Expo 67 (pavilions)

Expo 67 (pavilions)

Expo 67 featured 90 pavilions representing Man and His World themes, nations, corporations, industries and religions including the U.S. pavilion, a geodesic dome designed by Buckminster Fuller. Expo 67 also featured the Habitat 67 housing complex designed by architect Moshe Safdie, which is still occupied.

The most popular pavilion was the Soviet Union's exhibit. It attracted about 13 million visitors.cite news
last =
first =
coauthors =
title = USSR, Canada, Biggest Attractions
work =
pages =
language = English
publisher = Canadian Press
date = 1967-10-30
url =
accessdate = 2007-06-05
] Rounding out the top five pavilions, in terms of attendance were: Canada 11 million visitors, the United States 9 million, France 8.5 million, and Czechoslovakia 8 million.Participating Countries:
* Africa: Algeria, Cameroun, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, and Upper Volta
* Asia: Burma, Ceylon, China (Taiwan), Korea, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Thailand and the United Arab Republic
* Australia
* Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, the USSR, and Yugoslavia
* Latin America: Barbados, Cuba, Grenade, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela
* North America: Canada, Mexico, and the United States
* Absent countries included The People's Republic of China, Spain, South Africa, and many countries of South America.

National pavilions

(From the "Official Guide of Expo 67")

* Canadian Pavilion - The distinctive building comprised of a large inverted pyramid called "the Katimavik", which is the Inuit word for "Gathering Place". The pavilion was located on a 30,285 sq metre lot. The major attractions in the building included "The Land of Canada", "The Growth of Canada" and "The Challenge to Canadians and Canada and the World".
* Africa Place- Countries represented: Cameroon; Chad; Democratic Republic of Congo; Gabon; Ghana; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Madagascar; Nigeria; Rwanda; Senegal; Tanzania;Uganda.
* Arab Countries - Countries represented: Algeria; Kuwait; Morocco; United Arab Republic(Egypt).
* Australia - Australia's Pavilion featured a large lounge area with prominent Australian oil paintings and seat-activated audio chairs that gave commentary in either French or English on a variety of Australian topics. There was also a static tropical coral display representing the Great Barrier Reef, and a kangaroo enclosure.
* Belgium
* Britain
* Burma
* Ceylon
* China
* Cuba
* Czechoslovakia - featuring the world's first interactive movie, "Kinoautomat", directed by Radúz Činčera.
* Ethiopia
* European Community
* France
* Greece
* Guyane - Barbados
* Haiti
* India
* Iran
* Israel
* Italy
* Japan
* Korea
* Maine
* Mauritius
* Mexico
* Monaco
* Netherlands
* Scandinavia- Countries represented: Denmark; Finland; Iceland; Norway; Sweden.
* Switzerland
* Thailand
* Trinidad and Tobago
* Tunisia
* Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Pavilion(USSR) - now stands at VDNKh in Moscow
* United States of America Pavilion - designed by Buckminster Fuller, the pavilion was one of the most popular with over 5 million visits. The building was distinguished by its large 20 story geodesic dome with an acrylic skin (which caught fire and melted away in 1976). The site minirail train passed through the building. The six floors were based on the theme of: "Creative America - the positive use of creative energy". The exhibits included everything from Elvis Presley's guitar to Apollo spacecraft. But not everyone liked the pavilion including U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson who (after a brief visit) was alleged to have said "the homosexuals have had carte blanche!" in reference to the design and content of the displays.
* Venezuela
* Vermont
* West Germany(FRG) - Designed by Frei Otto, who also worked on the design of the Japanese Pavilion at Expo 2000)
* Yugoslavia

Theme pavilions

(From the "Official Guide of Expo 67")

* Man the explorer - Man and Life; Man his Planet and Space; Man and the Oceans; man and the Polar Regions; Man and his Health.
* Man the producer - Resources for Man; Man in Control.
* Man and the creator - The Gallery of Fine Arts; Contemporary Sculpture; Industrial Design; Photography.
* Man in the community - Seven displays relating Man to the urban life and his interdependence on others.
* Man the provider - Agriculture.
* Labyrinth - A pavilion of functional architecture designed for the presentation of the multi-screen film "In the Labyrinth".
* Habitat 67 - A novel construction project related to Man's housing needs.

Private pavilions

* Air Canada
* Alcan Aquarium
* Bell Canada
* Boy Scouts Pavilion
* Brewers Pavilion
* Canadian Nation Railway Pavilion
* Canadian Pacific - Cominco Pavilion
* Canadian Pulp and Paper Pavilion - 44 stylized tree tops created the unique roof, the tallest tree reaching 8 stories. Out front guests were greeted by a stylized sculpture of a roll of paper being unwound. The sculpture had the attached meaning of: "(paper) the principal tool Man uses to record his thoughts". The trees were constructed with tongue and groove Douglas fir plywood (19 mm) over a steel frame. All of the trees had the same 4.9 m² base, but the height varied from 5 to 18 m. The plywood was coated with various shades of green epoxy paints. Over 9,300 m² of plywood was used to build the roof.
* Chatelaine Magazine House
* Economic Progress Pavilion
* Christian Pavilion
* European Community Pavilion
* Hospitality Pavilion
* Indians of Canada - A pavilion devoted to the aboriginals of Canada. It was one of the most controversial buildings as it included photos and works of art that depicted the difficulties faced by Aboriginals in Canada (such as on reserves, and issues raised with the use of Residential schools). It showcased the plight of natives before and after the arrival of Europeans, and explained at length how European settlers needed the aid of aboriginals in order to survive the harsh winters in Canada.
* Judaism Pavilion
* Kaleidescope Pavilion
* Kodak Pavilion
* OEDC Pavilion
* Olympic House
* Place des Nations
* Polymer Pavilion
* Sermons from Science Pavilion
* Telephone Pavilion - The main attraction of the film was the Walt Disney Circle-Vision 360° film: "Canada 67" - (From Expo67 Guide book): "You're on centre stage for the RCMP Musical Ride... on centre ice for hockey... on the track at the Stampede! CIRCLE-VISION 360° surrounds you with all the fun and excitement of Canada's most thrilling events and its scenic beauty. And then, take your chldren to the Enchanted Forest...see exciting new communication services for the future... all in the Telephone Pavilion!" ["Expo guide book", p. 178]
* United Nations Pavilion

Provincial and State Pavilions

* Atlantic Provinces - Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland shared the same pavilion building.
* Maine Pavilion
* New York State Pavilion
* Ontario - The pavilion contained 16 bilingual exhibits, a 570 seat circular (66 x 30 foot screen) theatre which played a 16-minute multi-image film and a large restaurant complex. The movie include the song "A Place to Stand, A Place to Grow" which became the unofficial theme song for Ontario.
* Quebec
* Vermont Pavilion
* Western Provinces - Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan all shared the same building space.

References and notes

*cite book
last = Berton
first = Pierre
authorlink = Pierre Berton
coauthors =
title =
publisher = Doubleday Canada Limited
year = 1997
location = Toronto
pages =
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 0-385-25662-0

*cite web
last = Brown
first = Kingsley
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Building the World's Fair
work = Did You Know
publisher = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
date = November 5, 1963
url = http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-69-100-527/life_society/expo_67/clip2
format = HTML/Windows Media Format
doi =
accessdate = 2007-04-26

*cite video
people =
title = Expo 67: Back to the Future...
medium = DVD Video
publisher = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
location = Toronto
url = http://www.cbc.ca/canadianexperience/expo67/
year = 2004

*cite book
last =
first =
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Official Expo 1967 Guide Book
publisher = Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd.
year = 1967
location = Toronto
pages =
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =

ee also

* Expo 67
* Expo 67 (opening week)
* Expo
* List of world's fairs
*Montreal Expo Express, a mass transit rail system built exclusively to service Expo 67 from "Place d'Acceul" on "la Cité du Havre" to" Île Notre-Dame".
* "A Place to Stand, A Place to Grow"
* "A Centennial Song"
* 1967 in Canada
* 1976 Summer Olympics, also held in Montreal, using part of the Expo 67 site.
* Expo '86, held in Vancouver
* Ontario Place, a Toronto park created in the 1970s to mimic Expo 67.
* Annual Canadian expos the Canadian National Exhibition and Pacific National Exhibition

External links


* [http://youtube.com/watch?v=xjiIvGpbYX8&mode=related&search= Youtube] 1985 CBC Television clip looking back at the "Ca-na-da" song, and the 'ruins' of the Expo site.
* [http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-69-100/life_society/expo_67/ CBC Digital Archives - Expo 67: Montreal Welcomes the World]
* [http://www.collectionscanada.ca/expo/053301_e.html Expo 67 - A Virtual Experience] , from the website of Library and Archives Canada
* [http://www.histori.ca/minutes/minute.do?id=10228 Historica Minutes TV Commercial] Canadian Heritage
* [http://www.foundationexpo88.org/australiaatworldexpositions/ Australia Pavilion at Montreal Expo '67 Multimedia Gallery]

Other Websites

* [http://expo67.morenciel.com/an_expo67/ "THE" site on the Expo 67] A lot of documentation and a slideshow with over 70 photos
* [http://www.space1999.net/~sorellarium13/expo-67.htm Expo 67 - In pictures] , from the website of
* [http://expo67.ncf.ca/ Expo 67 in Montreal]
* [http://www.alamedainfo.com/Expo_67_Montreal.htm Expo 67 postcard gallery]
* [http://www.worldsfairphotos.com/expo67/ Expo 67 in photos - www.worldsfairphotos.com]
* [http://www.fao.org/docrep/59708e/59708e05.htm Usage of wood at Expo 67]
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,899606-2,00.html The Films of Expo 67, from "Time" magazine]
* [http://www.filmreferencelibrary.ca/index.asp?navid=91&csid1=6&layid=62&fid3=999 Canadian Film Encyclopedia: "Films at Expo 67"]
* [http://www.expo17.ca/english/home/ Group trying to bring Expo back to Montreal for Canada's Sesquicentennial in 2017]

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