retromylohyoid space — the part of the alveololingual sulcus just lingual to the retromolar pad, and posterior to the lingual tuberosity … Medical dictionary
Edad de Piedra — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Edad de Piedra[1] es el período de la Prehistoria durante el cual, los seres humanos crearon herramientas de piedra debido a la carencia de una … Wikipedia Español
Dermotherium — Temporal range: Late Eocene – Late Oligocene Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class … Wikipedia
Neanderthal anatomy — Neanderthal Temporal range: Middle to Late Pleistocene, 0.6–0.03 Ma … Wikipedia
fossa — A depression usually more or less longitudinal in shape below the level of the surface of a part. [L. a trench or ditch] acetabular f. [TA] a depressed area in the floor of the acetabulum superior to the … Medical dictionary
triangle — In anatomy and surgery, a three sided area with arbitrary or natural boundaries. SEE ALSO: trigonum, region. [L. triangulum, fr. tri , three, + angulus, angle] anal t. [TA] the posterior portion of the perineal region through which the … Medical dictionary
area — 1. [TA] Any circumscribed surface or space. 2. All of the part supplied by a given artery or nerve. 3. A part of an organ having a special function, as the motor a. of the brain. SEE ALSO … Medical dictionary
pad — 1. Soft material forming a cushion, used in applying or relieving pressure on a part, or in filling a depression so that dressings can fit snugly. 2. A more or less encapsulated body of fat or some other tissue serving to fill a space or act as a … Medical dictionary