

Husula is a semi-urban village in Hamina, Finland. It is located approximately 3 kilometres north from the center of Hamina. Before the town of Hamina and municipality of Vehkalahti merged at the beginning of 2003, Husula belonged to Vehkalahti. Together with the neightboring Salmenkylä, it combines one of the biggest population centers in Hamina (about 2000 persons living there).

Husula has played part of Finnish history. In the 18th century when Sweden and Russia were at war, Swedish King Gustav III and his army rested in Husula before they tried to attack Hamina, which was occupied by Russians.

Also, there is a hill called Kytövuori where you can have a nice view over the surrounding area and you can also see the town of Hamina there. There's two old cemeteries in Husula, other one is the old graveyard of Vehkalahti and the other one is old graveyeard of Hamina. The highway 26 (which leads east to Lappeenranta) separates those two cemeteries so that the Vehkalahti cemetery is on the northern side of the highway and the Hamina cemetery is on the south.

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