- Trigona (genus)
"For the Greek village, see "
Trygona Taxobox
name = "Trigona"
image_caption = "Trigona spinipes "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo =Hymenoptera
superfamilia =Apoidea
familia =Apidae
subfamilia =Apinae
tribus =Meliponini
genus = "Trigona"
genus_authority = Jurine, 1807
subdivision_ranks = Subgenera
subdivision = "Duckeola"
"Trigona""Trigona" is the largest
genus ofstingless bee s, formerly including many more subgenera than the present assemblage; many of these former subgenera have been elevated to generic status [Michener, C.D. (2000). The Bees of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press] . There are approximately 150 species presently included in the genus, in 11 subgenera. They differ from those groups now excluded in only minor structural details, primarily of the hind leg.Range
"Trigona" species occur throughout the
Neotropical region, and also throughout the Indo-Australian region; as presently defined, no members of the genus occur inAfrica .elected species
* "
Trigona barrocoloralensis " cite journal
author = Hoshiba and Imai
title = Chromosome evolution of bees and wasps (Hymenoptera, Apocrita) on the basis of C-banding patterns analyses
year = 1993
journal = Japan Journal of Genetics]* "
Trigona carbonaria " -- Queensland (AU) cite journal
year = 1997
title = The southernmost stingless bee in the world
journal = Aussie Bee Bulletin
number = 1
url = http://www.aussiebee.com.au/ab01.html
date =February 01 ,1997 ] cite web
title = Stingless Bees (Trigona and Austroplebeia)
url = http://www.aussiebee.com.au/stinglessbees.html]
* "Trigona chanchamayoensis " -- Mato Grosso (BR)
* "Trigona fuscipennis " cite mastersthesis
author = Z. V. S. Tarelho
title = Contribuição ao estudo citogenético dos Apoidea
year = 1973
title = Karyotypic description of four species of Trigona (Jurine, 1807) (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) from the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil
school = University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto]* "
Trigona hockingsi " -- (AU) cite web
title = Bees in your area
url = http://www.aussiebee.com.au/beesinyourarea.html]
* "Trigona hyalinata " -- Mato Grosso (BR)
* "Trigona minangkabau "
* "Trigona recursa " -- Mato Grosso (BR)
* "Trigona spinipes " -- "arapuá" (BR) cite journal
author = Brito and Pompolo
title = C:G patterns and fluorochrome staining with DAPI and CMA3, in Trigona spinipes (Jurine, 1807) (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae)
year = 1997
journal = Brazilian Journal of Genetics]References
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