

Hidenets is a research project funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme to develop ways to increase resilience of distributed applications and mobility-aware services.

External links

* [http://www.hidenets.aau.dk Project site]
* [http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=PROJ_IST&ACTION=D&DOC=41&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=1176729735113&RCN=79303 IST Project Fact Sheet]

Hidenets - Highly Dependable IP-based Networks and Services - is a research project funded by the European Commission under the framework 6 programme (FP6).The aim of HIDENETS is to develop and analyze end-to-end resilience solutions for distributed applications and mobility-aware services in ubiquitous communication scenarios. Technical solutions will be developed for applications with critical dependability requirements in the context of selected use-cases of ad-hoc car-to-car communication with infrastructure service support. The HIDENETS solutions are essential for the deployment of future business-critical applications: the use of off-the-shelf components and wireless communication links will dramatically decrease the costs of market entry and hence make such ubiquitous scenarios commercially feasible. However, these components and communication links are inherently unreliable, and therefore end-to-end system-level resilience solutions addressing both accidental and malicious faults must be developed. Analysis and validation of these solutions will be performed via analytic/simulation models, and via an experimental proof-of-concept prototype.The HIDENETS solutions are expected to contribute to a user perception of trustworthiness of future wireless services, as this perception is strongly impacted by availability and resilience aspects. Such perception is critical for the technical and business success of these services. The solution development and analysis require a holistic approach combining aspects of communications, middleware, service deployment and access. Hence the research work combines forces from the engineering community and from leading research teams on resilient distributed systems: Aalborg University (Aalborg, Denmark), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest, Hungary), Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal), Universita Degli Studi di Firenze (Florence, Italy), LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France), Twente Institute for Wireless and Mobile Communications (Enschede, Netherlands), Carmeq GmbH (Berlin, Germany), Fujitsu Siemens Computers (Munich, Germany), Telenor (Fornebu, Norway).The eventual results will show how resilience solutions for new mobility-aware distributed applications with critical dependability requirements can be designed, implemented, evaluated and applied in open communication infrastructures.The Hidenets project has started in January 2006 with a detailed use case and requirements analysis. In the mean-time, all work packages are active and work on a dependability reference architecture, the identification of dependability services, methods and tools for the development and analysis of applications in the mobile domain and the infrastructure domain, the development of a prototype to validate the developed concepts, and the dissemination of Hidenets concepts and results. More details on the projects, ongoing work and publications can be found under Hidenets project web site

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