List of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann secondary characters

List of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann secondary characters

This article contains a list of secondary characters from the Japanese anime series, "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann".

It is also worth noting that the whole plot of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is divided into two main story arcs, separated by a seven-year timeskip. After the timeskip, most characters pass through important changes in their appearances and/or personalities, and some of them have their own unique roles in the overall story. The timeskip also brought a development in characters (with the exception of Simon, Yoko and Viral) taking up their village names as surnames [ja icon [ GAINAX NET|Works|Animation & Films|天元突破 グレンラガン ] ] .

Team Gurren/Team Dai-Gurren

Team Gurren was first created by Kamina in Jeeha Village. However, at that time, it was made up of a few boys from the village, as well as Simon and Kamina, who tried various attempts at getting to the surface. Simon and Kamina (accompanied by Yoko) later reached the surface, and traveled to Littner Village. There, Kamina stole a Gunmen from a Beastmen, and left to find the Gunmen base, along with Yoko and Leeron as the newest members of Team Gurren. Along the way, Team Gurren met the Black Siblings, but they refused to join. Later on, Rossiu, Gimmy and Darry from Aday Village joined Team Gurren, and it made its way to a local hot springs resort. There, the Team Gurren met the female members of the Black Siblings once again. The resort turned out to be a Beastmen-run Gunmen, and so the Black Siblings and Team Gurren worked together to defeat them, acquiring the mysterious Old Coco as a new member during the chaos. After the incident, Viral and the Dai-Gunzan met Team Dai-Gurren, and Gurren Lagann fought the fortress Gunmen. Simon and Kamina were almost defeated by the Dai-Gunzan, but were rescued by Dayakka in his personalized Gunmen. The rest of Team Dai-Gurren were rescued from a group of Gunmen by Kittan, the eldest Black Sibling, who also had a custom Gunmen. Simon was able to trick the Dai-Gunzan and collapse it into the bottom of a gorge, and returned to find that people had heard of Kamina stealing a Gunmen, copied him, and assembled to join the team. They later managed to steal the Dai-Gunzan, and it became the new base of operations for the team. Led by Simon, they decided to go to Teppelin and defeat the Spiral King. From that point on, many others have joined Team Dai-Gurren, including Nia, and a large force of humans, who saw Simon's success in defeating Divine General Guame, joined their offensive against Teppelin.

The symbol of Team Dai-Gurren is a flaming red skull with Kamina's signature orange glasses. However, after the timeskip, most members wear a simple 5-pointed star, as they have become key members of the Earth's new government. High-ranked members wear two stars in their chest, and Simon, being the commander-in-chief, wears three.

Leeron Littner

:anime voices|Masaya Onosaka|Steven BlumNihongo|Leeron Littner|リーロン・リットナー|Rīron Rittonā, or simply "Ron", is the village mechanic of Littner, who is able to repair and scavenge the various Gunmen he and his group encounter. Quite knowledgeable, and very flamboyant, Leeron was the first one to join Kamina, Simon, and Yoko on their quest to defeat the Beastmen. He has become the main technician for Team Dai-Gurren, as well as being in charge of coordination and communication between the Gunmen during battle from Dai-Gurren. His ability to learn and adapt is incredibly great, seeing as he once mentioned that he didn't even know how to read before becoming a mechanic.

After the war, Leeron became the Chief of the Science Bureau of Kamina City, and his team even succeeded in launching a rocket to the moon in order to investigate it and confirm the veracity of Lordgenome's ominous prophecy.

He bears a strong resemblance to Levin from Tekkaman Blade, in that both are gifted mechanics and cross dressers. He also quotes him, "Much like how I could be a man or a woman."

Dayakka Littner

:anime voices|Daiki Nakamura|Doug Stone
*Personal Gunmen:

Nihongo|Dayakka Littner|ダヤッカ・リットナー|Dayakka Rittonā is the former leader of Littner Village, abandoning his post, when most of Littner joined Team Dai-Gurren. His Gunmen is the Dayakkaiser, but after the seizure of Dai-Gunzan, he acted as the captain of Dai-Gurren during battles, while Kiyoh piloted the Dayakkaiser in his stead. After the timeskip, we discover that Dayakka is appointed the Minister of Food Affairs for Kamina City, and he and Kiyoh have married and expecting a child. With the threat of the Anti-Spirals, Dayakka resigns his post and returns to his duties in Team Dai-Gurren.

Gimmy Aday

:anime voices|Takako Honda|Brianne Siddall

*Personal Gunmen:
**Grapearl (Blue)
**Gurren-Lagann (Epilogue)

Nihongo|Gimmy Aday|ギミー・アダイ|Gimī Adai is a boy from Aday Village, who used to be cared for by Rossiu. When new children were born into the village, the population exceeded its limit of 50, which mandated that two people be removed and sent to the surface. Since Gimmy and Darry had no parents, the village elder chose them to leave the village, however, Rossiu decided to go with them. The pair have a very good bond with each other, and were often left to their own devices around Dai-Gurren, except when they were with older girls, such as Yoko or Nia. After the timeskip, Gimmy and Darry become important Grapearl pilots, often fighting together. Gimmy tends to be more impulsive and reckless, which sometimes puts the duo in trouble.

After Nia's death, Simon hands down Lagann's Core Drill to Gimmy and in the epilogue, he is seen alongside Darry, not only as commanders of the Grapearl squad, but as the new pilots of Gurren Lagann.

Darry Aday

:anime voices|Shizuka Itō|Mela Lee

*Personal Gunmen:
**Grapearl (Pink)
**Gurren-Lagann (Epilogue)

Nihongo|Darry Aday|ダリー・アダイ|Darī Adai is a girl from Aday Village, who used to be cared for by Rossiu. She has a good bond with Gimmy. As a young girl, she was shy and quiet and used to cling to a plush doll, which she carried with her at all times. After the timeskip, however, she is much more confident and has left her old personality behind. As a Grapearl pilot, she is careful, calm and perceptive, and puts more thought and planning into her actions than Gimmy.

In the epilogue, she is seen alongside Gimmy, not only as commanders of the Grapearl squad, but as the new pilots of Gurren Lagann.

Kiyoh Littner

:anime voices|Rina Satou|Karen Strassman

*Personal Gunmen:

Nihongo|Kiyoh Littner|キヨウ・リットナー|Kiyō Rittonā (born Nihongo|Kiyoh Bachika|キヨウ・バチカ|Kiyō Bachika) is the oldest of Kittan’s younger sisters, and possesses an extremely large bust. In episode six, when fighting her way out of an enemy Gunmen, she is shown to possess good combat ability. She was helping out in Dai-Gurren's control room until episode 13, when she starts aiding in the frontlines, piloting Dayakka's Dayakkaiser Gunmen, which she begins to use when Dayakka begins to command aboard Dai-Gurren.

After the timeskip, we discover that Kiyoh and Dayakka have married, and Kiyoh gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Anne. Anne happens to be the newborn that makes the human population reach one million, and as soon as she is born, the Human Extermination System begins.

In the manga she, Kittan, and her other sisters appear earlier in the story (during Team Gurren's time in Littner Village) and explains to Simon that their home village, Bachika, was destroyed by Viral.

Kinon Bachika

:anime voices|Kana Ueda|Stephanie ShehNihongo|Kinon Bachika|キノン・バチカ|Kinon Bachika is the second oldest of Kittan’s younger sisters. After Team Dai-Gurren’s capture of Dai-Gunzan, she takes up a position within its control tower, monitoring the radar. She seems to be the calmest and smartest member of the Black Siblings.

After the time-skip, she becomes one of Rossiu's main supporters. After Simon offered himself to protect the city using Gurren Lagann, even after being sentenced to death, Kinon volunteered to pilot Gurren and rig herself with bombs inside its cockpit, claiming that she would detonate them, killing her and Simon in the process, in case of him making an attempt to escape. Later, it is revealed that Kinon's resolve to follow Rossiu, despite betraying Simon and ordering his execution, was not only the fruit of her feelings for him, but because she was also witnessing how difficult it was for Rossiu to do it, and the fact that he didn't do it for personal gains, but because the circumstances forced him to it.

After stopping Rossiu from committing suicide with Simon's help, she stays on Earth to aid him on the administration of Kamina City, while Simon and rest of Team Dai-Gurren head off to face the Anti-Spirals.

Kiyal Bachika

:anime voices|Kana Asumi|Gina Bowes

*Personal Gunmen:

Nihongo|Kiyal Bachika|キヤル・バチカ|Kiyaru Bachika is the youngest of the Black Siblings. Just like Kiyoh, she was helping out in Dai-Gurren's control room until episode 13, when she starts aiding in the frontlines piloting a customized Gunmen, Kiyalunga (named after herself), which can transform into a shield and lance that are wielded by Kittan's Gunmen, King Kittan.

After the time skip, she lives with Dayakka and Kiyoh, childishly criticizing Rossiu's actions against Simon. She was originally voiced in the English ADV Dub by Kira Vincent-Davis.

Old Coco

:anime voices|Nobuyuki Hiyama Nihongo|Old Coco|ココ爺|Koko-jii is a mysterious, silent old man who leads Team Gurren to the hot springs resort in episode six. Although he tricks the group into entering the Beastmen's trap, he helps Kamina later on by letting him onto the Beastmen Gunmen. He then gets caught up with Team Dai-Gurren, and now follows it around, although nobody seems to notice him. He seems to be incredibly hard to notice, to the point of saving Nia in episode eleven, and disappearing again before anyone realises he is gone. The timeskip reveals that he is in fact a Beastmen who was in charge of taking care of Nia, and continued to do so after she was no longer the princess of Teppelin.

Old Coco's voice is only heard once in the last episode, when he greets Nia after she returns home, and gives her the wedding dress he made.

Zorthy Kanai

:anime voices|Takafumi Kawakami|Dan Woren

*Personal Gunmen:

Nihongo|Zorthy Kanai|ゾーシィ・カナイ|Zōshī Kanai appears at the end of episode seven as a new addition to Team Dai-Gurren. His most recognisable quality is his smoking habit, which is unique to every other character in the series. The name of his Gunmen is the Sozoshin. Zorthy is killed during the first deep space battle versus the Anti-Spirals.

Iraak Coega

:anime voices|Daisuke Kirii|Doug Erholtz

*Personal Gunmen:

Nihongo|Iraak Coega|アイラック・コイーガ|Airakku Koīga is a member of Team Dai-Gurren. He pilots a Gunmen that serves Yoko as a mobile rifle platform. Together, they assaulted Dai-Gunzan with the rest of the Team Gurren. The name of his Gunmen is Ainzer. Iraak is killed during the first deep space battle versus the Anti-Spirals, after he and Kid attempted to avenge Zorthy.

Kid Coega

:anime voices|Takashi Kondo|Cutter Garcia

*Personal Gunmen:
**Kidd Knuckle

Nihongo|Kid Coega|キッド・コイーガ|Kiddo Koīga is another new member of Team Dai-Gurren. His Gunmen utilizes two pistols to attack enemies, the Kid Knuckle. Kid is killed during the first deep space battle versus the Anti-Spirals, when he and Iraak attempt to avenge Zorthy's death.

Kid's post-timeskip design bears a striking resemblance to Lupin III.

Jorgun and Balinbow Bakusa

Balinbow:anime voices|Kouzou Douzaka|Tony Oliver
Jorgun:anime voices|Go Shinomiya|Paul St. Peter

*Personal Gunmen:
**Twin Boukun

Nihongo|Jorgun Bakusa|ジョーガン・バクサ|Jōgan Bakusa and Nihongo|Balinbow Bakusa|バリンボー・バクサ|Barinbō Bakusa are the towering, twin brothers of Team Dai-Gurren, piloting the two-faced Gunmen, Twin Boukun. The two are always hyped and normally speak in manly grunts and monosyllabic phrases. They sport differently coloured sunglasses, which can be used to tell one brother from the other -- Jorgun wears red shades, while Balinbow sports blue ones. After the timeskip, the two were appointed Directors of the Public Affairs Department, in which they were responsible for the human population count. Jorgun and Balinbow are killed in the first deep space battle versus the Anti-Spirals, after saving Gimmy and Darry's lives.


:anime voices|Katsuyuki Konishi|Keith Silverstein

*Personal Gunmen:

Nihongo|Makken|カットン・ヒール|Makken is a fairly silent man who is an important part of Team Dai-Gurren, but has rarely spoken or gotten much screen time whatsoever. He has his own Gunmen, Moshogun, which is based on an ancient samurai.

After the timeskip, Makken is married to Leite with three children. Sadly, he is killed in the first deep space battle versus the Anti-Spirals, after sacrificing himself to stop a large Anti-Spiral missile from destroying the Chouginga Dai-Gurren.

Makken has the same voice actor as Kamina, though he is credited as "Leo Kaminaga." Leo Kaminaga, when written in hiragana, is an anagram for "ore ga Kamina," or "I am Kamina."

Attenborough Cortitch

:anime voices|Daisuke Kirii|Derek Stephen PrinceNihongo|Attenborough Cortitch|アーテンボロー・コアチッチ|Ātenborō Koachicchi is a hyperactive, impulsive, trigger-happy man, who is the gunner of Dai-Gurren's control team. He tends to fire at enemies or move Dai-Gurren without warning. After the timeskip, he joins Leeron's science team and still appears to have his hyperactive nature. After Team Dai-Gurren moved to Chouginga Dai-Gurren, he assumed the same position he had before at the weapons control. Curiously, this trait became one of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann's attacks.

Tetsukan Littner

:anime voices|Takahiro Mizushima|Tony OliverNihongo|Tetsukan Littner|テツカン・リットナー|Tetsukan Rittonā is a member of the control team for Dai-Gurren. He is in charge of monitoring the condition of the ship. After the timeskip, he becomes a part of Leeron's science team. Also due to being attracted to the fast-food restaurants that were built in the new city he became obese. In the "alternate universe" scenes in Episode 26, Tetsukan is seen sleeping in a bed with Cybela, implying that the two are involved in a relationship, or that one (or both) of them desire to be. In the epilogue, he is seen working under Viral's command alongside Cybela.

Gabal Docker

Nihongo|Gabal Docker|ガバル・ドッカー|Gabaru Dokkā is Team Dai-Gurren's helmsman, in charge of Dai-Gurren's steering and maneuvering.

Leite Jokin

Nihongo|Leite Jokin|レイテ・ジョーキン|Reite Jōkin is the chief engineer of Team Dai-Gurren and Leeron's direct subordinate. She is a skilled and ingenious mechanic, an ideal work partner for the naturally gifted Leeron. Her central duties revolve around maintaining Dai-Gurren's spiral engine, which appears less technologically sophisticated in Fortress-class Gunmen thus requiring additional fuel beyond spiral energy [Gainax (2007). "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann" anime, Episode 14. Shot of objects being shuffled into the engine.] . Her personal trademarks are her lab coat and a piece of straw she holds in her mouth.

In Part III, Leite's role in the story is expanded from a virtual background character to an important member of the supporting cast. She is married to Makken, who she affectionately calls "Oto-chan" or "Daddy", and the two have three children. Leite and Makken operate a small business servicing mechanical equipment and automotive vehicles, though on occasion they get contracts to develop weapons from the New Government. She and Makken have great faith in Simon and his capacity as a decision maker; their loyalty to him urges them to resist Rossiu by rebuilding the scrapped Gunmen of Team Dai-Gurren, refitting them with spiral weaponry capable of damaging Mugann [Gainax (2007). "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann" anime, Episode 20. "We developed this barrier bullet from a government contract".] [Gainax (2007). "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann" anime, Episode 20. "We repaired 'em.".] . Leite also refits Gurren Lagann's power pack to allow it to reach escape velocity, but opts out of the Battle of Earth to stay with her children on the surface [Gainax (2007). "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann" anime, Episode 22.] . When Team Dai-Gurren is reformed, she assumes her old post as engineer of the gang's flagship, the Chouginga Dai-Gurren. She eventually ends up as one of the fourteen pilots of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann, battling Grand Zamboa to both avenge Makken's death at the hands of Anti-Spiral Kantai and for the freedom of the entire galaxy.

In Anti-Spiral's parallel world illusion, her desired job appears to be an elementary school teacher, together with Lordgenome as principal.



Most of Team Dai-Gurren have become part of the government, mostly as heads of departments managing the city, or parts of the military. However, there are some new characters not seen before the timeskip, mainly found in Rossiu's Intelligence team.

Guinble Kaito

Nihongo|Guinble Kaito|ギンブレー・カイト|Ginburē Kaito, along with Kinon, seems to be one of the more important members of Rossiu's intelligence team. He and Kinon often accompany Rossiu, and stayed with him on Earth to watch out for the city while the rest of Team Dai-Gurren headed into space for their final battle against the Anti-Spirals.

Cybela Kuto

Nihongo|Cybela Kuto|シベラ・クトー|Shibera Kutō is mainly seen at a computer, where she can communicate with Grapearls or do analyzation tasks. Later, she joins Team Dai-Gurren, assuming a position at Chouginga Dai-Gurren's bridge. In the epilogue, she is seen still working there, now under Viral's command. Her name is an anagram of "shirabe", which means "to search".


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