Pale damselfish

Pale damselfish

name = Pale damselfish

image_width = 240px
image_caption = photographed near Dahab
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Pomacentridae
genus = "Amblyglyphidodon"
species = "A. indicus"
binomial = Amblyglyphidodon indicus
binomial_authority = (Allen & Randall, 2002)


Red Sea to the Andaman Sea, south to Madagascar and the Chagos Archipelago.Lieske, E. and Myers, R.F. (2004) "Coral reef guide; Red Sea" London, HarperCollins ISBN 0-00-715986-2]


Up to 8.3cm in length.FishBase_species|genus=Amblyglyphidodon|species=indicus|year=2007|month=6] Deep-bodied, pale blue-green with a dusky bar on the cheek, the margins of the dorsal fin and tail are black. The fish is not nervous and is easily approached. It is similar to the related species Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster and may appear with Amblyglyphidodon flavilautus.


Zooplankton and floating organic material.


Reef-associated from 2 to 35m; found in coral-rich reef areas, patch reefs and clear water.


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