Corn Belt Derecho

Corn Belt Derecho

The Corn Belt Derecho was a derecho which affected a large area of the central United States on June 29, 1998. In the morning, a supercell developed over eastern Nebraska and tracked into central Iowa. As the thunderstorm reached central Iowa, a strong rear-inflow jet developed which caused the thunderstorm to take on a different characteristic, becoming a derecho.

Over the Davenport, Iowa area of responsibility, numerous reports of wind gusts ranging from 80 to 100 mph were received. The highest measured wind gust was reported in Washington, Iowa at convert|123|mph|km/h|0 mph. This is the highest unofficial recorded wind gust in the history of the state of Iowa. [ [ June 29, 1998 Derecho NWS Quad Cities IA IL ] ]

Along with the long-lived derecho, 28 tornadoes were reported, one an F2 which injured 85 people in central Iowa. Over eight states, the derecho and associated tornadoes killed one person and injured 174.Data from the Storm Prediction Center archives, which are accessible through [ SeverePlot] , free software created and maintained by John Hart, lead forecaster for the SPC.]


ee also

*List of derecho events

External links

* for more information and radar images.

Copy from the above referenced website.

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