- Callistemon
image_caption = Red bottlebrush flower
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperm s
unranked_classis =Eudicot s
unranked_ordo =Rosid s
ordo =Myrtales
familia =Myrtaceae
genus = "Callistemon"
genus_authority = R.Br.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text|Bottlebrush ("Callistemon") is a
genus with 34 species ofshrub s in the familyMyrtaceae . The majority of "Callistemon" species are endemic toAustralia ; four species are also found inNew Caledonia . They are commonly referred to as "bottlebrushes" because of their cylindrical, brush likeflowers resembling a traditionalbottle brush . They are found in the moretemperate regions of Australia, mostly along the east coast and south-west, and typically favour moist conditions so when planted in gardens thrive on regular watering. However, at least some of the species aredrought -resistant.Callistemons can be propagated either by
cuttings (some species more easily than others), or from the roundedseeds . Flowering is normally in Spring and earlySummer (October-December), but conditions may cause flowering at other times of the year. The obvious parts of theflower masses arestamen s, with thepollen at the tip of the filament; thepetal s are inconspicuous (see picture). Flower heads vary in colour with species; most are red, but some are yellow, green, orange or white. Each flower head produces a profusion of triple-celled seed capsules around a stem (see picture) which remain on the plant with the seeds enclosed until stimulated to open when the plant dies or fire causes the release of the seeds. (A few species release the seeds annually.)They are relatively slow growing though in time the larger species can grow up to 15 metres. Some are ground-hugging, and grow to only 0.5 metre. The leaves are linear to lanceolate and are not shed in the winter. The spiked ends can cause skin scratches when brushed past.
They have been grown in Europe since a specimen of "Callistemon citrinus" was introduced to
Kew Gardens in London byJoseph Banks in1789 .In Australia, "Callistemon" species are sometimes used as food plants by the
larva e of hepialidmoth s of the genus "Aenetus " including "A. ligniveren". These burrow horizontally into the trunk then vertically down."Callistemon" was recently placed into the genus "
Melaleuca ".pecies
Callistemon acuminatus " Cheel
*"Callistemon brachyandrus " Lindl.
*"Callistemon chisholmii " Cheel
*"Callistemon citrinus " (Curtis) Skeels - Crimson Bottlebrush
*"Callistemon coccineus " F.Muell.
*"Callistemon comboynensis " Cheel
*"Callistemon flavovirens " (Cheel) Cheel
*"Callistemon formosus " S.T.Blake
*"Callistemon forresterae " Molyneux
*"Callistemon genofluvialis " Molyneux
*"Callistemon glaucus " (Bonpl.) Sweet
*"Callistemon kenmorrisonii " Molyneux
*"Callistemon linearifolius " (Link) DC.
*"Callistemon linearis " Sweet
*"Callistemon montanus " C.T.White ex S.T.Blake
*"Callistemon nervosus " Lindl.
*"Callistemon nyallingensis " Molyneux
*"Callistemon pachyphyllus " Cheel
*"Callistemon pallidus " (Bonpl.) DC.
*"Callistemon pauciflorus " R.D.Spencer & Lumley
*"Callistemon pearsonii " R.D.Spencer & Lumley
*"Callistemon phoeniceus " Lindl.
*"Callistemon pinifolius " (Wendl.) Sweet
*"Callistemon pityoides " F.Muell.
*"Callistemon polandii " F.M.Bailey
*"Callistemon pungens " Lumley & R.D.Spencer
*"Callistemon recurvus " R.D.Spencer & Lumley
*"Callistemon rigidus " R.Br.
*"Callistemon rugulosus " (Schltdl. ex Link) DC. - Scarlet Bottlebrush
*"Callistemon salignus " (Sm.) Sweet
*"Callistemon shiressii " Blakely
*"Callistemon sieberi " DC.
*"Callistemon subulatus " Cheel
*"Callistemon viminalis " (Sol. ex Gaertn.) G.Don - Weeping Bottlebrush
*"Callistemon viridiflorus " (Sims) SweetReferences
*cite web |url=http://www.anbg.gov.au/cgi-bin/apni?TAXON_NAME=CALLISTEMON|title= Callistemon |accessdate=2007-11-19|work=
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), IBIS database|publisher = Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government, CanberraExternal links
* [http://farrer.riv.csu.edu.au/ASGAP/callistn.html#intro The Callistemon Page]
* [http://www.anbg.gov.au/callistemon/ Australian National Botanic Gardens: "Callistemon" (Bottlebrushes)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.