Flash (Barry Allen)

Flash (Barry Allen)


caption=The Silver Age Flash, Barry Allen. Art by Barry Kitson.
publisher=DC Comics
debut="Showcase" #4 (Oct. 1956)
creators=Robert Kanigher John Broome Carmine Infantino
alter_ego = Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen (note: At one time it was said to be Barrence)
species =
homeworld =
alliances= Justice League
aliases=Trans-Visible Man
powers=Super speed
Self-molecular control
Time travel.|

Bartholomew "Barry" Allen is a fictional character, a superhero in the DC Comics universe and the second Flash. The character first appeared in "Showcase" #4 (Oct. 1956), created by writers Robert Kanigher and John Broome and penciler Carmine Infantino. His death in 1985 removed the character from the regular DC lineup for 23 years. His return to regular comics occurred in 2008 within the pages of Grant Morrison's "Final Crisis" limited series.

Fictional character biography

Barry Allen is a police scientist (his job title was changed to a forensic scientist in the Iron Heights one-shot) with a reputation for being very slow, deliberate, and frequently late, which frustrates his fiancee, Iris West. One night, as he is preparing to leave work, a lightning bolt shatters a case full of chemicals and spills them all over Allen. As a result, Allen finds that he can run extremely fast and has matching reflexes. He dons a set of red tights sporting a lightning bolt, dubs himself the Flash (after his childhood hero in the comic books, Jay Garrick), and becomes a crimefighter of Central City. In his civilian identity, he stores the costume in his ring, which can eject the compressed clothing when Allen needs it and suck it back in with the aid of a special gas that shrinks the suit. In addition, Allen invented the cosmic treadmill, a device that allowed for precise time-travel and was used in many stories. Allen was so well liked that nearly all speedsters that come after him are constantly compared to him. Batman once said "Barry is the kind of man that I would've hoped to become if my parents hadn't been murdered".

Justice League

As presented in "Justice League of America" #9, when the Earth is infiltrated by alien warriors sent to conquer the planet, some of the world's greatest heroes join forces -- Allen is one of them. While the superheroes individually defeat most of the invaders, they fall prey to a single alien and only by working together are they able to defeat the warrior. Afterwards the heroes decide to found the Justice League of America.

During the years, he is depicted as feeling attracted to Black Canary and Zatanna, but he never pursues a relationship because he feels his real love is Iris West. Allen also becomes good friends with Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), which would later be the subject of the limited series "Flash and Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold".

In "Flash" # 123 – "Flash of Two Worlds," – Allen is transported to Earth-Two where he meets Jay Garrick, the original Flash in DC Continuity; it is revealed that Jay Garrick's adventures were captured in comic book form on Earth-One. This storyline initiated DC's multiverse and was continued in issues of "Flash" and in team-ups between the Justice League of America of Earth-One and the Justice Society of America of Earth-Two. In the classic story from "Flash" # 179 – "The Flash - Fact or Fiction?" – Allen is thrown into the universe eventually called Earth Prime, a representation of "our" universe, where he seeks the aid of the "Flash" comic book's editor Julius Schwartz to build a cosmic treadmill so that he can return home.


In time, he married his girlfriend Iris, who learned of his double identity because Allen talked in his sleep. She kept his secret, and eventually, he revealed his identity to her of his own free will. Iris was eventually revealed to have been sent as a child from the 30th century and adopted.

In the 1980s, Flash's life begins to collapse. Iris is murdered by Professor Zoom (who had long loved her and been jealous of Allen), and when Allen prepares to marry another woman, Zoom tries the same trick again. Allen stops him, killing Zoom in the process by breaking his neck. Unfortunately, due to Barry being unable to make an appearance at his own wedding, his fiancé eventually descends into madness.

Put on trial for Zoom's murder, Allen is eventually acquitted, and learns that Iris's spirit has in fact been taken to the 30th century, where she is given a new body.

"Crisis on Infinite Earths"

Following the trial, Allen retires and joins Iris in the 30th century. However, after only a few weeks of happiness, the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" intervenes, and Allen is captured by the Anti-Monitor and brought to 1986; according to the Anti-Monitor, the Flash was the only being capable of travelling to other universes at will, so the Anti-Monitor couldn't allow him to stay free. Allen escapes and foils the Anti-Monitor's plan to destroy the Earth, but dies in the process. It has been said that Allen travels back through time and becomes the very same lightning bolt that gives him his powers, but later it is also strongly implied that the soul of Barry resides in the Speed Force, the mystical source and Valhalla open to all dead speedsters, and from which the living ones draw their amazing powers. After Allen's death, Wally West, his nephew and sidekick (known as "Kid Flash"), takes up the mantle of the Flash.

After death

Marv Wolfman, scribe for the "Crisis on Infinite Earths", has repeatedly stated (first hinted at in his introduction to the original "Crisis" collected edition hardcover), then fully explained on his website [http://www.marvwolfman.com/Q&A.html] ) that he left a loophole in the script wherein the Barry Allen Flash could be re-introduced, without a retcon, into DC Universe continuity. This loophole would allow a writer to pull Barry out of his desperate run to annihilate the anti-matter cannon. However, Barry would know he must someday finish his death run, and would become more determined to use his speed to help others.

It should also be noted that the way Barry Allen seemed to have "died" in "Crisis on Infinite Earths", was that he ran so fast that he was able to stop the Anti-Monitors anti-matter cannon from firing by catching the tachyon beam at the heart of the weapon. After this act, according to "Secret Origins Annual" #2 (1988), Barry Allen turns into a lightning bolt, goes back in time, becoming the lightning bolt that hit his lab, splashing his past-self with chemicals and transforming him into the Flash. [http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/wheres-barry.html]

In "Deadman: Dead Again", Barry is one of the heroes whose spirit Deadman helps to enter Heaven, and the "Green Arrow" storyline "Quiver" depicts Barry Allen in Heaven. His spirit, however, seems to still be alive within the speed force, along with Max Mercury and other speedsters.


Iris is pregnant when Allen dies, and she has two children, the Tornado Twins, who later meet the Legion of Super-Heroes. Each of her children themselves have children. One, Jenni Ognats, grows up to become the Legionnaire XS, while the other, Bart Allen, is born with a rapid-aging illness, and is sent back to the 20th century where he is cured by Wally West. He remains there as the superhero Impulse, later becoming the second Kid Flash as a member of the Teen Titans. One year after the events of "Infinite Crisis", Bart becomes the fourth Flash until he is abruptly killed by Inertia and the Rogues in "The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive" #13. Wally then retook the identity of The Flash.

Post-Crisis appearances

Due to his time-travel abilities, even death does not stop Barry from aiding his friends and family.

Barry first reappears during the "Chain Lightning" arc, where Flashes from different eras join together to defeat Cobalt Blue. Previously, a man that was thought to be Barry Allen, was revealed to be a past version of Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash, who had been driven mad on a visit to the past and believed himself to be Barry Allen. Cobalt Blue is Barry Allen's twin brother, who had been given to another couple at birth due to a mistake at the hospital. The resulting battle takes place shortly before Barry Allen is kidnapped during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Barry is nearly killed in this battle, almost rewriting the outcome of the Crisis.

When Wally West, wracked by grief for the loss of his unborn twins at the hands of Zoom, regrets the public knowledge of his identity, Barry comes from somewhere in time, counseling him, and talking the Spectre into granting his wish. He then disappears, telling his nephew that he will come to his aid three times, the three most difficult days of his life. In fact, when Zoom enlists the aid of Professor Zoom to make Wally relive the loss of his beloved twins, Barry is already there, trying to stop his own Reverse Flash. For the second time, he helps Wally to undo the damage dealt by Zoom, also allowing Wally to save his twins, and then he returns to his proper timeline. Barry has yet to help Wally a third time.

In the Marvel Comics series Quasar ["Quasar" #17] ,an amnesiac Barry Allen easily wins a race, sponsored by the Runner, made up of the super-speed competitors of Earth-616; his costume is greatly tattered as part of his disguise (said disguise possibly done for copyright reasons), and he is amnesiac, remembering himself only vaguely as "Buried Alien."

Infinite Crisis

In the fourth issue of "Infinite Crisis", Barry Allen comes out from the Speed Force, along with Johnny Quick and Max Mercury, to help his grandson Bart to deal with Superboy-Prime, taking the villainous child with him in the Speed Force. Bart Allen appears wearing Barry Allen's costume in Tokyo near the end of "Infinite Crisis" #5 to tell the heroes that Superboy-Prime has escaped the Speed Force. Bart again reappears in "Infinite Crisis" #7 in Barry Allen's costume to combat Superboy-Prime once more.

In "Flash: The Fastest Man Alive" #6 (2006) (with a portion taking place shortly before "Infinite Crisis" #5) is told how Barry spent four years in an alternate Keystone City along with Max Mercury, Johnny Quick and an alternate Jay Garrick, until he met Bart and Wally West, joining him after the battle against Superboy-Prime. After Superboy escapes, Barry suggests that someone has to absorb the whole Speed Force and cross the dimensional bridge back to Post-Crisis Earth. As Bart volunteers, Barry gives him his suit as a last gift, to keep the Force contained, and stays behind. Wally West didn't go because of his wife and kids. Bart says he knows Barry would go if he could, but why Barry Allen could not make the journey himself is not stated.


In April 2008, the special "DC Universe" #0 issue features an unnamed narrator who initially associates himself with "everything". As the story progresses, he begins to recall his past and association with Justice League members, particularly Hal Jordan and Superman. The lettering in which he speaks to the reader is yellow on backgrounds that are initially black. As the story moves forward, the background slowly begins turning red. In the final pages, the narration boxes feature a yellow lightning bolt. On the final page, the moon appears in front of a red sky, as a yellow lightning bolt strikes diagonally in front of it creating the logo of the Flash. The title of the story is revealed to be "Let There Be Lightning."

A New York Daily News story released on the same day proclaims that Barry Allen has returned to life, with issue co-writer Geoff Johns stating, "When the greatest evil comes back to the DC Universe, the greatest hero needed to return." [ [http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/arts/2008/04/30/2008-04-30_the_flash_outruns_the_reaper_23_years_af-1.html] ] . He appears in proper DC continuity in "Final Crisis" #2. On the 2nd to last page, Jay Garrick and Wally West feel vibrations to which Jay remarks, "Wally, don't you recognize those vibrations? It can't be... Not after all these years... Not after all this time." On the final page, we see Barry Allen in hot pursuit of the bullet which killed Orion, outrunning the Black Racer and yelling out to Jay & Wally to "Run!"

During "Final Crisis" #3, Jay Garrick speaks to Barry's wife, Iris, and tells her that her husband is truly alive. Meanwhile, Wally and Barry run a few weeks into the future. When they come to rest, Wally asks Barry if it's really him. Lamenting on Orion's death, which he was unable to stop, Barry wonders why he is now alive after being dead for so long. It is then when Barry and Wally are confronted by Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Catwoman and Giganta, who have all been transformed into the new Female Furies following the release of the Anti-Life Equation.

The Flash: Rebirth

Announced at Comic-Con International 2008, writer Geoff Johns and artist Ethan Van Sciver will create a 6-issue mini-series bringing Barry Allen back to a leading role in the DC Universe as the Flash. When asked what Flashes would appear in the series, Johns and Van Sciver said, "All of them."

Powers and abilities

Barry Allen was capable of running at the speed of light with little difficulty and, at times during the Silver Age of comics, the speed of thought. In "Flash" #150, "straining every muscle," he ran at ten times the speed of light. However, when he pushed himself further (during the Crisis on Infinite Earths) he appeared to waste away as he was converted into pure energy, traveled back in time, and was revealed to be the very bolt of lightning that gave him his powers. Barry Allen possessed abilities that Jay Garrick and Wally West have not always been able to duplicate, most notably the ability to "vibrate" in such a way as to pass through solid matter. Allen regularly engaged in time travel using the Cosmic Treadmill device.

Rogues gallery

The Flash acquired a colorful rogues gallery of villains. These criminals typically had unusually modest goals for their power level (robbery or other petty crimes), and each adopted a specific theme in his or her equipment and methods.

Trade paperback and hardcover collection

Collected editions that reprint issues of "The Flash" (vol. 1) and other comics featuring Barry Allen. The Archives are hardcover, all the others are softcover trade paperbacks:

Other versions

* Barry Allen is a supporting character in Frank Miller's "". He's been kept by Lex Luthor as a power source for most of the East Coast, constantly running on a treadmill to provide cheap electrical power or Iris will be executed. After being rescued, Barry wears a black version of his original Flash costume and aids Batman and other heroes in restoring order.
* Barry Allen also stars in "JLA: Age of Wonder" as a scientist working with Superman and a consortium of early twentieth-century scientists such as Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. The uniform incorporates the silver age look with the Mercury-style helmet worn by Jay Garrick.

* Other Elseworld appearances include: "League of Justice", a "Lord of the Rings"-type story, where the character is re-cast as "Phaeton," who wears a mystical brooch resembling Flash's lightning-bolt chest emblem, and has bathed in dragon's blood in order to protect himself from speed friction; and "Batman: Holy Terror", where he is one of a number of metahumans imprisoned by a theocratic state, and is killed when his captor deactivates the aura that protects him from friction.

* A story in the Marvel comic book series "Quasar" has the Marvel universe speedsters facing off in a competition set up by a being called the Runner. The contest is a race from the Earth to the Moon. During the race, a surge of energy hits the track, leaving a being with blonde hair and dressed in the remains of a red outfit with yellow boots. This being has no memory, but an enormous desire to run. He goes on to win the race, passing Marvel speedsters such as Quicksilver and Speed Demon in the process. When asked what his name is, the man replies, "I don't know... Buried Alien, or something like that." When asked how it felt to be the fastest man alive, he replied, "It feels... right!" The racer goes on to take the name Fast-Forward, disappearing into the universe in an attempt to help Makkari, who is stuck at hyper speed.
* In the Elseworlds tale "", Barry's life is still the same, but heroes age in real time. This reality shows no sign of the Crisis ever happening, so an elderly Barry is seen to be alive and well in 2008.

*The Elseworlds story "Flashpoint" shows an alternate reality where Barry Allen becomes the Flash in 1956, the year he first appeared in comics. He is more involved in government affairs. By 1963, he has ended the Cold War and pushed the communists out of Vietnam. However, his career is cut short as he takes a bullet aimed at John F. Kennedy. He is paralyzed from the neck down, but he still has the fastest mind on Earth and forms Allen Industries. By 1988, he and Vandal Savage's Immortality, Inc. have begun an exploration of Mars. In 1998, Wally West leads an expedition to Mars, during which he finds the flashpoint, an object which killed all life on Mars. Savage reveals his true colors as the one who shot Allen. Barry makes contact with Wally, who is going on a super speed rampage. Barry is cured and defeats Savage. He then enters the flashpoint, going into the Speed Force.

*In "The Flash Annual" #7, an alternate universe is shown where shortly after Wally West became Kid Flash, he became a superstar celebrity. However, Barry was tragically killed while battling Captain Cold. Ten years later, Wally is now a paraplegic and Captain Cold has written a supposedly "true" story about Barry that paints him as arrogant and incompetent. Wally decides to make a movie about his mentor that portrays the genuine Barry Allen. The resulting film is a success.

*Recently the Barry Allen of Earth-51, where secret identities are no longer needed by superheroes, is seen alive. He is subsequently killed by the Monitor of New Earth, Bob.

Other media

* He had some adventures in the rotating series of superheroes cartoons included in "The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure", with Kid Flash. He also was a founding member of The Justice League of America along with Superman, Green Lantern, Hawkman, and The Atom.
* He also appeared in "Super Friends" to help fellow Justice Leaguer, Superman. JLA members Flash, Green Lantern, and Hawkman eventually joined forces with Superman and the rest of the SuperFriends in "Challenge Of The SuperFriends", ', ' he was an important member of the superteam.
* Barry Allen was the Flash in the 1990s "Flash" live-action TV series, although this character incorporated elements of Wally's personality and social life, as well as previously non-existent characters such as a brother and nephew. He was played by John Wesley Shipp.
* Barry Allen never officially appears in the DCAU series of animated projects by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. However, a police detective in the "Justice League" episode "The Brave and the Bold" has a passing resemblance to Barry Allen, acting as the "good cop" during the Flash's interrogation [ [http://jl.toonzone.net/trophyroom/season1/season1.htm The Trophy Room - Season One] ] . In the "Justice League Unlimited" episode "Flash and Substance," the Wally West Flash mentions his uncle "flying in" to attend the dedication of a Flash Museum, an obvious reference to Barry. There's also another character on the same episode, who is Wally's teacher at the forensic lab, bears strange resemblance to Barry himself.
* He made a cameo appearance in The Joining, Part Two, the Season 4 finale of The Batman. He also appeared in the Season 5 episode "A Mirror Darkly", voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who also voiced Wally West in . Producer Alan Burnett said that while Flash had no distinct identity, he considered The Batman's Flash to be Barry Allen.
* In season 4, episode 5 of "Smallville", entitled "Run", featured speedster Bart Allen. He is portrayed as a self-centered teenager who uses his powers for personal gain, (including the Flash logo on his rucksack) although by the end of the episode, he was showing signs of changing his ways. Bart also carries around identification of Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, and Wally West, three Flashes in the main DC Universe. In season 6, episode 11 (Justice) he is working with Green Arrow, Cyborg and Aquaman to bring down Lex Luthor's plans of experimenting on "meteor freaks".
* "Ballad of Barry Allen" - A song by the band Jim's Big Ego on their album, "They're Everywhere". The song portrays Barry as a tragic character, whose perception of the world is so accelerated that all of reality appears to proceed at a snail's pace, causing him to gradually slip into depression. The band's frontman, Jim Infantino is the nephew of Flash co-creator Carmine Infantino, who provided the cover art for the same album.
* In the movie "Catch Me If You Can", Frank Abagnale, Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio) uses the name Barry Allen from The Flash comic book as one of his aliases in the film. The fact that he uses the name of a comic book character leads Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks) to believe that Abagnale is much younger than he had previously thought. He also had some Flash comic books in his room when his father woke him up to get the suit.
* Barry Allen stars in the 1997 live-action TV pilot "Justice League of America". He is played by Kenny Johnston. The pilot never aired in the US, but did in other countries.
* In the movie "Daddy Day Care", a child named Tony is almost always dressed as the Flash, and is shown speeding everywhere, out of reach of the daycare workers.
* Allen appears in the animated adaptation of "

External links

* [http://www.thehutch.com/monitorduty/2005/12/alan-kistlers-profile-on-the-f.php Alan Kistler's Profile On: The Flash] - An analysis of the history of the Flash by comic book historian Alan Kistler.
* [http://www.toonopedia.com/flash2.htm Silver Age Flash Toonopedia entry]
* [http://www.sequart.com/flash.htm The Flash: The Continuity Pages]
* [http://www.jlresource.com/good/theflash.php The Flash JLResource.com entry]
* [http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/ The Flash: Those Who Ride The Lightning] - Fan site with information about the super-speed characters of the DC Universe.
* [http://www.fourthhorsemanpress.com/Flash/ Crimson Lightning] - An online index to the comic book adventures of the Flash.
* [http://darkmark6.tripod.com/flashind.html Index to Barry Allen's Earth-1 adventures]
* [http://www.dcuguide.com/profile.php?name=flash2 The Unofficial Flash Biography]
* [http://movieblog.ugo.com/index.php/movieblog/more/jla_update_more_exclusives_and_sorry_aquaman/ Aquaman in movie after all]
* [http://movieblog.ugo.com/index.php/movieblog/C395/ The JLA movie info]
* [http://www.supermanhomepage.com/news.php?readmore=4019 Superman Homepage JLA biography]

Notes and references

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