Victor Thorn

Victor Thorn

Infobox_Prime Minister
name = Victor Thorn
nationality = Luxembourgian

order = 11th Prime Minister of Luxembourg
term_start = 1916-02-24
term_end = 1917-06-19
vicepresident =
predecessor = Hubert Loutsch
successor = Léon Kauffmann
birth_date = 1844-01-31
birth_place = Esch-sur-Alzette
death_date = 1930-09-15
death_place = Luxembourg City
party =
spouse =
religion =
order2 =
term_start2 =
term_end2 =
president =
predecessor2 =
successor2 =|

Victor Thorn (1844-01-31 - 1930-09-15) was a Luxembourgian politician. He was the eleventh Prime Minister of Luxembourg, serving for one year, from 1916-02-24 until 1917-06-19.

s-ttl|title=Director-General for Public Works
(first time)

-s-ttl|title=Director-General for Justice
(1st time)

-s-ttl|title=Director-General for Public Works
(2nd time)

-s-ttl|title=Prime Minister of Luxembourg

-s-ttl|title=Director-General for Foreign Affairs

-s-ttl|title=Director-General for Justice
(2nd time)

-s-ttl|title=President of the Council of State
(1st time)

-s-ttl|title=President of the Council of State
(2nd time)

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