)

The squat is a lower body exercise used in strength training. It is also a competitive lift in powerlifting and an essential movement in the sport of weightlifting. The exercise's main emphasis is on the quadriceps and the glutes, but it also involves the hamstrings, the calves, and the lower back. The squat is often called "the king of exercises" by those who believe it capable of inducing more and faster muscle growth than any other exercise. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1608/is_4_19/ai_104682197 Sidney, D: "Squat today, grow every day: do this king of all exercises and sprout muscle even in your upper body - Body Shop". Men's Fitness, April 2005.] ]

The squat is performed by bending the legs at the knees and hips, lowering the torso between the legs, and then reversing direction to stand up straight again. The torso leans forward to maintain balance. It acts as a supporting structure, unlike its role in the deadlift. Proper technique is critical, otherwise very serious injuries or gradual injury over a period of time can occur. The back must maintain its natural curvature and not "round out" (excessive lumbar or thoracic kyphosis), otherwise excess strain can be placed on the spine and cause serious injury. Lifting belts can be used to help support the lower back.


The feet should be flat on the floor, with even distribution of weight between the heel and the ball of the foot during eccentric muscle action. In order to reach a range of motion beyond parallel, individuals without sufficient ankle flexibility may try putting a flat board beneath the heels to artificially improve their flexibility. Similarly, a wedge shaped board may be used, allowing the entire foot to remain in contact with a single surface, improving stability over the first technique. Both methods are short-term fixes and require that regular stretching and a full range of motion be employed to maintain and increase flexibility to the desired levels with the ultimate aim that the board's use be eliminated. In the sport of weightlifting, a specifically designed shoe, that has a heel elevated by an encased wooden block, is commonly worn. Some experts, however, discourage the use of a board or heel because it may lead to a breakdown of proper form. [ [http://www.naturalstrength.com/features/detail2.asp?AuthorID=68&ArticleID=488 The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Lifting Technique. Stuart McRobert, CS Publishing; 2nd edition, September 1999 - Book Excerpt ] ] In any squat, even one performed without these depth-increasing aids, the lifter should take care to exert force from the heel of the foot and not from the toes during concentric muscle contraction in order to maintain balance.

To avoid the chance of getting stuck under the bar, heavy barbell squats are best performed either inside a power cage or in the presence of one or more spotters, who can help to safely return the barbell to the squat rack at the end of the set if the lifter is unable to do so. A smith machine can also be used, though the movement is less natural than with a bar, does not provide adequate stabiliser muscle development and may lead to joint problems. [cite web | url = http://www.webmd.com/content/article/122/114709.htm | publisher = WebMD | accessdate = 2008-02-04 | date = 2006-05-19 | title = 9 Least Effective Exercises | last = Russi Sarnataro | first = B ]

World records

* The world record for sumo squats performed in one hour 5,135, held by Thienna Ho. [ [http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/adjudications/071216_most_squats_in_one_hour_post.aspx New record for Sumo Squats - December 16th 2007 - Guinness World Records Site] ]

* Mark Henry has performed a 430 kg squat raw ( unequiped ) which was a world record setting lift. [ [http://www.powerliftingwatch.com/records/900-pound-raw-squat] ]


The squat has a number of variants, some of which can be combined (e.g. a dumbbell split squat):
* Back squat - the bar is held on the back of the body at the base of the neck or lower across the upper back. In powerlifting, the barbell is often held in a lower position in order to create a lever advantage, while, in weightlifting, the barbell is often held in a higher position in order to keep the torso more upright in a deep squat. These variations are called low bar and high bar, respectively.
* Front squat - the weight (usually a barbell) is held in front of the body across the clavicles and deltoids in either a clean grip, as is used in weightlifting, or with the arms crossed and hands placed on top of the barbell.
* Overhead squat - a barbell is held overhead in a wide-arm snatch grip; however, it is also possible to use a closer grip if flexibility allows.
* Box squat - lifter sits back onto a short box, momentarily relaxing the hip flexors, before contracting them and rising off the box; [ [http://www.deepsquatter.com/strength/archives/ls9.htm Louie Simmons' (of Westside Barbell) Description] ] the use of a box sets a consistent depth and increases emphasis on the muscles of the posterior chain.
* Zercher squatt - the bar his held in the crooks of the arms, on the inside of the elbow.
* Hack squat - a barbell is held in the hands just behind the legs; it was invented by early 1900s professional wrestler Georg Hackenschmidt.
* Sissy squat - a dumbbell is held behind the legs while the heels are lifted off the ground and the torso remains flat while the lifter leans backwards; sometimes done with a plate held on the chest and one arm holding onto a chair or beam for support.
* Pistol squat - a freestanding one-legged squat where the non-lifting leg is held in free space.
* Split squat - an assisted one-legged squat where the non-lifting leg is rested on the ground a few 'steps' behind the lifter, as if it were a static lunge.
* Bulgarian squat is performed much like a split squat, but the foot of the non-lifting leg is rested on a knee-high platform behind the lifter.
*Hindu squat - is done without weight where the heels are raised and body weight is placed on the toes; the knees track far past the toes.
*Jump squat - a plyometrics exercise where the squatter jumps off the floor at the top of the lift.
*Air squat - done with no weight or barbell, often at higher repetitions than other variants.

The squat also has a number of commonly specified depths:
*The quarter squat descends about half of the way down towards a half squat.
*The hams parallel squat descends until the bottom of the thighs, the hamstrings, reach an imaginary line drawn parallel to the floor.
*The quads parallel or powerlifting legal squat descends until the crease of the top of the thighs at the hips is lower than the tops of the knees.
*The half or thighs parallel squat descends to a depth that is between hams-parallel and quads-parallel. The whole leg is parallel to the ground.
*The full or ass to the grass/ground (ATG) squat descends past quads-parallel to the maximum that a lifter's flexibility allows. This is the common depth for Olympic weightlifters, as receiving the weight from a clean, usually ends up at the deepest point.

Squatting below parallel qualifies a squat as deep while squatting above it qualifies as shallow.


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