Giorgi Baramidze

Giorgi Baramidze

Giorgi Baramidze ( _ka. გიორგი ბარამიძე, born 1968) is a Georgian politician, Vice-Prime Minister of Georgia and State Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration.

He was born in Tbilisi on January 5, 1968. He graduated from the Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Chemical Technologies in 1992. Baramidze read Economics in George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Germany in 1995 and was an Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) Fellow at the Foreign Service School at Georgetown University in the United States in 1998-1999.

In 1991-1992 Giorgi Baramidze worked as the Executive Secretary of the Green Party of Georgia. In 1992 he worked as the Deputy-Head of the Human Rights and Inter-national Relations Board of Georgia, then as the Head of the Civil and Political Rights Protection Department. He was the Member of Parliament in 1992-1995. Mr Baramidze joined Eduard Shevardnadze's Union of Citizens in 1994 and was the MP again in 1995-1999 and 1999-2003. In 2002, he became one of the leaders of the opposition party "United Democrats" and played an active role in the Rose Revolution in November 2003. After the change of power, Baramidze served as the Interior Minister in the new government from November 2003 to June 2004.

Giorgi Baramidze was appointed Minister of Defense in June 2004. In December 2004, he was moved to the post of Vice Premier and State Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration.

He speaks Georgian, English, Russian and French. Baramidze has a wife and a child.

See also

*List of Georgians
*Ministry of European Integration

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