- Micro-blogging
Micro-blogging is a form of
blog ging that allows users to write brief text updates (usually 140 characters) and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, includingtext messaging ,instant messaging ,email ,MP3 or the web.The content of a micro-blog differs from a traditional blog due to the limited space per message. Many micro-blogs provide short messages about personal matters, commentary on a person-to-person level, or a
link dump .The most popular service is
Twitter , which was launched inJuly 2006 and won the Web Award in the blog category at the2007 South by Southwest Conference inAustin, Texas . [ [http://blog.twitter.com/2007/03/we-won.html "We Won!"] March 14th, 2007 Twitter Official Blog, retrieved April 25, 2008] The main competitor toTwitter has beenJaiku (although this has since been acquired byGoogle and closed public registrations).Recently, however, new services with the feature of micro-blogging have been born.
Digg founderKevin Rose , together with three other developers recently launched a service calledPownce , which integrates micro-blogging with file-sharing and event invitations.Microblogging services which seek to add to the minimalism of raw microblogging include Spoink, Plurk and Rakawa.
Spoink released a multimedia micro-blogging service that integratesblogging ,podcasting ,telephony andSMS texting and supports all major mobile audio, video and picture formats.Plurk utilizes a rich interface and horizontal time-line to add a spatial dimension to microblogging.Rakawa.net documents and informs about daily accomplishments of the users based on the question "What have you achieved today?"The popular social networking websites
Facebook ,MySpace ,Xing andLinkedIn also have a micro-blogging feature, called "status update".In May, 2007, an article counted a total of 111 Twitter-like sites internationally. [ [http://www.thws.cn/articles/twitter-clones.html Article on thws.cn.] A Chinese site, but the article is in English. Retrieved August 4, 2008.]
See also
*Web 2.0
*Present.ly gina like jaiku
*Plurk A new innovative microbloggingReferences
External links
* Scott Hanselman, [http://www.hanselman.com/blog/TwitterTheUselessfulnessOfMicroblogging.aspx Twitter: The Uselessfulness of Micro-blogging]
* [http://www.codeplex.com/Squid Squid Micro-Blogging ASP.NET Library]
* [http://microblogging.com Microblogging.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.