Herbert Lawrence Bridgman

Herbert Lawrence Bridgman

Herbert Lawrence Bridgman (1844–September 24 1924) was an American explorer and journalist described as the "Ulysses of journalists" Staff report (October 6, 1924). [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,736372,00.html Milestones.] "Time"] for his work organizing the Robert Peary expedition to the North Pole.

Peary sent Bridgman the code cable "Sun" (meaning "We have reached the world's end"). In 1894, Bridgman led the relief expedition after Peary when he was lost in the Arctic.

Bridgman died at sea on board the "USS Newport".Staff report (September 27, 1924). HERBERT BRIDGMAN DIES AT SEA AT 80; Explorer, Scientist and Newspaper Man Expires on U.S. Training Ship Newport. "New York Times"] He bequeathed his estate to the University of the State of New York at the expiration of the life of his widow, Helen Bartlett Bridgman.Staff report (October 5, 1924) H.L. BRIDGMAN'S WILL.; State University to Get Estate After Widow's Death. "New York Times"] The Regent Bridgman Scholarship is named in his honor.


External links

* [http://www.nysfaaa.org/docs/student_family/what_is_finaid/scholarships.html#regbridgman Regent Bridgman Scholarship]

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