Turaga na Rasau

Turaga na Rasau

Turaga Na Rasau is a traditional Fijian Chiefly title of the Lau Islands. Prior to Fijis Colonial days Fiji had Many different Vanua with their own Paramount Chieftain which exercised no authority over the other, a saying from the island of Kadavu aptly summarises itNomu Turaga o sega na noqu TuragaorYour Chief is not my Chiefalso the people of Beqa Island were of a similar opinion sayingGali Cuva Ki Lagi” [Fiji and the Fijians, p.19] orSubject only to heavenand would bow to no outside Chieftain, but at the turn of the century (1800s to 1900s) aspects of the traditional social structure remained, but for administrative purposes three main Matanitu were solidified and formed [Neither Cargo Nor Cult, Page 25] [ Islanders and the World: [http://books.google.com/books?id=uE6zbLTP8a8C&pg=PA48&ots=0SFeKFo5Cb&dq=Matanitu&sig=aH3bgpLpR29fWShVNMyPtf_WXHU#PPA48,M1 P 47 to 51] ] as they were the dominant consolidated powers at the time being that of Burebasaga, Kubuna and Tovata.With regard to the Rasau while its traditional origins were in Kubuna on Bau [ High Court civil action No.226 of 1999] the titles traditional authority in modern Fiji is now in Tovata, Lau in particular Lomaloma Tikina on the Island of Vanuabalavu [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] .

Please note: that both the English and Fijian languages are used in this article and mostly the Fijian Bauan dialect is used. The Fijian Language uses the Roman alphabet as in English.

The Title Explained

Fijian regional and inter-regional Chiefly titles vary in name and history and each tribal unit will have its own unique title with its history, mythology and Folklore and as tribes interacted in trade or in war, their unique stories and histories became intertwined, there is evidence of this across the Fiji island Group and also with Fijis closest Pacific neighbor and sometimes friendly foe Tonga, the following section of this article covers that of the Turaga Na Rasau as far as its traditional jurisdiction, translation, composition and location.

What came to pass

3c. The Roko Tui Bau Vuani-ivi clan, Ratu Ravulo Vakayaliyalo, Ratu Waqatabu Matawaqa and Ratu Niumataiwalu Kinita, the sons of Ratu Raiwalui the Roko Tui Bau Vuani-ivi went back to Vanuabalavu at Delainakorolevu, Lomaloma and there followed the Lasakauan, they were left at the island Laucala near Taveuni and the rest are at Levukana a village in Lomaloma Tikina on the Island of Vanuabalavu and still live there to this very day.

The Vunivalus tenacity and actions however they are judged paid off. Naulivou and Tanoa secured supremacy of Bau [Oceania By University of Sydney page 119 to 121] and their growing strength brought many victories across Fiji which brought the Island Nation into a new era of History which eventually saw a reluctantly united Fijian Nation under the rule of Ratu Seru Cakobau, the Rasau and his people remained in Lomaloma and their descendents live there to date.

Rasau of Recent History

Note: These are the names documented not long after cession of 1874 to the United Kingdom had taken place, then titles, title holders and their lineage was documented and held in government records these records came to be known as Ai Vola ni Kawa Bula now maintained for various records under the Native lands and Fisheries Commission.

Chart 4


Chart 5b

The Continuation of the Title

After the death of Ratu Tanoa Senibua, his title will return to the eldest line of the patrilineal lineage [ Fijian Chiefs: A Recantation., pp. 85-86 ] [ The Role of a Fijian Chief , pp. 541-550 ] , which will be Ratu Viliame Fonolahis children Ratu Clifton Keni Fonolahi Naulumatua, Ratu Edger Keni, and Ratu Ivan Keni [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] . It is possible for the title to descend through a junior lineage or through the maternal lineage, but such a decision would have to be approved by Tikina elders, the chiefly family members of Tokatoka Valelevu of the Matagali and Yavusa Buca, and the people of the Tikina of Lomaloma and the Yasana of Lau, because the position is held for life.

A Notable Chieftain of the Rasau

Notability is a position of exalted widely recognized importance, as recorded history in Fiji is limited, there may have been many that would have been notable men or women and likewise there would have been many Chieftain of the line of the Rasau that were worthy of notice Like Ratu Raiwalui, Ratu Poasa Vakadewavanua and Ratu Jese Waqalekaleka [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] [Oral History Tokatoka Valelevu] to name but a few and the documents to allow for great detail on these individuals are few and far between or unobtainable, however Rasau of more recent history seem to have had anthropological articles written on them or contributed to anthropological research in the early part of the 20th Century and were documented and are held in record and their stories can be shared, the most well documented life of the Rasau of Recent history was of Ratu Keni Naulumatua he contributed to works by anthropologists Arthur Maurice Hocart in his booksLau IslandsandFijian Heralds and Envoys” [ Fijian Heralds and Envoys, Vol. 43, Jan. - Jun., 1913] [ Lau Islands, Museum Bulletin 62 p226, 1930] as well as Mr Alex Phillip Lessin in his bookVillage of conquerors” [ Village of the Conquerors, 1970] and participated quite actively in the early days when Fiji was a young colony [Mr Naulumatua, Thursday, August 27th 1970, Page 6, Fiji Times ] .

Ratu Keni Naulumatua

7-1a.Ratu Keni Naulumatua (1895 - 1972) was a Fijian chief who held the title of Turaga Na Rasau he inherited this title after the death of his father who held the title before him for more than 70 years, Ratu Keni reigned for 32 years from 1944-1972 [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] . He was the firstborn son of Ratu Jese Waqalekaleka who was the eldest son of the Tui Daku Ratu Waquila Vakavo, Ratu Keni was the third eldest child but the eldest son. His last name, broken down, is as follows:Nais a joining word in this case like 'the'; 'ulu' means 'head'; 'Matua' is like 'wiseorlearned’. It roughly translates asthe wise man’. Its more correct intended meaning is "first born" [ Spoken Fijian: Albert J. Schütz] .

7-1b.Ratu Keni was the 11th Turaga Na Rasau and his line traces back more than 10 generations of Rasau, but for only 9 generations was the title Tui Tuvuca also included in the Rasau Title [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] [Oral History Tokatoka Valelevu] , but they are two quite separate titles. Ratu Keni was married twice and had many children. His first marriage was to a woman of Tongan nobility from the Village of Sawana, her name was Adi Mere Tuisalalo, with whom he had six children Adi Josivini Vana Tukana, Ratu Viliame Fonolahi and the twins Adi Tupou Moeofo and Adi Mereani Louakau, Ratu Jese Waqalekaleka, and Adi Mere Tuisalalo. Then with his second wife, Adi Sera Qolisaya, he had 3 sons, Ratu Viliame Tuiqilaqila Serunadibi, Ratu Keni Ugadregadrega, and Ratu Tanoa Senibua [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] .

ymbols of a Royal Household

7-2a.Each Yavusa, Matagali and Tokatoka in Fiji identifies itself by a name and also by identification with certain plants and animals [History of Fiji by R.A. Derrick, page 13] , A possible correlation would be totems or even a Coat of arms if they so wish to make it a visual emblem, which have a different historical significance to each family unit or tribe.

7-2b.Every tribe belongs to a specific structure within a Vanua, while Vanua not only refers to land area it also embodies beliefs, common ancestors and spiritual connections [ The Fijian Way of Life. Asesela Ravuvu, 1983 page 76] , but in this case could be simplified to translate as a small kingdom, in the Vanua of Lomaloma which is part of the greater Kingdom or Yasana of Lau of which the following defines Ratu Kenis tribe and family unit to whom he belongs, traditionally speaking across Vanuabalavu they only have Yavusa and Matagali no Tokatoka the exception being with the Vanua of Lomaloma:

Yavusa (Greater tribe)("Vusaratu Vuaniivi") Buca, Mataqali (smaller tribal unit within the Yavusa or clan)("Vusaratu Vuaniivi") Buca, Tokatoka (family unit within clan), Valelevu (translated means big house) [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] .

7-2c.The following is the specific totems or coat of arms for Ratu Keni Naulumatua of Tokatoka Valelevu:

Vua-ni-Kau (fruit of the tree) Ivi/

Manumanu (animal) Koli (Dog)/

Ika (Fish) Saqa Leka (Diamondhead trevally)/

Salusalu (floral garland) Bua Ni Viti (small white flower of the Bua tree, which has a sweet fragrance)/

Tutuvakavanua (Elders of the kingdom) Turaga {his position/place in the Kingdom) [Oral History Tokatoka Valelevu] .

Points of Interest

7-3.Ratu Keni served with the The Fiji Labour Detachment in France in the First World War [Mr Naulumatua, Thursday, August 27th 1970, Page 6, Fiji Times ] [ [http://www.rfmf.mil.fj/html/colonial_era.html. Fiji Military history official RFMF website] ] and was a decorated soldier; his good friend who won the French medal of honour was Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna [ [http://www.rfmf.mil.fj/html/colonial_era.html. Fiji Military history official RFMF website] ] At the end of the war they toured Europe playing the steel guitar and singing in cafes [Oral History Tokatoka Valelevu] before returning home to help build their nation. Ratu Sukuna went on to become known as the modern founding father of the Fiji Islands and Fijis first Lawyer [20th Century Fiji] , while Ratu Keni served 40 years in the civil service some of that time was also spent in Dunedin, New Zealand in a working capacity representing Fiji [Mr Naulumatua, Thursday, August 27th 1970, Page 6, Fiji Times ] [ Ratu Sukuna, Man of two worlds, Chapter 7, page 52,54] , he passed away at age 77 and was buried in Suva.

A Strategic Marriage

7-4a.The term Vasu in Fiji refers to an individuals maternal ties to a village, Matagali etc. If a child is of a woman of rank he/she is a Vasu Levu to that particular area, if both mother and father are Fijian he/she is a Vasu I Taukei, if both mother and Father are Fijian and both are of a very senior chiefly rank from respective areas then the childs Vasu connection is referred to as Turaga na Vasu.Intermarriage and the Vasu was used to expand kingdoms, unite old enemies or strengthen chiefly family links [ Matanitu, Chapter 1 page 36 ] [ Fiji and the Fijians, Chapter 2 Page 34, 35] .

Details of Ratu Keni Naulumatua's first wife Mere Tuisalalo and her family are as follows: The mother of Mere Tuisalalo was Setaita Miller; the father of Mere Tuisalalo was Viliame Fonolahi From Kologa in Tonga. Viliame Fonolahi was a devout Christian and was rumoured to have baptized the former Tui Vuda (a prominent Ba chief) as a Christian. Setaitas mother was herself closely related to the Tongan Royal family.

7-4b.Mere Tuisalalos older sister Lusiana Qolikoro married Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba, Turaga Na Tui Nayau high Chieftain of the Island of Nayau and Lakeba in the Lau Archipelago, and their son was Ratu Sir Kamisese Kapaiwai Tuimacilai Mara, who served for decades as Prime Minister and President of Fiji [Fiji Born Actor dies, Fiji Times Saturday June 12th 2004] [20th Century Fiji] .

7-4c.Mere Tuisalalo's younger sister Laisa Kaukiono had issue with the Turaga na Tui Kaba na Vunivalu Ratu Edward Tuivanuavou Tugi Cakobau (fondly known as Ratu Tui) and their child was Ratu Tui's eldest child and son Ratu Viliame Dreunimisimisi of Bau [Fiji Born Actor dies, Fiji Times Saturday June 12th 2004] . The father of Ratu Sir Edward Tuivanuavou Tugi Cakobau (1908 - 1973) was the King of Tonga and his mother was Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau's Granddaughter Adi Litia Cakobau [20th Century Fiji]

Another wedding

7-5 Later in life Ratu Keni remarried and his second wife was Adi Sera Qolisaya of Daliconi Village from the tribe of the Tui Daku, a title Ratu Kenis grandfather Ratu Waquila Vakavo held [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa, Tokatoka No.7] .



2a, 2b, 3a, 3b

* Matanitu the struggle for power in early Fiji by David Routledge 1985published by the Institute of Pacific studies and the University of the South Pacific FijiChapter 2 Struggle between the Chiefs 17601842 Page 4056
* Tukutuku RarabaHistory of BauChapter 1 Page 1, National Archives Fiji, The Pacific WayA MemoirRatu Sir Kamisese Marauniversity of Hawaii press Honolulu, "Reference toTukutuku Rarabaasregistrar of land owners rights and customs’"
* Oceania By University of Sydney, Australian National Research Council - 1930, "The [http://books.google.com/books?id=-8IZAAAAMAAJ&q=battle+of+Lomaloma&dq=battle+of+Lomaloma&pgis=1 battle of Lomaloma] established [http://books.google.com/books?id=-8IZAAAAMAAJ&q=Ratu+Tanoa+and+Lomaloma&dq=Ratu+Tanoa+and+Lomaloma&pgis=1 Ratu Tanoa] once and for all in the position of paramount chief; it also gave him complete control over the priestly clan".
* Fijis Heritage a history of Fiji by Kim Gravelle reprinted under its new name in 2000 it was originally published as Fiji Times a history of Fiji in 1979. ISBN 982-214-001-0 Published by Tiara enterprises Nadi, Part 10 Page 44 – "reference to Paper by Deve Toganivalu documenting Bauan pre-history and the superiority of the Roko Tui Bau as supreme Chief of Bau and the Vunivalu as his second."
* The Fijians, Page 62, 1908, "heres a snippet: The Mikado and the Shogun are analogues of the Roko Tui and the Vunivalu.1 In Fiji, the process of scission was found in every stage of evolution."
* The Golden Bough A Study in Magic and Religion: A New Abridgement from the Second and Third Editions - Page 149, by Sir James George Frazer - 1998.
* Newspaper article, Title: The GCCs lost aura, By Robert Matau, Friday, February 23, 2007, Fiji Times…"this discusses the rise of current Fijian institutions and also discusses Cakobaus rise to power and his overthrow of the Roko Tui Bau."
*The Kalou-Vu (Ancestor-Gods) of the Fijians, Basil H. Thomson, The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 24, 1895 (1895), pp. 340-359, doi:10.2307/2842183, "details on Lutunasobasoba, Degei and other Kalou Vu of Fiji"


1, 1a, 1b, 7

* High Court civil action No.226 of 1999 - Ratu Viliame Fonolahi Keni Naulumatua vs NLTB, "this reference is documented referring to a former Rasau with a very detailed account of the Rasau and its history and customary rights"
* Ai Tukutuku Kei Viti - By Rev. Epeli Rokowaqa (1929), National Archives of Fiji, a reprint was done in "Ai Tukutuku Vaka Lotu" April 1996, Methodist Church Fiji quarterly publication.
* Neither Cargo Nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji, By Martha Kaplan, page 25, Published by Duke University Press, "reference to Matanitu and Yavusa and social structure".


1, 2, 3

* Lau Islands, Fiji, By A.M Hocart and Bernice P. Bishop - Museum Bulletin 62 p226, Publication Date: June 1969, Publisher: Kraus Intl Pubns, ISBN-10: 0527021687, ISBN-13: 9780527021689, "Mr. Hocart gains much research off Ratu Keni Naulumatua The Rasau during that time.details of the Rasau and its history"
* Fijian Heralds and Envoys, A. M. Hocart, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 43, Jan. - Jun., 1913 (Jan. - Jun., 1913), pp. 109-118, doi:10.2307/2843163, "A.M Hocart does a comparative study on two chiefs and their heralds and envoys one being the Rasau of Lomaloma,"

* The Cambridge History of the Pacific IslandersPage 189 - 190, "Reference showing that Naulivou used Charlie savage and mercenaries to carry out his bidding and solidifying his power as Vunivalu.", By Malama Meleisea, Donald Denoon, Karen .L Nero, Jocylyn Linnekin, Stewart Firth.

* Apologies to Thucydides: Understanding History as culture and Vice Versapages 27, 52, 63, 162, 198, 211, 216, 233, 249, By Marshal Sahlins "Reference to the sanctity of the RokoTui Bau and also the battle near Vanuabalavu. Also the continued friction between the Roko Tui Bau and The Vunivalu. Also reference to the Masau as Matanivanua to the Roko Tui Bau and the Lasakau betrayal".


1a, 1c, 4,5b, 6

* Ai Vola Ni Kawa, "The information pertaining to the district of Lomaloma its tribes and families and leading title and its holders", Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7Valelevu, Koro: Lomaloma, Tikina: Lomaloma, Yasana: Lau, Native Lands and Fisheries Commissionrecords as of July 19th 2005
* Chart documented 1881, Native Registrar for Tikina of Lomaloma in the Vanua of Lau, [http://www.fijianaffairs.gov.fj Native Lands and Fisheries Commission and the Ai Vola Ni Kawa Bula: ] . "This chart states in detail all the families and tribes of Lomaloma Tikina and the Leading Chieftain being the Turaga Rasau it refers two other Turaga I Taukei or Senior Chieftain being Maafu representing the Yavusa Toga in Sawana village and Joati Sugasuga representing the Turaga Ravunisa of Lomaloma village."



* Reference to origin of nameFijiis found on [http://www.fiji.gov.fj/publish/europeans_history.shtml Fiji Government Online] .



* Fiji and the Fijians Volume 1, Page 19 – "reference to Banuve succeeded by Naulivou and the Vunivalu title explained, also reference to termGali Cuva Ki Lagi”.", By Thomas Williams, James Calvert
* A History of Fiji by R.A. Derrick printed and published in the colony of Fiji at the Government press Suvareprint 2001, Chapter 4 Page 54 and 55"Reference to Banuvehis line and succession by Naulivou also reference to Bau originally as Ulunivuaka, also reference to Savage arriving in 1808"


* Tovata I & II BY AC Reid, printed in Fiji by Oceania printers Fiji, Part II Chapter 2 Page 82 "Reference to the Rasau as the forbearer of Buca and originally from Bau", Part I Chapter 2 Page 40 "Reference to Bucaira and Vunibuca installing a successor the chiefly descendents are just referred to now as Buca"
* Tukutuku RarabaHistory of BauChapter 1 Page 1, National Archives Fiji.
* A History of Fiji by R.A. Derrick printed and published in the colony of Fiji at the Government press Suvareprint 2001,Chapter 3 Page 43 and 44, "Reference to Charlie Savages arrival 1808 on the Eliza and his importance to the Vunivalu" -
* Fijis Heritage a history of Fiji by Kim Gravelle reprinted under its new name in 2000 it was originally published as Fiji Times a history of Fiji in 1979. ISBN 982-214-001-0 Published by Tiara enterprises Nadi, Page 56 and 59 – "reference to how Seru got his name Cakobau also reference to him as Cikinovu or centipede also reference to returning his father Tanoa from his exile."


2aa, 3c, 5a, 7-2c

This is a verbal account of Oral history passed down from parent to child over time, as was traditionReference to oral tradition:
* Fiji (National) Museum Online, [http://www.fijimuseum.org.fj/fm-archnews1000.htm#oral%20history Archive Archaeology Newsletter] , "Oral traditions were passed on from our the older generation to the younger generation in years past, this occurred throughout the Pacific region, and it is an important aspect in Fijian family links to the clan, tribal land and myths and folklore…."
*‘The aspiring footballer who became a linguist’, Fiji Times, Sunday, June 10, 2007, "Article on Paula Gerahty and reference to Burotukula"
* Oral Tradition for the Rasau and Yavusa Buca is collected from Turaga i Taukei of Yavusa Buca Ratu Keni Naulumatua, a tribes history is preserved through its elders and through its senior chief. also contributions and clarification from Ratu Tanoa Senibua and Ratu Ivan Keni both senior members of the Tokatoka Valelevu and candidates themselves for the title of Rasau. information recorded on May 2005 in Suva, Fiji.



* Fijian Chiefs: A Recantation, A. M. Hocart, Man, Vol. 21, Jun., 1921 (Jun., 1921), pp. 85-86 - doi:10.2307/2839865, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, "Reference to the passing on of Fijian chiefly titles and chiefly protocols in general".
* The Role of a Fijian Chief, Clellan S. Ford, American Sociological Review, Vol. 3, No. 4 (Aug., 1938), pp. 541-550 - doi:10.2307/2083902.


7-1a,7- 1b

* Ai Vola Ni Kawa, Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7Valelevu, Koro: Lomaloma, Tikina: Lomaloma, Yasana: Lau, Native Lands and Fisheries Commissionrecords as of July 19th 2005.


7-1a ,7-1b, 7- 3

* News Paper Article, Title:Retired and this time its for Good” – Mr Naulumatua [www.fijitimes.com/Fiji times] Thursday, August 27th 1970, Page 6, Fiji Times Archives, "This articles discusses Keni Naulumatua his 40 years in the civil service, his service in world war 1 in France, his time in New Zealand and his retirement."
* Ratu Sukuna Soldier, Statesman, Man of two worlds, Chapter 7 page 5254, By Deryck Scarr, "Reference to service in France with fellow countrymen."
* Fijian Heralds and Envoys, By A. M. Hocart, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 43, (Jan. - Jun., 1913), pp. 109-118, doi:10.2307/2843163
* Village of the Conquerors, Sawana: a Tongan Village in Fiji, By Alexander Philip Lessin, Phyllis June Lessin - 1970



* Ai Vola Ni Kawa Bula, Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7Valelevu, Koro: Lomaloma, Tikina:Lomaloma, Yasana: Lau, Native Lands and Fisheries Commissionrecords as of July 19th 2005
* Tukutuku RarabaHistory of BauChapter 1 Page 1, National Archives Fiji,"Reference to Bucaira and Vunibuca installing a successor the chiefly descendents are just referred to now as Buca," The The Pacific WayA MemoirRatu Sir Kamisese Marauniversity of Hawaii press Honolulu, "reference toTukutuku Rarabaasregistrar of land owners rights and customs’"


* "References for Mere Tuisalalo" Newspaper ArticleTitle: Fiji Born Actor dies Content: "Talks in reference to Manu Tupou the Hollywood actor, of his ties with Lomaloma with reference to Ratu Mara and Adi Mere and Ratu Dreunimisimisi", Fiji Times Saturday June 12th 2004, Fiji Times Archives.
* Reference to [http://www.uq.net.au/~zzhsoszy/states/tonga/tupou.html Ratu Edward and Laisa and Viliame Fonolahi] .
* The Pacific Way: A Memoir, Chapter 10 Page 91, By Kamisese Mara, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, Pacific Islands Development Program (East-West Centre), "Reference to Tui Lau title as of Tongan origin from the Time of Maafu when Tui Cakau gave rights to Maafu also recommendations for this title is from the Tongan community from Sawana Village in Vanuabalavu (which is under the influence of the Rasau and is the Yavusa and tokatoka from which Adi Mere is from)"
* 20th Century Fiji, edited by Stewart Firth & Daryl Tarte - 2001 - ISBN: 982-010421-1, "references to Ratu Edward and Ratu Mara and their Matrinlineal ties."


Matrilineal importance in Fijian History

* Matanitu the struggle for power in early Fiji by David Routledge 1985published by the Institute of Pacific studies and the University of the South Pacific Fiji, Chapter 1 page 36 "Why this union was important was due to the Vasu connection that brought different tribes together following are examples documenting the Importance of the Vasu connection or maternal lineage in Fiji"
* Fiji and the Fijians, Chapter 2 Page 33, 34 Tui Viti / Vasu 34, 35, By Thomas Williams, James Calvert


Translations and transliterations

* A Fijian and English and an English and Fijian Dictionary, By David Hazlewood, James Calvert, Published 1872, republished 1979, S. Low, Marston , 281 pages, Original from the New York Public Library, Digitized Sep 27, 2006
* A New Fijian Dictionary, by Arthur Capell - 1968, *Languages of Fiji - Page 63, by Albert J. Schütz - 1972 - 132 pages, Published 1972, Clarendon Press, 132 pages, ISBN 0198151365
* Say it in Fijian, An Entertaining Introduction to the Language of Fiji, by Albert James Schütz1972
* Lonely Planet Fijian Phrasebook, by Paul Geraghty - 1994 - 182 pages
* Spoken Fijian: An Intensive Course in Bauan Fijian, with Grammatical Notes and Glossary By Rusiate T. Komaitai, Albert J. Schütz, Contributor Rusiate T Komaitai , Published 1971, Univ of Hawaii Pr , Foreign Language / Dictionaries / Phrase Books , ISBN 0870227467


Oral History

Articles, papers and lectures showing a general view from historians on oral history and oral tradition.
*Archives, oral history and oral tradition, William W. Moss and Peter Mazikana, Part of a paper this chapter discusses the importance and processes of oral tradition and Oral history in general [http://www.unesco.org/webworld/ramp/html/r9006e/r9006e0k.htm United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization]
* [http://vanha.hum.utu.fi/historia/muisti/kalela2.html The Challenge of Oral History] - By Jorma Kalela:….I"t is in this perspective that it pays to take oral history seriously."HISTORY AND MEMORY, Turku, October 9-11, 1997, University of Turku, Lecture Hall 9, The Department of History and the Department of Political History at the University of Turku, Finland
* State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of History - Oral History: [http://www.binghamton.edu/history/resources/bjoh/article4.htm Revealing the Mind through conversation] – By Ute Ferrier
* Oral Tradition for the Rasau and Yavusa Buca is collected from Turaga i Taukei of Yavusa Buca Ratu Keni Naulumatua, a tribes history is preserved through its elders and through its senior chief. also contributions and clarification from Ratu Tanoa Senibua and Ratu Ivan Keni both senior members of the Tokatoka Valelevu and candidates themselves for the title of Rasau. information recorded on May 2005 in Suva, Fiji.



* drawing on the work of the late Ratu Viliame Fonolahi Keni Naulumatua (Rasau) and Ratu Tevita Toganivalu (Masau) - 2007, Reference to Deve Toganivalu as reference source to Pre Christian customs of Bau, the research of Ratu David Toganivalu as Masau who along with his family and ancestors officially recorded Bauan Pre History Ratu David Toganivalu and Ratu Viliame were senior men in the Ministry of Fijian affairs in the 80s the following books have reference to them:
* Common worlds and single Lives: constituting Knowledge in Pacific societies - Chapter 4 Page 95 - 103, By Verna Keck
* Broken waves: A history of the Fiji Islands in the Twentieth CenturyPages 235, By Brij.V.Lal, "Reference here to both Ratu Viliame Fonolahi and Ratu David Toganivalu as key men in the Fijian administration"
* Failure of Democratic Politics in FijiPage 242, By Stephnie Lawson
* Fijis Heritage a history of Fiji by Kim Gravelle reprinted under its new name in 2000 it was originally published as Fiji Times a history of Fiji in 1979. ISBN 982-214-001-0 Published by Tiara enterprises Nadi, Part 10 Page 44 – "reference to Paper by Deve Toganivalu documenting Bauan pre-history and the superiority of the Roko Tui Bau as supreme Chief of Bau and the Vunivalu as his second."
* The Pacific WayA MemoirRatu Sir Kamisese Marauniversity of Hawaii press Honolulu. Reference to Ratu David Toganivalu page 122.

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