Zvi Kolitz

Zvi Kolitz

Zvi Kolitz (died 29 September 2002) was the author of the "Holocaust-related Yosl Rakover Talks to God.

He co-wrote and co-produced Israel's first film (1955's"Hill 24 Doesn't Answer"). Kolitz stirred controversy when the 1964 Broadway play he co-produced, but did not write, "The Deputy", questioned the Vatican's silence during the Holocaust. Many NYC Catholics picketed the play.

A native of Lithuania whose family escaped to Italy in 1936, Kolitz received his education at the University of Florence and later joined the Naval Academy. Later a prisoner and a subsequent soldier in the British army, Kolitz also served as a columnist for a Yiddish paper for over three decades and penned numerous books.

On September 29 2002, Zvi Kolitz died of natural causes in Manhattan. He was 89 years old.


* [http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/filmography.html?p_id=162020 NY Times]

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