Great Australian Bight Marine Park
- Great Australian Bight Marine Park
area = 438.69 km²
established = 1995
visitation_num =
visitation_year =
managing_authorities = Department for Environment and Heritage
official_site = [ Great Australian Bight Marine Park]
Great Australian Bight is a marine national park in South Australia and in Western Australia, 918 km west of Adelaide.
ee also
* Protected areas of Australia
* Great Australian Bight Marine Park (Commonwealth waters)
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Great Australian Bight Marine Park — Der Great Australian Bight Marine Park ist ein Meeresschutzgebiet, das sich an der Küste von South Australia befindet und 918 Kilometer westlich von Adelaide liegt. Das 21.500 km²[1] große und 1995 gegründete Schutzgebiet beginnt … Deutsch Wikipedia
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