Tau Puppis

Tau Puppis

Starbox short
name=τ Puppis
ra=06h 49m 56.14s
dec=-50° 36' 51.8"
names=HR 2553, HD 50310, SAO 234735, FK5 263, CD -50 2415, UBV 6807, HIP 32768

Tau Puppis (τ Pup / τ Puppis) is a third-magnitude star in the constellation Puppis. It is occasionally called by the traditional name Rehla or Al Rihla (Arabic الرحلة), meaning "Voyage" or "Journey" of the Ship (Markab). Another name is "Anazitisi" (Greek Αναζητηση), meaning "Quest".

Tau Puppis is an orange K-type giant with an apparent magnitude of +2.94. Tau Puppis is also a spectroscopic binary star system in which the multiple companions within the system cause the principal star's orange color to vary from reddish orange to yellow. The Tau Puppis stellar system is approximately 185 light years from Earth.



External links

* [http://www.alcyone.de/SIT/bsc/ Yale Bright Star Catalog; click on Puppis]
* [http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/P/Pup.html EAAS: Puppis]

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