- Birkirkara M.U.S.E.U.M. Branch
The Nannuwa Lane Center
This Centre could trace its origin to the Oratory of the Society of Saint Paul at Saint Julian Street,
Birkirkara , Malta, because all its first members were previously catechists at the same Oratory. In 1915 or 1916Wenzu Abela , who was then Superior at the Kalkara Centre and a Dockyard worker, invited Anġlu (Ġolu) Sciberras, a fellow worker, to start attending the meetings which SaintGeorge Preca used to hold on Wednesdays and Sundays at theĦamrun branch of Broad Street. He attended this meeting and was so impressed that, in turn, he encouragedĠużeppi Ellul ,Fonzu Borg ,Ċensu Sciberras ,Ġużeppi Galea andĠanni Pace to attend as well. In the period February/March 1918, Anġlu Sciberras requested permission from the Provost of Birkirkara, Rev. Can. Karm Zammit so that a group of young persons could meet and study catechism at a farmhouse, belonging to Ġanni Pace ‘il-Paromu’ at Bwieraq Lane. Anġlu Sciberras was elected as the first Superior.Saint George Preca used to frequent this farmhouse and spend some time there in prayer and solitude. The
Valletta M.U.S.E.U.M Branch andBormla M.U.S.E.U.M. Branch used to hold retreats there. On Sunday, 8th December, 1918 an Incorporation Ceremony, which was attended by the Superior General,Eugenio Borg was held at this farmhouse. On Monday, 15th April, 1920, Fonzu Borg was the first member of the Centre to die when he was hit by car while on his way to teach catechism atMsida . Saint Ġorġ Preca called him the “first martyr of the Society” and assured members that he went to heaven. After two years, the members left the farmhouse and the Centre was transferred to Nannuwa Lane on Sunday, 6th February, 1921. The new premises, which was blessed by the Founder, had as its first SuperiorĠużeppi Ellul (1919-21). In 1922 the first Kult Eptanġeliku was held at this Centre and was presided over by the Superior General Eugenio Borg. On this occasion, the Founder held the first meeting with the Servjenti Ġenerali tal-Kult.Members from this Centre used to go and teach at other Centres such as those at
Lija ,Balzan ,Attard , Msida,Sliema and Pietà. Saint Ġorġ Preca used to visit the Nannuwa Centre regularly and he referred to it as “The Mamo Centre,” because Ġanni Mamo served for a long time as Superior of this Centre (1923-49). The Founder used to ask Ġanni Mamo, who had a grocer’s shop, to bring him a bag of sweets so that after blessing them, he would distribute them amongst the children present. During the Second World War, a number of refugees lived at this Centre and as a result members used to hold the assignment at Ġanni Mamo’s house.The Incorporation Ceremony held in December 1940 was, however, held at this Centre. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary, several activities were held in the period 4th to 7th July, 1968. These included a con-celebrated mass on Saturday, 6th July, 1968 by H.E. Bishop Emanuel Galea together with the Provost Mons I. Sciberras Psaila and ten priests, all former members of this Centre. The following day, H.E. Archbishop Mgr Michael Gonzi presided at a special meeting held at St Helen’s Basilica. Mgr Gonzi had visited the Centre on Saturday, 5th June, 1965. On Saturday, 10th September, 1994, the Archbishop H.E. Mgr Ġużeppi Mercieca paid a visit to the Centre. On Monday 7th October, 1987 a contract was signed whereby the Branch was bought by the Society. A number of activities were held during September and October, 2001 in order to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Nannuwa Branch. These included an Open Day, a play and a Mass at the same Centre. Late members from this Centre include such saintly members as Antonio Duca, Karmenu Borg, Ġużeppi Borg, Indri Borg, Rokku Borg, Mikiel Agius, and Salvu Mallia, Servant for Moral Theology. In addition this Centre also proved to be a nursery for priestly vocations.
The Santa Marija Branch
Although the Society of Christian Doctrine had an early start in B’Kara, several areas of this town were for a long time untouched by the activities of the said Society. Around the year 1942, largely as a result of the enthusiastic encouragement of the young Priest and former member of the Society,
Fr. Guseppe Zahra , the Superior of the B’Kara Branch, Giovanni Mamo, sent two members (Andrè Borg and Giovanni Grech) to start catechetical activities at what was then known as theFleur-De-Lys area of B’Kara.At first these activities took place in a former Cement factory, later in a garage and as well as in a small apartment at the same time. The result was that on the 21 of September 1943 the Leadership of the Society of Christian Doctrine raised this small group to the Status of Branch distinct to the one that already existed in the same town. Unfortunately its proprietor reclaimed the above-mentioned garage, and there was a possibility that all these activities might cease. However whilst clearing the above mentioned place they were approached by Mr. Giuseppe Borg who besides offering them a temporary residence at a small garage of his, indicated a former dance hall at St. Mary’s Street that was now for sale. Although a high price was demanded, the members were able to buy this place with the help of the above-mentioned Giuseppe Borg and the two brothers Angelo and
Fortunato Vella . All this events took place in the period between 1944 and 1946.As a former dance hall it was natural that the new Branch had the largest hall then owned by the Society. Indeed for a long time practically all the General meetings as well as the most important ceremonies of the SDC were held here. However in order to meet the needs and demands of the growing number of children and young adults who kept attending there, the members had to undertake structural changes in the building itself with which kept going on and of until around 1980. Of more importance was the spiritual formation given. Amongst those who were formed spiritually in this Branch were many who later reached high positions in both the Public and Ecclesiastical circles; the most notable was His Excellency Rev. Fr.
Adeodato Micallef ,Bishop of Kuwait , who besides receiving his early spiritual formation in the Branch was also for some time a full member.In the later part of the 1980’s the Branch also started to use various audiovisual aids and later on computer was also introduced. An interesting activity is that of reaching out to newly built areas of B’Kara through the various branches. Most of the members besides giving their services in Branch itself also teach catechism in the outlaying branches. Besides giving spiritual formation, activities aimed at personal and cultural enrichment are also organised, whilst the recreational side is not ignored. All in all the Members of the B’Kara II SDC Branch are conscious that they and those whom they are helping in their formation are pilgrims on a journey to salvation, in which all praise and glory is given to Jesus Christ the Incarnate word of God.
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