List of state leaders in 1052

List of state leaders in 1052

1051 state leaders - Events of 1052 - 1053 state leaders - State leaders by year -----


*Fatimid Caliphate - unicode|Abū Tamīm Ma'add al-Mustanṣir bi-llāh, Caliph (1036-1094)
*Hammadids - Buluggin ibn Muhammad (1046-1062)
*Ifriqiya (Zirid) - Al-Muizz ibn Badis (1016-1062)
*Wagadou (Ghana Empire) - Bassi, Ghana of Wagadou Empire (1040-1062)



*Byzantine Empire - Constantine IX Monomachos (Κωνσταντίνος Θ' ο Μονομάχος) Byzantine Emperor (1042 - 1055)
*Caliphate (Abbasid) - Al-Qa'im, Caliph in Baghdad (1031-1075)
*China (Northern Song Dynasty) - Renzong, Emperor of Song China (1022-1063)
*Ghaznavid Empire - "Vacant" (1050-1053)
*Japan -
**Monarch - Emperor Go-Reizei, Emperor of Japan (1045-1068)
**Regent (Kampaku) - Fujiwara no Yorimichi, Kampaku (1020-1068); Sessho (1017-1020)
*Khitan Empire - Xingzong, Khitan Emperor (1031-1055)
*Khmer Empire - Udayadityavarman II (1050-1066)
*Korea (Goryeo Dynasty) - Munjong, King of Goryeo (1046-1083)
*Seljuk Turks - Torül (1037-1063)
*Western Xia - Yizong, Emperor of Western Xia (1048-1067)


*Aragon - Ramiro I, King of Aragon (1035-1063)
*Barcelona - Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona (1035-1076)
*Byzantine Empire - Constantine IX Monomachos (Κωνσταντίνος Θ' ο Μονομάχος) Byzantine Emperor (1042 - 1055)
*Castile - Ferdinand I the Great, King of Castile (1035-1065)
*Croatia - Stjepan, King of Croatia (1030-1058)
*Denmark - Sweyn Estridson, King of Denmark (1047-1076)
*England - Edward III the Confessor, King of England (1042-1066)
*France - Henry I, King of France (1031-1060)
**Angouleme - Fulk, Count of Angouleme (1048-1089)
**Anjou - Geoffrey II Martel, Count of Anjou (1040-1060)
**Aquitaine - William VII, Duke of Aquitaine (1039-1058)
**Auvergne - William V, Count of Auvergne (1032-1064)
**Blois&Champagne - Theobald III(I), Count of Blois (1037-1089) Count of Champagne (1037-1089)
**Boulogne - Eustace II, Count of Boulogne (1049-1093)
**Brittany - Conan II of Rennes, Duke of Brittany (1040-1066)
**Burgundy (duchy) - Robert I, Duke of Burgundy (1032-1076)
**Flanders - Baldwin V, Count of Flanders (1037-1067)
**Normandy - William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy (1035-1087)
**Toulouse - Pons of Toulouse, Count of Toulouse (1037- c. 1061)
*Georgia - Bagrat IV, King of Georgia (1027-1072)
*Holy Roman Empire - Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (1039-1056)
**Austria - Adalbert Margrave of Austria (1018-1055)
**Barrois - Sophie of Bar, Countess of Bar (1033-1092)
**Bavaria - Conrad I, Duke of Bavaria (1049-1053)
**Bohemia - Bretislav I, Duke of Bohemia (1035-1055)
**Burgundy (county) - Renaud I, count of Burgundy (1026-1057)
**Carinthia - Welf, Duke of Carinthia (1047-1055)
**Lower Lorraine - Frederick of Luxembourg, Duke of Lower Lorraine (1046-1065)
***West Friesland - Floris I, Count of West Friesland (10491061)
**Upper Lorraine - Gerhard, Duke of Upper Lorrain (1048-1070)
**Palatinate - Heinrich I, Count Palatine of Lotharingia (1045-1061)
**Provence - Geoffroi I, Count of Provence (1032-1062)
**Savoy - Amadeus I, Count of Savoy (c.1048- c. 1056)
**Saxony - Bernard II, Duke of Saxony (1011-1059)
**Swabia - Otto III, Duke of Swabia (1048-1057)
*Holy See - Leo IX, Pope (1049-1054)
*Hungary - Andrew, King of Hungary (1047-1061)
*Ireland - Donnchad Ua Briain, High King of Ireland (1024-1064)
*Kyivan Rus' - Yaroslav I the Wise, ruler of Kyivan Rus' (10191054)
*León - Ferdinand I the Great, King of León (1037-1065)
*Navarre - Garcia V, King of Navarre (1035-1054)
*Norway - Harald Hardråde, King of Norway (1046-1066)
* Poland - Casimir I, Duke of Poland (1039-1058)
*Scotland - Macbeth, King of Scotland (1040-1057)
*Sweden - Emund, King of Sweden (1050-1060)
*Venice - Domenico Contarini, Doge of Venice (1043-1071)
*Wales (List of rulers of Wales)
**Deheubarth - Gruffydd ap Rhydderch, Prince of Deheubarth (1047-1055)
**Glywysing - Gruffydd ap Rhydderch (1033-1055)
**Gwent - Meurig ap Hywel & Cadwgan ap Meurig (1045-1055 & 1045-1074)
**Gwynedd - Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, Prince of Gwynedd (1033-1063)

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