Eisenstein series

Eisenstein series

:"This article describes holomorphic Eisenstein series; for the non-holomorphic case see real analytic Eisenstein series"

In mathematics, Eisenstein series, named after German mathematician Gotthold Eisenstein, are particular modular forms with infinite series expansions that may be written down directly. Originally defined for the modular group, Eisenstein series can be generalized in the theory of automorphic forms.

Eisenstein series for the modular group

Let au be a complex number with strictly positive imaginary part. Define the holomorphic Eisenstein series G_{2k}( au) of weight 2k, where kgeq 2 is an integer, by the following series:

:G_{2k}( au) = sum_{ (m,n) eq (0,0)} frac{1}{(m+n au )^{2k.

This series absolutely converges to a holomorphic function of au in the upper half-plane and its Fourier expansion given below shows that it extends to a holomorphic function at au=iinfty. It is a remarkable fact that the Eisenstein series is a modular form. Indeed, the key property is its SL_2(mathbb{Z})-invariance. Explicitly if a,b,c,d in mathbb{Z} and ad-bc=1 then

:G_{2k} left( frac{ a au +b}{ c au + d} ight) = (c au +d)^{2k} G_{2k}( au)

and G_{2k} is therefore a modular form of weight 2k. Note that it is important to assume that kgeq 2, otherwise it would be illegitimate to change the order of summation, and the SL_2(mathbb{Z})-invariance would not hold. In fact, there are no nontrivial modular forms of weight 2. Nevertheless, an analogue of the holomorphic Eisenstein series can be defined even for k=1, although it would only be a "near modular form".

Relation to modular invariants

The modular invariants g_2 and g_3 of an elliptic curve are given by the first two terms of the Eisenstein series as

:g_2 = 60 G_4


:g_3 = 140 G_6

The article on modular invariants provides expressions for these two functions in terms of theta functions.

Recurrence relation

Any holomorphic modular form for the modular group can be written as a polynomial in G_4 and G_6. Specifically, the higher order G_{2k}'s can be written in terms of G_4 and G_6 through a recurrence relation. Let d_k=(2k+3)k!G_{2k+4}. Then the d_k satisfy the relation :sum_{k=0}^n {n choose k} d_k d_{n-k} = frac{2n+9}{3n+6}d_{n+2} for all nge 0. Here, {n choose k} is the binomial coefficient and d_0=3G_4 and d_1=5G_6.

The d_k occur in the series expansion for the Weierstrass's elliptic functions::wp(z)=frac{1}{z^2} + z^2 sum_{k=0}^infty frac {d_k z^{2k{k!}=frac{1}{z^2} + sum_{k=1}^infty (2k+1) G_{2k+2} z^{2k}

Fourier series

Define q=e^{2pi i au}. (Some older books define "q" to be the nome q=e^{ipi au}, but q=e^{2pi i au} is now standard in number theory.) Then the Fourier series of the Eisenstein series is

:G_{2k}( au) = 2zeta(2k) left(1+c_{2k}sum_{n=1}^{infty} sigma_{2k-1}(n)q^{n} ight)

where the Fourier coefficients c_{2k} are given by

:c_{2k} = frac{(2pi i)^{2k{(2k-1)! zeta(2k)} = frac {-4k}{B_{2k.

Here, "B"n are the Bernoulli numbers, zeta(z) is Riemann's zeta function and the sigma function sigma_p(n) is the sum of the pth powers of the divisors of n. In particular, one has

:G_4( au)=frac{pi^4}{45} left [ 1+ 240sum_{n=1}^infty sigma_3(n) q^{n} ight] and :G_6( au)=frac{2pi^6}{945} left [ 1- 504sum_{n=1}^infty sigma_5(n) q^{n} ight]

Note the summation over "q" can be resummed as a Lambert series; that is, one has

:sum_{n=1}^{infty} q^n sigma_a(n) = sum_{n=1}^{infty} frac{n^a q^n}{1-q^n}for arbitrary complex |"q"| ≤ 1 and "a". When working with the q-expansion of the Eisenstein series, the alternate notation:E_{2k}( au)=frac{G_{2k}( au)}{2zeta (2k)}=1-frac {4k}{B_{2ksum_{n=1}^{infty} sigma_{2k-1}(n)q^{n}is frequently introduced.

Identities involving Eisenstein series

Products of Eisenstein series

Eisenstein series form the most explicit examples of modular forms for the full modular group SL_2(mathbb{Z}). Since the space of modular forms of weight 2k has dimension 1 for 2k=4,6,8,10,14 different products of Eisenstein series having those weights have to be proportional. Thus we obtain the identities:

:E_4^2 = E_8, quad E_4 E_6 = E_{10} quad E_4 E_{10} = E_{14}, quad E_6 E_8 = E_{14}.

Using the "q"-expansions of the Eisenstein series given above, they may be restated as identities involving the sums of powers of divisors:

:(1+240sum_{n=1}^infty sigma_3(n) q^n)^2 = 1+480sum_{n=1}^infty sigma_7(n) q^n, hence :sigma_7(n)=sigma_3(n)+120sum_{m=1}^{n-1}sigma_3(m)sigma_3(n-m),

and similarly for the others. Perhaps, even more interestingly, the theta function of an eight-dimensional even unimodular lattice Γ is a modular form of weight 4 for the full modular group, which gives the following identities:

: heta_{Gamma}( au)=1+sum_{n=1}^infty r_{Gamma}(2n) q^{n} = E_8( au), quad r_{Gamma}(n) = 240sigma_3(n)

for the number r_{Gamma}(n) of vectors of the squared length "2n" in the root lattice of the type E8.

Similar techniques involving holomorphic Eisenstein series twisted by a Dirichlet character produce formulas for the number of representations of a positive integer "n" as a sum of two, four, and eight squares in terms of the divisors of "n".

Ramanujan identities

Ramanujan gave several interesting identities between the first few Eisenstein series involving differentiation. Let:L(q)=1-24sum_{n=1}^infty frac {nq^n}{1-q^n}=E_2( au)and:M(q)=1+240sum_{n=1}^infty frac {n^3q^n}{1-q^n}=E_4( au)and:N(q)=1-504sum_{n=1}^infty frac {n^5q^n}{1-q^n}=E_6( au),then

:qfrac{dL}{dq} = frac {L^2-M}{12}and:qfrac{dM}{dq} = frac {LM-N}{3}and:qfrac{dN}{dq} = frac {LN-M^2}{2}.

These identities yield corresponding arithmetical convolution identities involving the sum-of-divisor function, as for example

:sum_{k=0}^nsigma(k)sigma(n-k)=frac5{12}sigma_3(n)-frac12nsigma(n). Other identities of this type, but not directly related to the preceding relations between "L", "M" and "N" functions, have been proved by Ramanujan and Melfi, as for example

: sum_{k=0}^nsigma_3(k)sigma_3(n-k)=frac1{120}sigma_7(n)

: sum_{k=0}^nsigma(2k+1)sigma_3(n-k)=frac1{240}sigma_5(2n+1)

: sum_{k=0}^nsigma(3k+1)sigma(3n-3k+1)=frac19sigma_3(3n+2).For a comprehensive list of convolution identities involving sum-of-divisors functions and related topics see
* S. Ramanujan, "On certain arithmetical functions", pp 136-162, reprinted in "Collected Papers", (1962), Chelsea, New York.
* Heng Huat Chan and Yau Lin Ong, " [http://www.ams.org/proc/1999-127-06/S0002-9939-99-04832-7/S0002-9939-99-04832-7.pdf On Eisenstein Series] ", (1999) Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc. 127(6) pp.1735-1744
* G. Melfi, "On some modular identities", in Number Theory, Diophantine, Computational and Algebraic Aspects: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Eger, Hungary. Walter de Grutyer and Co. (1998), 371-382.


Automorphic forms generalize the idea of modular forms for general Lie groups; and Eisenstein series generalize in a similar fashion.

Defining "O"K to be the ring of integers of a totally real algebraic number field K, one then defines the Hilbert-Blumenthal modular group as PSL(2,"O""K"). One can then associate an Eisenstein series to every cusp of the Hilbert-Blumenthal modular group.


* Naum Illyich Akhiezer, "Elements of the Theory of Elliptic Functions", (1970) Moscow, translated into English as "AMS Translations of Mathematical Monographs Volume 79" (1990) AMS, Rhode Island ISBN 0-8218-4532-2
* Tom M. Apostol, "Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory, Second Edition" (1990), Springer, New York ISBN 0-387-97127-0
* Henryk Iwaniec, "Spectral Methods of Automorphic Forms, Second Edition", (2002) (Volume 53 in "Graduate Studies in Mathematics"), America Mathematical Society, Providence, RI ISBN 0-8218-3160-7 "(See chapter 3)"
* Serre, Jean-Pierre, "A course in arithmetic". Translated from the French. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 7. Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1973.

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