Cold & Wet

Cold & Wet
"Cold & Wet"
Single by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
from the album The Letting Go
Released 14 November 2006
Label Drag City
DC318 (US, 12", CDs)
RUG235 (UK, 12", CDs)

"Cold & Wet" is the name of a Bonnie 'Prince' Billy single taken from the 2006 album The Letting Go. It also includes a version of "The Way", originally from Master and Everyone (2004), recorded live on the Pebbles and Ripples Tour in 2004 (the tour from which the live album Summer in the Southeast was taken), and "Buried Treasure", a Kenny Rogers cover (the original version was a hit for Rogers in 1983). The single comes in both 12" vinyl and an Enhanced CD, which includes the music video for the title track, directed by Einar Baldvin.

Track listing

  1. "Cold & Wet"
  2. "The Way" (Live)
  3. "Buried Treasure" (Kenny Rogers)

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