- Reed Garrett
CSI character
csi_serie=CSI: NY
name=Reed Garrett
city=New York City
family= Claire Conrad Taylor, mother (deceased)
Mac Taylor , step-father (alive)
portrayer=Kyle Gallner
first= Consequences
last=Reed Garrett is a
fictional character , played byKyle Gallner , on the TV series .Character's background
Reed Garrett is the son of Claire Conrad Taylor, Mac's late wife. Claire had given birth to Reed when she was very young, and had put him up for adoption. Reed, wanting to find Claire, saw Stella coming out of Mac's home one day and, began to follow her. After he learned the truth, Reed was reluctant to connect with Mac, because Mac is not his biological father. In "Sweet 16," Mac visits Reed at his home for Thanksgiving, and gives him photos of Claire.
In the episode , Reed reported on his blog confidential information regarding the cabbie killer case, provided by a secret source who turned out to be the serial killer himself. He inadvertently caused the murder of an innocent New Jersey cop who was moonlighting as a cabbie. After he realized the reach of Reed's blog, the cabbie killer kidnapped Reed to help him get his 'message' out to the public.
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