

official_name = Lamego

image_coat_of_arms = LMG.png

Region = Norte
Subregion = Douro
District = Viseu
Mayor_name = Francisco Lopes
Mayor_party = PSD-CDS
area_total = 165.4
population_total = 27,054
population_density = 164
Parishes = 24
coor = 41º05'N 7º52'W
params = 41_05_N_7_52_W
occasion =
day = September 8
website =

Lamego (pron. IPA2|lɐ'megu) is a city and a municipality in Portugal. The municipality has a population of about 27,054 inhabitants. The city itself has a population of about 8,848 in the historic center and approximately 17,000 in i`ts urban area. [ [ UMA POPULAÇÃO QUE SE URBANIZA, Uma avaliação recente - Cidades, 2004] Nuno Pires Soares, Instituto Geográfico Português (Geographic Institute of Portugal)] Region:Norte;Sub Region:Douro. District:Viseu.Diocese:Lamego.Lamego is an historical,immemorial city,south of the river Douro.The present Mayor is Francisco Manuel Lopes, elected by a coalition between the Social Democratic Party and the People's Party.

The municipal holiday is September 8.

It is the seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of Lamego.


* Almacave (city of Lamego)
* Avões
* Bigorne
* Britiande
* Cambres
* Cepões
* Ferreirim
* Ferreiros de Avões
* Figueira
* Lalim
* Lazarim
* Magueija
* Meijinhos
* Melcões
* Parada do Bispo
* Penajóia
* Penude
* Pretarouca
* Samodães
* Sande
* Sé ( city of Lamego)
* Valdigem
* Várzea de Abrunhais
* Vila Nova de Souto d'El-Rei


The most significant moment in the town's history was in 1143, when nobles declared Afonso Henriques to be Portugal's first king. The town's Gothic cathedral was built by him, although only the Romanesque tower is left from the original building, with its carved Renaissance portal and fine cloister dating from the 16th and 18th centuries. The 12th century castle preserves a fine keep and a very old and unusual cistern with monograms of master masons.

Just outside the town, within walking distance from the back of the cathedral, is the tiny 7th century São Pedro de Balsemão Chapel, a lovely Visigothic chapel believed to be the oldest in Portugal and second oldest in Europe.


External links

* [ Municipality official website]
* [ Photos from Lamego]

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