Adoption's an Option

Adoption's an Option

Infobox Television episode
Title = Adoption's an Option
Series = Robot Chicken

Caption = Seth Green: "Now that's a douche I can trust."
Season = 2
Episode = 11
Airdate = September 17 2006
Production = 36
Writer = Hugh Davidson
Jordan Allen-Dutton
Dan Milano
Mike Fasolo
Doug Goldstein
Seth Green
Tom Root
Matthew Senreich
Erik Weiner
Director = Tom Root
Guests =
Episode list = List of Robot Chicken episodes
Prev =
Next = The Munnery

"Adoption's an Option" is the eleventh episode of season two of the television comedy series Robot Chicken.

List of skits

Robot Chicken Sells Out

"Robot Chicken" is ready to sell out.

The Fantanas

The Fantanas assist with the Middle East peace process.

Prison Headache

The old excuse of "I have a headache" is given a new twist within the confines of a prison cell.

Written by Tom Root

E.T. Returns Home

E.T. finally returns home, but it's less cool than he remembered. He's their version of a "retard", who was intentionally stranded on Earth by a group of jocks. When he says, "E.T. phoned home," one of them tells him his name is "Kleeborp" with "the one glowing finger." The jocks again leave him on an alien planet, this one infested with xenomorphs.

The Secret Life of Jack-O'Lanterns

The secret life of jack-o'-lanterns is finally revealed. There are 4 pumpkins on the driveway. When two bullies come, they throw and smash one of them. One pumpkin says, "Holy f------in asscrackers" before he is smashed. The third one has his lid taken off and a bully poops in him.

Three Hundred Copies

Jim's boss needs 300 copies by the 4 o'clock meeting - and he actually wants copies of his ass!

The Best Spaceship Ever

A little boy gives the details of his ideal spaceship - which spells bad news for verbally abusive, alcoholic dad.

Written by Dan Milano

The Poison Cookie

A new twist by a sadistic mom... after giving the eager children some fresh-baked cookies, she says, "In a few minutes we're going to find out who ate the poisoned cookie."

Pegasus Abuse

A demented little girl meets a mythical Pegasus and decides to turn it into what she really wanted - a huge version of My Little Pony, painted pink, wings removed, and named "Sunny Muffin" which the Pegasus was forced to say through whipping. After the girl leaves, the Pegasus meets a griffin named "Honeyflake" who also ended up like the Pegasus.

Written by Dan Milano

Would You Like Flies With That?

A new fast-food restaurant employee tries out his one line "Would You Like Fries With That?" with many different inflections, just to say "Would You Like Flies With That?" when a customer arrives.

Go Go Gadget Killing Machine

Skynet goes online, turning Inspector Gadget into an unstoppable, Terminator-like killing machine, whom Doctor Claw uses to try to kill "Penny" and "Brain".

Cast / Voice actors

* Wayne Brady - Pegasus 'Sunny Muffin', Salam Fayyad
* Leah Cevoli - Mother
* Seth Green - Ariel Shannon, Bully, Chief Quimby, Customer, Elliot, E.T./Kleeborp, Griffin 'Honeyflake', Himself, Nerd, Worker
* Joe Hanna - Inspector Gadget
* Jamie Kaler - Robot Chicken Sells Out! Host
* William Mapother - Alien Bully
* Drew Massey - Alien Bully
* Lisa Rohr - The Fantanas
* Tom Root - Pumpkin, Prisoner
* Mindy Sterling - Mother
* Cree Summer - Mother, Demented Little Girl, Penny
* Adam Talbott - Alien
* Frank Welker - Billy's Dad, Brain, Doctor Claw, M.A.D. Cat


* Cree Summer and Frank Welker reprise their roles as Penny and Dr. Claw/Brain from the original 1983 cartoon series.
* After the credits roll, Dr. Claw at MAD Cat's funeral balls up his fist and exclaims "Next time, Gadget, next time!", a slightly altered version from that used often in the 1983 cartoon.
* The Pegasus Abuse sketch parodies a famous scene from Roots where a slave (Kunta Kinte) is forced to give up his name.
* At the end of the E.T sketch, the jocks dump E.T onto LV-426, the homeworld of the Xenomorphs from the ALIEN quadrilogy.

toop!d Monkey

The monkey's face is shown above his scientific name 'Simian Stoopidicus'. []

References & External links

* ['s_an_Option Robot Chicken Wiki]
* [ Adult Swim]
*imdb title|0437745|title=Robot Chicken

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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