- Lomaloma
Lomaloma is a
village on theFiji island ofVanua Balavu in the Lauarchipelago . It is part of theTikina (tribal district) of Lomaloma which comprises 9 villages, which is further made up of 13 Yavusa (tribes) which are further broken down into 42 Mataqali (Clans) and 54 Tokatoka (Family Units) from early records first documented in 1881 by the Native Lands and Fisheries Commission there were three Turaga i Taukei (Senior Chiefs) for Lomaloma Tikina listed, the first being Ratu Jese Waqalekaleka - Turaga Rasau, then Ma'afu representing Yavusa Toga ofSawana and Jaoti Sugasuga - Turaga Ravunisa [ Chart, 1881, Native Registrar Tikina of Lomaloma, NLFC] . The 9 villages of Lomaloma Tikina are Lomaloma,Sawana , Susui, Narocivo,Namalata , Uruone, Levukana, Dakuiloma andTuvuca .Village and District titles
Currently the Chief of Lomaloma Village or the Tui Lomaloma is the
Turaga Na Ravunisa , while the Chieftan of Lomaloma Tikina is theTuraga na Rasau , both Chiefly families reside in Lomaloma Village.Currently Ratu Keni Ugadregadrega Naulumatua (whose Grandfather; Ratu Jese Waqalekaleka, Father;
Ratu Keni Naulumatua, and Brother; Ratu Viliame Fonolahi Keni all were installed as Turaga na Rasau) [ Ai Vola Ni Kawa , Yavusa Buca, Tokatoka No.7] has been formally accepted for installation by the Family Valelevu of Yavusa Buca for installation, his traditional installation will not take place until late 2008. Ratu Keni Naulumatua is a member of theFiji Military Forces .Other chiefly titles in Lomaloma Tikina are Tui Naturuku, Tui Urone, Tui Levukana, Tui Narocivo, Tui Daku, Tui Susui, Tui Mago(Namalata), Ramasi(Tuvuca Island) [ Chart, 1881, Native Registrar Tikina of Lomaloma, NLFC] .
A brief history
In early Fijian history, Lomaloma village while being small in comparison was considered as the first modern town in Fiji, it was set up by Tongan Warload
Enele Ma'afu as his capital while attempting to forge a kingdom of his own. In Ma'afu's time it also acted as a key port of call betweenTonga andViti Levu [South Pacific Handbook, Page 360] .Points of interest
Lomaloma as a Village and as a District is known all over Fiji for a popular song called "Lomaloma", which has been sung by various local artists and bands in Fiji. It is also a very popular pub song. The song is rumoured to have been written by the late
Ratu Tevita UluilakebaTui Nayau and father of the lateRatu Sir Kamisese Mara , Fiji's longtime Prime Minister and President, while he was courting his first wife and mother of Ratu Mara, AdiLuisiana Qolikoro , who at that time lived in Lomaloma but was fromSawana .Footnotes
* The Cyclopedia of Fiji - Published By The Cyclopedia Company of Fiji, Sydney NSW, 1907 Printers McCorren, Stewart & Co. - "reference to Lomaloma Village", weblink reference to book: [http://www.archivecdbooks.com.au/samplers/AU9101s.pdf Cyclopedia of Fiji]
* South Pacific Handbook, by DAVID. STANLEY - 1986, "reference to Lomaloma as a key settlement in the early days of sailing."
* Mara, Ratu Sir Kamisese: "The Pacific Way: A Memoir", University of Hawaii Press, 1997
* Tovata I & II By AC Reid, Printed in Fiji by Oceania printers Fiji (1990) "reference to the Rasau and Ravunisa, reference to Lomaloma".
* Lau Islands, Fiji By A.M Hocart, Published by the Bishop Museum, Hawaii (1929) "reference to Ratu Keni Naulumatua as Rasau of Lomaloma and details on his title."
* The Lau Islands (Fiji) and Their Fairy Tales and Folklore - Page 54, by T [homas] R [eginald] St. Johnston, Published 1918 by The Times book co., ltd.Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Dec 15, 2006, "reference to The [http://books.google.com/books?id=TMkiAAAAMAAJ&q=Rasau+Fiji&dq=Rasau+Fiji&pgis=1 Rasau] and the [http://books.google.com/books?id=TMkiAAAAMAAJ&q=Ravunisa+Fiji&dq=Ravunisa+Fiji&pgis=1 Ravunisa"]
* Weblink reference to [http://www.s9.com/Biography/Mara-Kamisese-Kapaiwai-Tuimacilai-Ratu-Sir Adi Luisiana Qolikoro]
* A web link regarding details of the [http://www.fijianaffairs.gov.fj/NLFC.html Native Lands and Fisheries Commission]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=jn8BAAAAMAAJ&q=Lomaloma&dq=Lomaloma&pgis=1 The Fiji Islands] : a geographical handbook - Page 300, by R. A. (Ronald Albert) Derrick - 1951 - 334 pages
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=oZ0SAAAAIAAJ&q=Lomaloma&dq=Lomaloma&pgis=1 The Pacific Islands Year Book] - Page 203, by John Carter – 1959External links
* [http://www.wikimapia.org/#y=-17255581&x=-178933640&z=11&l=0&m=a&v=2 Wiki satellite maps of Vanua Balavu] - Lomaloma Village is located towards the lower southern half of the Island.* Photographs of [http://www.pacificbliss.com/images/fin%20photo%20gallery/Lau%20Group%20Fiji%20PG%20fin/pages/DSCN5777%20Island%20View%20from%20Lomaloma.html Lomaloma]
* Details and Map of [http://www.maplandia.com/fiji/lomaloma/ Lomaloma]
* Map and some statistical information on [http://www.fallingrain.com/world/FJ/0/Lomaloma.html Lomaloma] .
* A collection of Pictures of Lomaloma, the airport which is at Lomaloma and other pictures on Vanuabalavu around [http://www.smallsolar.org/success/mar2006/ Lomaloma] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.