List of Ministers for Finances of Luxembourg

List of Ministers for Finances of Luxembourg

The Minister for Finances (French: Ministre des Finances) is a position in the Luxembourgian cabinet. Among other competences, the Minister for Finances is responsible for overseeing the public finances, including the budget.[1]

The position of Minister for Finances has been in continuous existence since the promulgation of Luxembourg's first constitution, in 1848.

Since 24 March 1936, the title of Minister for Finances has been an official one, although the position had been unofficially known by that name since its creation. From the position's creation until 28 November 1857, the Minister went by the title of Administrator-General.[2] From 1857 until 1936, the Minister went by the title of Director-General.[3]

List of Ministers for Finances

Minister Party Start date End date Prime Minister
Jean Ulveling (first time) None 1 August 1848 2 December 1848 G T I de la Fontaine
Norbert Metz None 2 December 1848 23 September 1853 Jean-Jacques Willmar
Emmanuel Servais (first time) None 23 September 1853 29 November 1857 Charles-Mathias Simons
Guillaume-Mathias Augustin None 29 November 1857 23 June 1859
Jean Ulveling (second time) None 23 June 1859 26 September 1860
26 September 1860 26 January 1866 Baron de Tornaco
Ernest Simons None 26 January 1866 3 December 1866
Léon de la Fontaine None 3 December 1866 14 December 1866
Alexandre de Colnet d'Huart None 14 December 1866 3 December 1867
3 December 1867 30 September 1869 Emmanuel Servais
Emmanuel Servais (second time) None 30 September 1869 12 October 1869
Georges Ulveling None 12 October 1869 25 May 1873
Victor de Roebé None 25 May 1873 26 December 1874
26 December 1874 21 September 1882 Baron de Blochausen
Baron de Blochausen None 21 September 1882 12 October 1882
Mathias Mongenast None 12 October 1882 20 February 1885
20 February 1885 22 September 1888 Édouard Thilges
22 September 1888 12 October 1915 Paul Eyschen
12 October 1915 6 November 1915 Mathias Mongenast
Edmond Reiffers None 6 November 1915 24 February 1916 Hubert Loutsch
Léon Kauffman None 24 February 1916 19 June 1917 Victor Thorn
19 June 1917 28 September 1918 Léon Kauffman
Alphonse Neyens PD 28 September 1918 20 March 1925 Émile Reuter
Étienne Schmit PRS 20 March 1925 16 July 1926 Pierre Prüm
Pierre Dupong PD 16 July 1926 5 November 1937 Joseph Bech
5 November 1937 23 November 1944 Pierre Dupong
CSV 23 November 1944 23 December 1953
Pierre Werner CSV 23 December 1953 29 March 1958 Joseph Bech
29 March 1958 2 March 1959 Pierre Frieden
2 March 1959 15 June 1974 Pierre Werner
Raymond Vouel LSAP 15 June 1974 21 July 1976 Gaston Thorn
Jacques Poos LSAP 21 July 1976 16 July 1979
Jacques Santer CSV 16 July 1979 20 July 1984 Pierre Werner
20 July 1984 14 July 1989 Jacques Santer
Jean-Claude Juncker CSV 14 July 1989 26 January 1995
26 January 1995 23 July 2009 Jean-Claude Juncker
Luc Frieden CSV 23 July 2009 Present day


  1. ^ (French) "Ministère des Finances". Service Information et Presse. 14 January 2005. Archived from the original on 2007-04-16. Retrieved 2007-05-28. 
  2. ^ (French)/(German) "Mémorial A, 1857, No. 49" (PDF). Service central de législation. Retrieved 2007-05-28. 
  3. ^ (French)/(German) "Mémorial A, 1936, No. 25" (PDF). Service central de législation. Retrieved 2007-05-28. 


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