Planiloricaria cryptodon

Planiloricaria cryptodon

name = "Planiloricaria cryptodon"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Siluriformes
familia = Loricariidae
subfamilia = Loricariinae
tribus = Loricariini
genus = "Planiloricaria"
genus_authority = Isbrücker, 1971
species = "P. cryptodon"
binomial = "Planiloricaria cryptodon"
binomial_authority = (Isbrücker, 1971)
synonyms = "Pseudohemiodon cryptodon"
Isbrücker, 1971

"Planiloricaria cryptodon" is the only species of the monotypic genus "Planiloricaria", a genus of the family Loricariidae of catfish (order Siluriformes).cite journal|url=|title=The genera of the Neotropical armored catfish subfamily Loricariinae (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): a practical key and synopsis|first=Raphael|last=Covain|coauthors=Fisch-Muller, Sonia|journal=Zootaxa|volume=1462|pages=1–40|year=2007|formattPDF]

This species is distributed in the upper Amazon basin, including the Ucayali, Purus, and Mamoré River drainages. "P. cryptodon" inhabits sandy substrates in the main streams of large rivers.

"P. cryptodon" reaches a length of about 22 centimetres (8.5 in) SL.FishBase species|genus=Planiloricaria|species=cryptodon|year=2007|month=May] Although reproductive habits are unknown, this species is probably a lip brooder. Sexual dimorphism is characterized by the shape of the genital area; the genital area in males is elongate and narrow compared with the large and roundish area of females. This species shows derived features such as a reduction in size and number of teeth, premaxillary teeth absent, a circular head shape, and eyes reduced in size without iris operculum.


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